{"error":{"code":1007900060,"message":"SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK"}}
SSL handshake with client failed: CA certificate could not be matched with a known, trusted CA (unknown_ca
You may need to configure your browser or application to trust the Charles Root Certificate. See SSL Proxying in the Help menu.
- 将charlse证书下载到本地 Help->SSL Proxying -> Save Root cer
拖到模拟器内,会自动下载到我的手机->下载 - 需要安装调试工具hdc,hdc的路径跟教程里不同,在/Applications/DevEco-Studio.app/Contents/sdk/HarmonyOS-NEXT-DB2/openharmony/toolchains/hdc
- vi ~/.zshrc
##配置hdc 端口
launchctl setenv HDC_SDK_PATH $HDC_SDK_PATH # 仅MacOS需要在此执行,Linux无须执行
- source ~/.zshrc
- 此时调用hdc,会展示
Unknown operation command...
OpenHarmony device connector(HDC) ...
---------------------------------global commands:----------------------------------
-h/help [verbose] - Print hdc help, 'verbose' for more other cmds
-v/version - Print hdc version
-t connectkey - Use device with given connect key
---------------------------------component commands:-------------------------------
session commands(on server):
list targets [-v] - List all devices status, -v for detail
start [-r] - Start server. If with '-r', will be restart server
kill [-r] - Kill server. If with '-r', will be restart server
service commands(on daemon):
target mount - Set /system /vendor partition read-write
target boot [-bootloader|-recovery] - Reboot the device or boot into bootloader\recovery.
target boot [MODE] - Reboot the into MODE.
smode [-r] - Restart daemon with root permissions, '-r' to cancel root
tmode usb - Reboot the device, listening on USB
tmode port [port] - Reboot the device, listening on TCP port
---------------------------------task commands:-------------------------------------
file commands:
file send [option] local remote - Send file to device
file recv [option] remote local - Recv file from device
option is -a|-s|-z
-a: hold target file timestamp
-sync: just update newer file
-z: compress transfer
-m: mode sync
forward commands:
fport localnode remotenode - Forward local traffic to remote device
rport remotenode localnode - Reserve remote traffic to local host
node config name format 'schema:content'
examples are below:
localfilesystem:<unix domain socket name>
localreserved:<unix domain socket name>
localabstract:<unix domain socket name>
dev:<device name>
jdwp:<pid> (remote only)
fport ls - Display forward/reverse tasks
fport rm taskstr - Remove forward/reverse task by taskstring
app commands:
install [-r|-s] src - Send package(s) to device and install them
src examples: single or multiple packages and directories
(.hap .hsp)
-r: replace existing application
-s: install shared bundle for multi-apps
uninstall [-k] [-s] package - Remove application package from device
-k: keep the data and cache directories
-s: remove shared bundle
debug commands:
hilog [-h] - Show device log, -h for detail
shell [COMMAND...] - Run shell command (interactive shell if no command given)
bugreport [FILE] - Return all information from the device, stored in file if FILE is specified
jpid - List pids of processes hosting a JDWP transport
security commands:
keygen FILE - Generate public/private key; key stored in FILE and FILE.pub
- 启动模拟器,本地命令行调用hdc shell aa start -a MainAbility -b com.ohos.certmanager 唤出证书管理 从储存设备中安装->CA证书->继续->我的手机->下载