

 This plugin alters the various aspects of the default battle system, allowing it  to be more streamlined like most modern RPG's and less clunky like older RPG's.  This ranges from choosing what text will appear in the battle log window at the  top and how it will be displayed.

 该插件改变了默认战斗系统的各个方面,相比原有的,使其更像现代的RPG。包括选择战斗场景中顶部战斗日志  窗口显示的内容及方式。

 Battle Messages--战斗信息

 When changing "Terms" and the "Messages" that appear in battle, inserting the  following tag anywhere in the message will cause the message to center itself in  the battle log.



 This tag must be all caps in order for the battle log window to recognize it as  an instruction to center the displayed battle text message.

 There are a couple of notetags you can use to change the way certain skills and  items will show up incase you don't want a name like 'Harold's Attack' to appear  in the name.


Skill and Item Notetags:技能、物品备注标签



 Battle Windows--战斗窗口

 There's various options to adjust the window settings found in the battle system  to make navigating the battle system more intuitive. Such options include  starting the turns with the Actor Command Window instead of the Party Command  Window (the Fight/Escape Window). The Party Command Window is still accessible  but only by pressing cancel on the first actor's window.

 这个战斗系统中提供了丰富的选项设置,可以直观的引导玩家进行战斗。比如,战斗回合开始时,将会展现角  色指令窗口,而不再是命令控制窗口(战斗/逃跑窗口)。当然命令控制窗口还是在的,只是需要第一个角色  窗口时按取消键,才会展现。

Battle Order--战斗顺序

 The battle turn order is also fixed, too. This way, any battlers that Have their  AGI value changed over the course of battle will reflect those changes during  the current turn rather than the following turn. The action speed calculation  can also be adjusted and finetuned to have the random factor of its speed  calculation formula removed, too, making AGI actually worthwhile as a tactical  parameter.

 插件修改了战斗回合顺序。任何拥有敏捷值的战斗对象如果在战斗过程中改变了敏捷值会作用在当前回合,而  不是下一回合。可以对行动速度做更加细微的调整,让敏捷值在战斗中更具有价值。

 Skill and Item Notetag:技能、物品备注标签




Multiple Hits--多次攻击

 Multi-hit action will no longer end prematurely if the target dies  midway through the action. This is done through toggling immortal states. To  make use of feature, make sure your database has an Immortal State somewhere.  If you do not wish to use this feature, set the Parameter for Immortal State  ID to 0 instead.

 如果目标在技能施放过程中死亡,多次攻击动作不再会过早的结束。这是通过不死状态实现的。为了使用这个  功能,必须确保你数据库中某处有这个不死状态。如果你想使用这个功能,把不死状态的ID设置成0即可。

Popup Revamp--弹出方式改变

 Although the damage popups may still look the same as the default ones  from MV,the process in which they're created is  now different to streamline  the damage popup process. Before, popups would only appear one a time with  a frame's  different at minimum in order for them to show. Now, any actions that  occur at the same frame will now all show popups at  the same frame, making for  smoother and less clunky damage popups.

 虽然弹出伤害还是看起来像MV默认那样,但是他们生成的过程现在不同于简单的伤害弹出过程。之前,一次伤  害最少只会以一帧的不同来显示,以确保他们能显示。现在,一帧能显示多个伤害。

Common Events--通用事件

 Common Events will now occur at the end of each action regardless of whether or  not the enemy party is still alive. With proper placing of the action sequence  tags, you can make the skill's common event occur in the middle of an action,  too. However, keep in mind if you force an action in the middle of another  action, the remainder of the former action's sequence list will become null and  void in favor of the new forced action.

 不管敌人是否还活着,通用事件会在动作序列的执行。通过合理的运用动作序列标签,你可以在动作过程中加  入技能的通用事件。但是,要小心的是,如果强制的在一个动作中加入了另一个动作,前一个动作的剩余部分  将变成空,并以新的动作为准。

Casting Animations--吟唱动画

 Casting Animations help provide visual hints for players either by letting them  know which battler is going to perform an action or what type of skill that  action will be. This plugin enables skills to have casting animations that can  be modified universally or customized for each individual skill.

 吟唱动画可以提示玩家哪一个角色将发起攻击或者进行什么类型技能的施放。本插件可以对每一个技能的吟唱  动画进行定制化的修改。

 Skill Notetag:技能备注标签


Changing Battle Systems--修改战斗系统

 While the player is not in battle, you can change the battle system using  a Plugin Command. With only this plugin, there is only one battle  system included: the default battle system.

 当玩家不在战斗中时,可以通过插件命令修改战斗系统。如果只有这个插件,那就只有一个战斗系统:默认的  战斗系统。

Plugin Command:


 Other future plugins may include other battle systems that may utilize  the Battle Engine Core.


