John聽Savannah說了這麽多之後還是覺得,她還是自己當年喜歡的那個她。而Savannah呢,一邊在為Tim的病情難過,就算有一絲機會也想要去試一下,而且她還和前男友討論这么多丈夫的事情,我覺得對John不公平。Savannah還有Tim, John 還會傾聽她,而John呢,他什麼都沒有了,唯一的親人也剛去世一週而已。
Q1:They spoke of Tim's condition, of skin cancer in general, the specifics of possible alternative treatment.
Q2: In her house. She didn't really want to be alone that night.
Q3:Yes, and they didn't go overboard.
Q4:She was still the woman he'd once fallen in love with.
Q5:Yes, they won't come back the time they first falling love with each other.