你不用担心沟通问题,我的英语是在酒店工作的时候学的。来果阿旅行,可以选择一些不为人知的乡间小径。我们这里有52个海滩,这真的是上帝的赐予,在全世界任何一个地方都没有那么好的地方。你准备去的Anjuna Beach旁每周六都有夜市,很多嬉皮士会在那里逛街,你应该要去看一看。
# 回忆我在印度的第一次顺风车经历,遇到非常nice的叔叔,感谢上帝把这么多好人安排到我的身边。也希望有更多的人能亲自去印度,体验这种人与人之间心无距离的快乐。以前去过德国,美国和韩国,没想到回来哭着说舍不得的竟然是印度。我还要再回去很多次,我还要当面和Geroge说句感谢。
Humans in India
# “My name is Geroge, I live in the smallest province GOA. I am a security guard for a five star hotel. You don’t need to worry about my English, I learn how to speak English when I work in my hotel. This is your first time to India, you could try to drive in some small track, very beautiful but hidden places away from travelers. In GOA, we have 52 beaches. This is really a gift from god, you can never find it in any part of the world. The Anjuna beach has a Saturday night market. Lots of Hippies will go shopping there and you can never miss it. It is my pleasure to offer you this ride. If you have any problems, feel free to contact me. I also want to visit China in one day. Here is your Youth Hostel, next to a German Backery and Mango Shake. They are both very popular restaurants in GOA. Now I gotta go back to work. I wish you have a very nice time in GOA, bye. ”
# I have been traveling to some countries in Europe and North America. The life there was good but the distance between people’s hearts is very very far. Surprisingly, India is the first country that made me cry so much. I have never experienced such closeness to people ever again. After the Internet issue, I chose to close my heart. But the people there encourage me to love, to trust and to smile again. I would definitely return back to India, again and again, and tell George that I always remember his friendliness and kind help for a backpacker from China.