插画师 Ovadia Benishu 访谈

By Ayushi Shah 作者: ayushi Shah

I think it’s a personality thing. Some people can’t stay stationary or have a defined style, but I’m interested – to quote the great Morpheus – on seeing how deep the rabbit hole goes.

我觉得这是个性问题。 有些人无法坚持一个固定的风格,但我有兴趣看看兔子洞有多深——引用伟大的墨菲斯的话。

Ovadia Benishu

For someone who spends the better part of his life working on illustrations and graphic novels, Tel Aviv based illustrator, Ovadia Benishu, had surprisingly little exposure to comics and graphic books as a child. His large family is full of lawyers, army officers and government employees, and during his childhood, it was up to him to explore his artistic side. All he knew was that he loved doodling and was drawn to the ‘complicated and extreme’. It was then that he turned to television where everything was interesting to investigate and draw. His early inspiration stemmed from animated shows like Batman, Tintin, The Maxx, Ran & Stimpy and Mighty Max.

特拉维夫的插画家 Ovadia Benishu 在孩提时代很少接触漫画和图画书,对于那些花费大部分时间在插图和图画小说上的人来说,这是一个令人惊讶的现象。 他的大家庭里都是律师、军官和政府雇员,在他的童年时代,他只能靠自己来开发自己的艺术天赋。 他所知道的就是他喜欢涂鸦,并且被“复杂和极端”的东西所吸引。 就在那时,他开始对电视感兴趣,电视里的一切都是那么有趣,吸引他去探寻和绘画。 他早期的灵感来源于动画片,比如蝙蝠侠,丁丁历险记,The Maxx(深渊领主),Ran & Stimpy(龙兄鼠弟) 和 Mighty Max(万能的麦斯)。

After he moved from the coffee-smelling streets of his hometown in Beit-Shemesh to the hyperactive city of Tel Aviv, the city’s seemingly ordinary life stories provided him with endless inspiration. We talk to Ovadia about how he fell in love with comics, his inspirations through the years, and why things will be alright as long as he keeps drawing, among many other things.

从他的家乡 以色列贝特谢梅什 散发着咖啡香味的街道搬到极度活跃的特拉维夫后,这座城市看似平凡的生活故事给了他无穷无尽的灵感。 我们和 Ovadia 谈论他是如何爱上漫画的,这些年来他的灵感来源,以及为什么只要他继续画画,一切都会好起来,还有很多其他的事情。

Could you tell us about your growing up years?


I was born in a small town near Jerusalem called Beit-Shemesh, as the fourth child out of five. My mother worked at a government office and my father at a coffee bean factory, which was quite close to our house. As a kid running through the neighborhood, I remember smelling the coffee beans after they would be infused and cooked. It was a gentle smell but something I can still remember clearly.

我出生在耶路撒冷附近的一个叫 贝特谢梅什(Beit-Shemesh) 的小镇,是五个孩子中的第四个。 我母亲在政府部门工作,我父亲在一家咖啡豆工厂工作,那家工厂离我们家很近。 当我还是个孩子的时候,我在附近跑来跑去,我记得闻到了咖啡豆加入咖啡豆然后煮熟之后的味道。 这是一种温和的气味,我记忆犹新。

It’s great growing up in a big family, especially when you’re almost the youngest. As a kid, I remember looking up to my older siblings and learning different things from each one. My older brother, for example, taught me about music, especially classic rock. My sisters were more independent – one was an army officer and the other very good with politics around the school, and she’s a lawyer now (laughs). My youngest sister, who was born last after most of us had grown up, was greatly pampered.

在一个大家庭中长大是件好事,尤其是当你几乎是家里最小的孩子的时候。 当我还是个孩子的时候,我记得我尊敬我的哥哥姐姐,并且从他们每个人身上学到了不同的东西。 例如,我的哥哥教我音乐,尤其是古典摇滚。 我的姐妹们更加独立——一个是军官,另一个对学校里的政治很在行,她现在是一名律师(笑)。 我最小的妹妹是我们大多数人长大后很久才出生的,所以她被宠坏了。

And what were some of the creative influences while you were growing up?


