Build input file cannot be found: '/Users/xxx/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
- A:
X-Code 11.4 [File]->[Worksapce Settings]->[Per-User Workspace Settings]->build System 选择 Legacy Build System
directory not found for option '-L-L/Users/xxx/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Questionaire-grokfqiwdinmzodhwhvfuwgopznz/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/CocoaAsyncSocket
'React/RCTBridgeDelegate.h' file not found
出现在React-native 0.60.0以后版本
- 解决方案
- Install Cocoa Pods
sudo gem install cocoapods
- In your Project Folder
cd ios && pod install
Q4: React-native打包android后出现莫名的启动闪退现象
A: 根据报错信息定位问题
- 将android手机连接到pc,打开usb调试模式
adb logcat --buffer=crash
no non-static method "facebook/react/bridge/ReactCallback incrementPendingJSCalls”
大概定位为运行时缺少了brdige的一个方法,原因是混淆器混淆后找不到方法了,可以将ReactCallBack类加入proguard-rules.pro, 缺少哪个增加哪个
-keep class com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactCallback { *; }
Q: CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist
A: File -> WorkSpace settings -> Advanced - > Custome -> Relative to Workspace -> Products和Intermediates前添加build.
Q5: CFBundleIdentifier, Does Not Exist
A: 终极方案
Q6: "/Users/**/ios/**/**.entitlements"
could not be opened
The file
could not be opened. Verify the value of the CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS build setting for target "csyplus" is correct and that the file exists on disk.
A: 将Code signing Evtitlements置空