Cognitive Science认知科学
Mind meld头脑融合术
how can human thinking be so powerful, yet so shallow? 人类思维何以如此强大却又如此肤浅?
A new book, "The Knowledge illusion" sets out to tackle this apparent paradox: how can human thinking be so powerful, yet so shallow?
新书《知识幻觉》(The Knowledge Illusion)试图解释一个显而易见的矛盾:人类思维何以如此强大却又如此肤浅
Curse of knowledge: people who know something have a hard time imagining someone else who does not.
Illusion of knowledge: people think the know something because others know it.
Yet people often have strong opinions about issues they understand little about. And on social media, surrounded by like-minded friends and followers, opinions are reinforced and become more extreme. It is hard to reason with someone under the illusion that their beliefs are thought through, and simply presenting facts is unlikely to change beliefs when those beliefs are rooted in the values and groupthink of a community.
然而人们常常对知之甚微的议题持有强烈的意见。而在社交媒体上,我们的被思想相近的朋友和粉丝包围,观点因而被进一步强化,变得更为极端。你很难与一个错误地以为自己已经透彻思考过自身观念的人理论,而如果这些观念扎根于一个团体的价值观和集体思维, 只靠摆事实就不大可能改变它。