To be honest, my house wasn’t that rich in culture. My parents were busy working and would leave everything related to exposure to school, so it was on me to figure things out that weren’t in the mainstream culture.

老实说,我的房子没有那么丰富的文化。 我的父母忙于工作,把所有与学校有关的东西都留在家里,所以我必须自己去收集那些不属于主流文化的东西。

During the early days of my youth, my influences revolved around everything. Growing up, I gravitated towards everything complicated and extreme and as a doodler, I remember being all over the place in terms of the actual content or influences. I didn’t own a lot of comics or even books in general, so most of the things I liked came from animated shows like Batman, Tintin (I thought the backgrounds were especially awesome), The Maxx, Ran & Stimpy and Mighty Max, which later came up with very cool toys. Everything about the shows was really interesting to investigate and draw.

在我年幼的时候,周围的一切都对我有影响。 在成长过程中,我被各种复杂和极端的东西所吸引,作为一个涂鸦者,我记得自己到处都是实际的内容或影响。 总的来说,我的漫画或书很少,所以我喜欢的大部分东西都来自动画片,比如蝙蝠侠、丁丁历险记(我觉得背景特别棒)、麦克斯、 Ran & Stimpy 和万能的麦斯,后来这些动画片制作出了非常酷的玩具。 这些节目的每一个细节都非常有趣,值得我们去研究和绘画。

With time, I started realising how interesting compilations that exist around me were, and I think that’s where I started to draw from life. Eventually, I bought a sketchbook and drew whatever I could – specific human postures, stuff around the house, and many other things. But I still have have warm memories of pop culture from the 90s and early 2000s.

随着时间的推移,我开始意识到我周围存在的一切是多么有趣,从那时起我开始从生活中汲取素材。 最后,我买了一个速写本,尽我所能地画出人的姿势,房子周围的东西,还有许多其他的东西。 但是我仍然对 90 年代和 21 世纪初的流行文化有着温暖的记忆。

Shesh-besh 乐队

27 Club, Liberal Editorial 

When did you start inclining towards design/illustration?

你什么时候开始喜欢设计 / 插画的?

I think it was somewhere around middle school that I heard about illustration, and that you could actually get paid for drawing pictures. I took comfort in the idea that I had found what I wanted to do, and all I had to do was keep drawing. Things were obviously a bit more complicated than that, but I’m glad I still have that notion. It’s a tough job, both mentally and physically, to keep drawing and barely see any progress. My goal was to get better at this, because the thought of doing something I didn’t like was quite scary.

我想大概是在中学的某个时候,我第一次听说了插画,才知道原来可以通过画画得到报酬。 我找到了自己想做的事情,我只要不断画画就行,这让我感到很欣慰。 事情当然比那要复杂一些,但是我很高兴我仍然不改初心。 这是一项艰苦的工作,无论是精神上还是身体上,坚持画画,几乎看不到任何进展。 但我的目标是在这个领域做得更好,因为一想到要做一些我不喜欢的事情,就会感到非常害怕。

In Israel, you have to contribute three years to the military at the age of 18. So when I joined the army in 2009, it was a hurdle. To continue drawing while I worked all day in strange places, I had to get creative and come up with ideas like hiding my sketchbook in my vest, drawing late at night, etc. It probably sounds romantic now, but it wasn’t very fun then.

在以色列,你在18岁的时候必须要服三年兵役。 所以当我 2009 年参军的时候,是一个很难熬的挑战。 当我在陌生的地方工作一整天的时候,为了继续画画,我不得不发挥创造力,想出一些点子,比如把速写本藏在背心里,在深夜画画等等。 现在听起来可能很浪漫,但当时并不是很有趣。

How was your experience at Shenkar College? 


The experience at Shenkar College was interesting to say the least. It was a four year bootcamp that definitely shaped me into becoming what I am today. The most important thing I learned there is the attitude towards the profession as well as other designers. I learned about being kind to people, staying humble when you ace a task or even when you fail it, knowing when to help a mate out, and not be ashamed to admit when you’re struggling – these skills were not only useful in class but also as a human being.

申卡尔学院的经历至少可以说很有趣。 这是一个四年的训练营,它把我塑造成了今天的我。 我从中学到的最重要的事情是对待插画师这个职业以及其他设计师的态度。 我学会了善待他人,在任务完成或失败时保持谦逊,知道何时帮助同伴,在困难时不羞于承认——这些技能不仅在课堂上有用,对人际交往也有用。

I also learned the importance of hierarchy in illustration and knowing how to alternate your message in layers. What the viewer will see and understand first and last is among the most important tools I like to play with.


How were your initial years after you passed out of college? Did you instantly know you wanted to work independently?

你大学毕业后的最初几年怎么样? 你是否刚毕业的时候就想要独立工作?

I always knew I wanted to be independent. I think most illustrators do, because when you grow up in a room drawing most of your days away, it does something to your habits as a creator. Moreover, the job itself tends to be quite varied and you never know what the next day is going to be like. That, for me, means freedom but like with everything good in life, it comes with a price – warning: big words ahead – financial uncertainty, strange schedules and self-discipline (laughs).

我一直都知道我想要独立。 我想大多数插画家都会这么做,因为当你在一个房间里长大,大部分时间都在画画,这对你作为一个创作者的习惯有所影响。 此外,工作本身往往是相当多样化的,你永远不知道第二天会是什么样子。 对我来说,这意味着自由,但就像生活中所有美好的事物一样,它也有相应的代价——前方大标题警告 ——收入不稳定、不规律的时间表和自律(笑)。

After graduation, I didn’t have a lot of problem getting work because I took up almost anything I got offered. Looking back, it was a good idea because now I know more clearly what I like and what I don’t.

毕业后,我找工作没什么问题,因为我几乎接受了所有我能得到的工作机会。 回顾过去,这是一个好主意,因为现在我更清楚地知道自己喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。

How does the city of Tel Aviv inspire you personally and your work? 


Moving to Tel Aviv was a whole new experience for me because it was so different from the city I grew up in. The wide fields and long neighborhood got replaced with dense buildings and people basically living on top of each other. I currently live in a medium-sized apartment with my girlfriend, Roni, and we have a medium size dog named Emil.

搬到特拉维夫对我来说是全新的体验,因为它与我成长的城市如此不同。 广阔的田野和漫长的街区被密集的建筑物所取代,人们基本上生活在楼房里。 我现在和我的女朋友罗妮住在一个中等大小的公寓里,我们有一只中等大小的狗,名字叫埃米尔。

Initially, I was indifferent about the whole urban life but slowly I started to notice its beauty. I really like small human situations, and Tel Aviv has many of them. For example, a few days ago I was in a meeting at a coffee shop, and there was a mother and a small child sitting right across us. The mother ordered a glass of orange juice for the kid and when the waitress brought it to the table, she forgot the straw. As the child was very eager to drink the juice, the mother placed it carefully under his mouth while trying to reach another empty table behind her for a clean straw. It was a Hitchcock-like suspense situation, watching the kid almost dropping the cup while the mother stretched her hand to the other table hoping she’ll get the straw before any accident occurs. The whole thing lasted only for about three seconds but finally, the kid got his straw all safe and sound. It’s kind of a long story but it gets my point across.

起初,我对整个城市生活漠不关心,但慢慢地,我开始注意到它的美丽。 我真的很喜欢小人物的生活细节,特拉维夫有很多这样的情况。 例如,几天前,我在一家咖啡店开会,有一位母亲和一个小孩坐在我们对面。 母亲给孩子点了一杯橙汁,当女服务员把橙汁拿到桌子上时,她忘了拿吸管。 由于孩子非常想要喝果汁,母亲小心地把果汁放在他的嘴下,同时试图去够她身后另一张空桌子上的干净吸管。 这是一个希区柯克式的悬疑情节,看着孩子差点把杯子掉到地上,而母亲把手伸向另一张桌子,希望能在事故发生前拿到吸管。 整个过程只持续了大约三秒钟,但是最后,这个孩子安然无恙地拿到了吸管。 这是一个很长的故事,但它很好地阐述了我的观点。

Civil Kiosk, Brochure illustration for Hapinkas Magazine

民用亭,Hapinkas 杂志插图册页

Central Station 中央车站

In Israel, you have to contribute three years to the military at the age of 18. So when I joined the army in 2009, it was a hurdle. To continue drawing while I worked all day in strange places, I had to become creative and come up with ideas like hiding my sketchbook in my vest, drawing late at night, etc. It probably sounds romantic now, but it wasn’t very fun then.

在以色列,你在18岁的时候需要服三年兵役。 所以当我2009年参军的时候,这对我是一个挑战。 当我在陌生的地方工作一整天的时候,为了继续画画,我必须变得有创造力,想出一些点子,比如把速写本藏在背心里,在深夜画画等等。 现在听起来可能很浪漫,但当时并不是很有趣。

How important are personal projects for you, and how do you balance between personal and commercial work?


That’s a tough one. I definitely need to have a clearer balance when it comes to personal and commercial work because I tend to give in to whatever interests me the most. It’s not a wise decision, but I believe the more fun you have with a work, the better it will turn out eventually.

这个问题很难回答。 当涉及到个人工作和商业工作时,我确实需要有一个更清晰的平衡,因为我倾向于选择自己最感兴趣的东西。 这不是一个明智的决定,但是我相信你在工作中得到的乐趣越多,最终结果就会越好。

Personal projects are very important to me and currently I’m part of a collective of comics called ‘Humdrum’. We’re working on our fourth comic book together, mainly for festivals and for fun. I also designed some cool animations for director Uri Lotan that will come out next year. I am also working on a personal comic, that’s taking ages to complete. Plus, I still doodle and sketch.

个人项目对我来说非常重要,目前我与人合作一个叫做“单调”的漫画集。 我们正在一起写我们的第四本漫画书,主要是为了节日和娱乐。 我还为导演尤里 · 洛坦设计了一些很酷的动画,明年就会上映。 我还在写一部个人漫画,这需要很长时间才能完成。 另外,我还会涂鸦和素描。

Maagalim Music Video-Concept Art


Could you pick your one personal project and take us through its making – from the concept to execution? 


‘The Shesh-Besh Gang’ was a story I drew for the last Humdrum collective book. It’s a simple, fun story about neighborhood parents that meet up daily and settle their conflicts over a match of Backgammon. The story also compares the gaming style of each player to his personality. The gang I chose to describe are my father’s real friends in his neighborhood.  I remember, while growing up, everyone had a unique nickname and a specific part in the group. I always thought it was an interesting and funny story to draw.

“ Shesh-Besh Gang” 是我为最后一本名叫《无聊》的小说集而写的一个故事。 这是一个简单有趣的故事,关于邻居家的父母,他们每天见面,然后通过对弈西洋双陆棋解决他们之间的冲突。 这个故事也比较了每个玩家的游戏风格和他的个性。 我选择描述的这些人是我父亲真正的邻居朋友。 我记得,在我的成长过程中,每个人都有一个独特的昵称,在这个群体中拥有一个特定的位置。 我一直认为这是一个有趣的故事,很值得去画出来。

In terms of the process, I first gather materials or references, write memories, and sketch random thoughts about the story. Then I take pictures of certain objects and locations where they usually sit – I try to gather as much as possible because I know that the details are a big source of honesty in the story, especially when the story doesn’t contain any words. I continue with rough sketches to figure if the story even works in a picture format, and only after that, I start the actual illustrations. In this case, I drew them digitally, and since the story talks about the different personalities in the group, I tried to make them different and unique in their own right.

在这个过程中,我首先收集材料或参考资料,写下记忆,并勾勒出关于这个故事的随机想法。 然后,我会拍摄某些物体和它们通常所在的位置——我会尽可能多地收集信息,因为我知道细节是故事真实性的重要来源,尤其是当故事中没有任何文字的时候。 我继续用粗略的草图来计算故事是否以图片的形式表现出来,只有在这之后,我才开始实际的插图。 在这种情况下,我用数码技术把他们画出来,因为这个故事讲述的是这个群体中不同的人物,我试图让他们每个人都变得不同,独一无二。

The Shesh-Besh Gang

Which has been your most favorite client project so far?


One project that comes to mind is ‘Post my words’. It’s a series of eight animated illustrations which describe eight stories from different authors. It is about parents who live with disabilities, whether it’s their own or of someone important in their lives. I immediately fell in love with the stories mainly because of the way they have been written. All of them had a positive outlook and some of them even had a unique humorous take. So I took one small detail that made me laugh or was quite interesting and illustrated it.

我想到的一个项目是“张贴我的话”。 这是一个由八个动画插图组成的系列,描述了来自不同作者的八个故事。 它是关于那些与残疾有关的父母,有的是他们自身,有的是他们生活中重要的人。 我立刻爱上了这些故事,主要是因为它们的写作方式。 他们都有一个积极的观点,其中一些人甚至有一种独特的幽默感。 所以我选择了一个让我发笑或者相当有趣的小细节,并加以说明。

Looking back, the combination of the freshness of the work and the heavy narrative of the stories left a sweet taste in my mouth.


Post my words 张贴我的话

What draws you towards creating comics particularly?

For me, a comic is like an illustration but on a timeline, and the only rule is to make sure the message is clear and understandable. The message doesn’t even have to be a verbal one, it can be a strong feeling or a notion. That’s what makes me gravitate towards it the most – it’s an elaborate tool of telling slightly more complicated stories or maybe just making the experience a bit longer.

对我来说,漫画就好比是带着时间维度的插图,唯一的规则就是确保信息清晰易懂。 信息甚至不一定是语言的,它可以是一种强烈的感觉,或一个概念。 这就是为什么我越来越倾向于漫画创作的原因——它是一个精心制作的工具,用来讲述稍微复杂一点的故事,或者只是让体验更长一点。

I experimented a lot with comics when I was at school and instantly fell in love with it. For my final project at Shenkar, I decided to make a wordless comic named ‘Battle Ration’ about my travels from my house to the army base every week. The book eventually got published by the French publication, Warum.

当我还在学校的时候,我尝试了很多漫画创作,并且立刻爱上了它。 为了完成在 申克尔学院 的最后一个项目,我决定制作一个没有文字的漫画,名为《战斗口粮》 ,讲述我每周从家里到陆军基地的旅程。 这本书最终由法国出版社 Warum 出版。

Battle Ration 战斗口粮

In terms of the process, I first gather materials or references, write memories, and sketch random thoughts about the story. Then I take pictures of certain objects and locations where they usually sit – I try to gather as much as possible because I know that the details are a big source of honesty in the story, especially when the story doesn’t contain any words.

在这个过程中,我先收集材料或参考资料,写下与此相关的记忆,并勾勒出关于这个故事的随机想法。 然后,我会拍摄某些物体和它们通常所在的位置——我会尽可能多地收集信息,因为我知道细节是故事真实性的重要来源,尤其是当故事中没有任何文字的时候。

Would you say you have a signature style in your work? If yes, how would you describe it to someone who has never seen your work?

你认为你的作品中有标志性的风格吗? 如果有,你会如何向从未见过你作品的人描述你的风格?

If I could describe my style in a few words, it would be expressive, culture-based and documentary. I like taking information from life and applying a stylistic tone to it, reordering objects, and telling the same story in a different setting.

如果我可以用几句话来描述我的风格,那就是富有表现力的、基于文化的和纪实性的。 我喜欢从生活中获取信息,用一种风格化的基调,重新排序物体,在不同的设定下讲述同样的故事。

However, I would like to explore other worlds, and as I said before – every day is different. Moreover, as much as I love drawing, illustration is disposable for me. My desk and wall barely have any illustrations. I get tired of them after a certain time. Design, by definition, is made to tell a specific idea and the more calibrated it is with itself, the better. It’s different from art where its whole essence is being open to interpretation and where every look should be different. This state of mind led me to this style and to enjoy the process.

不过,我也很愿意探索其他的领域,正如我之前所说的——每一天都是不同的。 尽管我很喜欢绘画,但插画对我来说是“用后即弃的”。 我的书桌和墙上几乎没有任何插画。 因为过了一段时间后,我就厌倦了它们。 根据定义,设计的目的是为了叙述一个特定的想法,因此它自身越标准化就越好。 它不同于艺术,艺术的整个本质是开放的,每一个看起来都应该是不一样的。 这种精神状态使我形成了这种风格,并享受了这个过程。

What are the things in music/books/television/films etc. that really inspire you?

在音乐 / 书籍 / 电视 / 电影之中有哪些东西真正激励了你?

I’m always in search of cool stories. I think most people can relate to this – people like stories!

我总是在寻找很酷的故事。 我想大多数人都能理解这一点——人们喜欢故事!

It all depends on how you tell a story, and usually the alternative culture presents a story in the most intriguing way. I like the fact that sometimes you need to be patient in order to enjoy something and it feels more rewarding afterwards.

这完全取决于你如何讲述一个故事,通常非主流的文化喜欢以最有趣的方式呈现一个故事。 我喜欢这,有时候你需要耐心才能享受某些东西,而且事后会觉得更有价值。 

Though the times are changing. I think it’s cool to see a different take on something familiar and you actually see more of that today, especially with mediums like Netflix and how fluid content has become in the last few years. You see more indie and experimental shows like Love, Death & Robots, strange documentaries on practically everything, even the Coen brothers took a chance with an interesting format (The Ballad of Buster Scruggs).

尽管时代在变化。 我认为看到一些熟悉的东西有了不同的表现是很酷的,而且你今天实际上看到了更多,特别是像 Netflix 这样的媒介,以及流态内容( fluid content )在过去几年的演变。 你会看到更多的独立电视剧和实验电视剧,比如《爱情、死亡与机器人》 ,关于几乎所有事情的奇怪纪录片,甚至科恩兄弟也冒险采用了一种有趣的形式《巴斯特 · 斯克拉格斯的民谣》。

Any artists around the world whose work you look upto?


One of the fun things I like to do is to search for new talents who can refresh the norm, but having said that, I will always have respect for the great artists that have shaped me into who I am today. To name a few across eras: Assaf HanukaJorge GonzálezDavid PolonskiLuke Pearson, Miroslav Sasek, Ori ToorVincent Mahe and many more.

我喜欢的事情之一就是寻找能够刷新常规的艺术新人,但是话虽如此,我仍然会尊重那些把我塑造成今天的我的伟大艺术家们。 举几个跨时代的例子: 阿萨夫 · 哈努卡,豪尔赫 · 冈兹 · 莱兹,大卫 · 波隆斯基,卢克 · 皮尔森,米罗斯拉夫 · 萨塞克,奥利 · 图尔,文森特 · 马赫等等(Assaf HanukaJorge GonzálezDavid PolonskiLuke Pearson, Miroslav Sasek, Ori ToorVincent Mahe and many more)。

How do you feel about social media in context to your work? Has it made life easier or more difficult as an artist, or both?

你如何看待社交媒体与你工作的关系? 作为一个艺术家,它是让生活变得更容易还是更困难,抑或两者兼而有之?

In my opinion, social media is awesome for artists. You get an easier access to art, and it’s a great way to reach new clients. It also has a lot of flaws though which demotivate me from using social media on a daily basis. With bigger platforms like Facebook, your work reaches a tiny portion of your friend list unless you know the exact time to post, and with Instagram, you can’t use links and because it is on your phone, you need to be creative on how you post your work as comics usually tend to be long and illustrations can be large in size.

在我看来,社交媒体对艺术家来说是很棒的。 你可以更容易地接触到艺术,这也是接触新客户的好方法。 虽然它也有很多缺陷,让我在日常生活中使用社交媒体时失去了动力。 在 Facebook 这样更大的平台上,你的作品只能到达你朋友列表中的一小部分,除非你精心规划好发布的时间; 在 Instagram 上,你不能使用链接,因为它在你的手机上,你需要有创意地发布你的作品,因为漫画通常很长,插图可以很大。

I’m not big on sharing everyday activities, but I know that social media presence is important because that’s how people are sharing and communicating today. I’m trying to make my presence a bit more professional.

我不太喜欢分享日常活动,但我知道社交媒体的存在很重要,因为这就是今天人们分享和交流的方式。 只是我想让我的表现更专业一点。


For the first time ever, we also opened up the (Instagram) floor for our readers to ask Ovadia a few questions, and as promised, they are now a part of our interview:

有史以来第一次,我们也开放了(Instagram)平台,让我们的读者问 Ovadia 一些问题,正如承诺的那样,这些问题现在是我们采访的一部分:

Where do you draw the line between your own artistic calling and what the client wants when working on commercial projects?


As a designer, I believe that every idea, no matter how silly or cliché, can work and be wonderful. It is only a matter of persistence. Whether it is a commercial project or a personal one, it always feels like something is standing in the way of great work – sometimes, it’s the client and sometimes, just your own mind. I’m convinced that everything in this world has an honest core to it which can turn into a cool work.

作为一个设计师,我相信每一个想法,无论多么愚蠢或陈词滥调,都可以合作和变得精彩——只要你坚持不懈。 无论是一个商业项目还是个人项目,总是有一些东西阻碍了伟大作品的诞生——有时候是客户,有时候只是你自己的想法。 我相信这个世界上的一切都有一个真诚的核心,它可以变成一个很酷的作品。

The tricky part is to realize that you require more dedication, especially when the initial idea is overused. For example, if the client wants a clichéd sunset with a flock of seagulls above it because he thinks it would be a good shampoo poster, it’s up to you to find an original twist to make this image clever and better. I usually advise the client about what will work best, but as a principle, everything is possible.

棘手的部分是意识到你需要更多的投入,特别是当最初的想法已经被滥用的时候。 例如,如果客户想要一个陈词滥调的日落,上面有一群海鸥,因为他认为这将是一个好的洗发水海报,你需要对这个最初的想法做一个巧妙的调整,使这个画面更聪明和更好。 我通常会建议客户什么是最好的,但最终的原则是,一切皆有可能。

Question submitted by @sekhrajka_r.

提问:@sekhrajka r。

What does a typical work day look like for you?


I actively try to hold on to a routine as much as I can, especially because I work from home. The occasional deadline can destroy it, but on most days, I wake up around 8-9 AM (depending on my dog), make a warm decaf Chicoree drink, sketch for a little bit, and then start working. I like using the earliest time of the day for the toughest tasks, which is usually the “finding the idea” phase. Like most people today, I too listen to podcasts on a daily basis. Nothing fancy or super niche, but if I could recommend a recent great one I found, it would be ‘Everything is Alive’. It’s a non-scripted interview with a still object usually from everyday life, and one quote I can’t forget is from when Ana – the Elevator asked the interviewer “What, there is no weight limit outside?”

我积极地尝试尽可能保持一个有规律的生活,特别是因为我在家工作。 虽然有时候截稿日期可能会毁了它,但在大多数日子里,我在早上8-9点左右醒来(取决于我的狗) ,做一杯脱咖啡因的菊苣热饮,画一小会儿草图,然后开始工作。 我喜欢把一天中最早的时间用于最艰难的任务,这通常是“找到想法”阶段。 像今天的大多数人一样,我也每天听播客。 没有什么特别或者超级小众的东西,但是如果我可以推荐我最近发现的一个很棒的,那就是‘ Everything is Alive’。 这是一个没有脚本的采访,通常是日常生活中的一个静止的物体,我不能忘记的一句话是当 Ana-the Elevator 问面试官“什么,外面没有重量限制? ”

I try to stop working around 6-7 pm because I aim towards a balanced work day, so I don’t get obsessive with unsolved ideas or unhealthy habits like scrambling in my sketchbook at 2 am. In the evenings and during the weekends, I love meeting friends, going on long walks with my girlfriend and dog, cooking, and playing tons of video games.

我尽量在下午6点到7点之间停止工作,因为我的目标是一个平衡的工作日,这样我就不会沉迷于未解决的问题或者不健康的习惯,比如凌晨2点在速写本上乱画。 在晚上和周末,我喜欢和朋友们见面,和我的女朋友和狗一起长时间散步,做饭,玩大量的电子游戏。

Ovadia’s workspace


Question submitted by @ashitawaitforitshah.


Who in the industry is your biggest inspiration?


If I don’t consider the classics, mentioned earlier in the main interview, one of my most beloved creators is Tom Gauld. He’s definitely my go-to when I want to laugh and feel good about myself and I (mostly) get his jokes.

如果我不考虑前面主要采访中提到的经典作品,我最喜爱的创作者之一是汤姆 · 高德。 当我想开怀大笑、自我感觉良好的时候,他绝对是我的依靠,而且我(大多数时候)理解他的笑话。

Question submitted by @sekhrajka_r.

提问:@sekhrajka r。

Do you recommend formal training when it comes to designing or one should just learn on the go?


It’s up for discussion, but I think that since formal education tends to stretch for a long period, it gives you enough time to put yourself out there to be criticized, to be a part of a learning community, to reflect on yourself. In a classroom, you’re the center instead of the client. This process is much more difficult when you need to balance professional work with it. I believe in sterile practice, and there is a good reason why when we adopt a puppy, we first teach him to walk inside the house before we take him out to noisy streets.

这是需要讨论的,但是我认为正规教育往往会延伸很长时间,它给了你足够的时间让自己站出来接受批评,成为学习社区的一部分,反思自己。 在教室里,你是中心而不是客户。 当你需要平衡专业工作和它的时候,这个过程就更加困难了。 我相信无菌训练,这就是为什么当我们收养一只小狗的时候,在我们把它带到嘈杂的街道之前,我们首先教它走进屋子里。

But is it possible to learn on the go and succeed? Absolutely! But I think that while you’ll be good on your own, you’ll get even better when you get this sterile time to reflect. The diploma in itself doesn’t really matter that much, only the time.

但是有没有可能边走边学并且成功呢? 当然! 但是我认为当你自己做得很好的时候,当你得到这个枯燥的时间去反思的时候,你会变得更好。 文凭本身并不重要,重要的是时间。

Question submitted by @snehahahaha.


What are the artists/websites you follow for inspiration/ideation?

你在哪些艺术家 / 网站上寻找灵感 / 构思?

Well, today with social media, it’s very versatile. Here are some pages and artists I love: ColossalJuxtapozDesign BoomAlex FarfuriJun CenviaasurfaceWilfrid Wood,Et si rien d’autre n’avait d’importance, and, facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009834552107.

今天的社交媒体,它是多种多样的。 这里有一些我喜欢的网页和艺术家: Colossal,conxpoz,Design Boom,Alex Farfuri,Jun Cen,viaasurface,Wilfrid Wood,Et si d’ autre n’ avait’ d d’ importance,and, facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009834552107。

And of course, the local museum.


Question submitted by @seth_kanishk.

提问者:@seth kanishk。

How do you get inspiration and are you always up for experimenting?


Inspiration is complicated. While witnessing a nice illustration or visiting a cool art show is great, but for me, inspiration isn’t a notion or a single idea, it’s a state of mind. I see a clear line between my mood and inspiration. Contentment from life is what, at the end of the day, will lead to a head filled with ideas and motivation. Realizing this fact about myself has only motivated me to stay positive through life and be as honest as I possibly can. This always makes me feel lighter, especially when I’m around my loved ones.

灵感是复杂的。 观看一幅漂亮的插画或者参观一个很酷的艺术展览固然很棒,但是对我来说,灵感不是一个概念或者一个想法,而是一种心态。 我看到我的心情和灵感之间有一条清晰的界线。 从生活中获得满足感,在一天结束的时候,会让你的头脑充满想法和动力。 意识到这个事实只会激励我在生活中保持积极的态度,尽可能地诚实。 这总是让我感到轻松,特别是当我在我爱的人身边的时候。

I’m not usually up for experimenting, even though trying new things once in a while is a fun exercise. I take more enjoyment from investigating what already exists. I think it’s a personality thing. Some people can’t stay stationary or have a defined style, but I’m interested – to quote the great Morpheus – on seeing how deep the rabbit hole goes.

我通常不喜欢尝试新事物,尽管偶尔尝试一下新事物是一件有趣的事情。 我从调查已经存在的事物中获得了更多的乐趣。 我觉得这是个性问题。 有些人不能保持静止或有一个明确的风格,但我有兴趣——引用伟大的墨菲斯——看看兔子洞有多深。

Question submitted by @udita.bhatt.

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