 Sideview Actions--横版战斗动作

 In RPG Maker MV's default battle system, both the sideview and the  frontview settings do not display counterattacks, reflected magic attacks, nor  any case of substituting for battle members. The Battle Engine Core  provides games that are using the sideview settings small amounts of animations  to relay information to the player in a more visual sense.

在RPG Maker MV的默认战斗系统中,不管是横版还是纵版都不会在战斗成员展示还击、魔法反射。这个核心  战斗引擎在游戏中使用横版战斗设置提供少量的动画设置,更直观的将信息传递给玩家。

 Magic Reflection will also display a reflection animation to indicate  the battler has reflection properties. This animation can be changed in  the parameters, but certain actors, classes, enemies, weapons, armors,  and states can display a unique kind of animation for reflection if desired.

 魔法反射也会显示反射动画以表明战斗者具有反射属性。动画可以在参数里修改,如果需要,角色、职业、敌  人、武器、防具、状态都可以展示独一无二的反射动画。

 Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, and State Notetag:角色、职业、敌人、武器、防具、  状态标签


 Sometimes, you don't want your enemies to be able to move. Or you don't  want certain actors to be able to move. They're just stationary for  whatever reason. To accomplish that, you can use this notetag to forbid the  battler from moving.

 有时候,你不想让你的敌人运动,或者当前角色移动。不管什么原因,你只想他们是静止的。为了实现这一  点,你可以使用下面的备注标签静止战斗对象移动。

Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, and State Notetag:角色、职业、敌人、武器、防具、  状态标签


Custom Sideview Battler Anchor--定制侧视图战斗锚点

 Sideview battlers are generally centered horizontally, and grounded at  their feet. However, not all sideview battler spritesheets work this way. In  the event you have a sideview battler that doesn't conform to those  standards, you can 'anchor' them a different way.

 侧视图战斗对象通常垂直居中,且在他们脚下。但是,不是所有的都这样。如果没有遵循这个标准,你可以通  过设置锚点改变这一点。

 Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, State Notetags:


<AnchorY:y.z>#设置战斗对象锚点,默认X 0.5 Y 1.0

Enemy Attack Animation--敌人攻击动画

  Enemy Notetag:


Automatic State Removal Conditions--自动移除状态情形

 By default, RPG Maker MV's battle system has automatic state removal under three  different conditions: none, action end, turn end.


 None and Turn End are working as intended. However, Action End, however, had the  states removed at the start of the battler's action rather than the end. This is  changed and updated to occur only at the end of a battler's action. Two more  automatic conditions are now added: Action Start and Turn Start. These can be  added and implemented using the following notetags:

 空和回合结束情况是正常的。但是,动作结束的情况,会在动作的一开始就移除状态,而不是动作结束。插件  改变了这一点。新增了两个情形:动作开始和回合开始。这些可以用以下的备注标签达到效果:

 State Notetags:



 This will cause this state to update its turns remaining at the start of an  action. x is the number of turns it will last. If you use x to y, upon applying  the state, the state will be removed a random number of turns from x to y.

 在动作一开始更新状态剩余的回合数。X是持续的回合数。如果使用X to Y,状态会在X到Y中随机一个回合数  移除。



 This will cause the state to update its turns remaining at the start of a battle  turn. x is the number of turns it will last. If you use x to y, upon applying  the state, the state will be removed a random number of turns from x to y.


 Action Sequences--动作序列

 The Yanfly Engine Plugins - Battle Engine Core includes the capability of using  custom action sequences. Action sequences are basic instructions for the game to  creating a customized skill both visually and mechanically. The Battle Engine  Core, however, will only include the most basic of action sequences so the  instructions on how to create a custom action sequence will be included in the  Help file on future extension plugins for this plugin.




 Action Speed:行动基础速度公式 Default System:默认战斗系统 dtb、atb、ctb、stb


 Escape Ratio:逃跑概率

 Fail Escape Boost:每次逃跑失败后,增加成功率的系数


 Animation Base Delay:两个动画间的基础延迟

 Animation Next Delay:

 Certain Hit Animation:默认攻击技能动画

 Physical Animation:物理技能动画

 Magical Animation:魔法技能动画

 Enemy Attack Animation:敌方默认攻击动画

 Reflect Animation:反射魔法攻击时使用的动画

 Motion Waiting:是否在播放动画后或期间展现一个行动


 Front Position X:角色X坐标

 Front Position Y:角色Y坐标

 Front Actor Sprite:前视图是否展示角色图片

 Front Sprite Priority:图片优先级


 Home Position X:角色X坐标

 Home Position Y:角色Y坐标

 Side Sprite Priority:优先级


 Default X Anchor:默认X锚点

 Default Y Anchor:默认Y锚点

 Step Distance:一个单位前进一步的距离

 Flinch Distance:侧视图中,角色在受到伤害或闪避时,会向后退一段距离

 Show Shadows:角色下方是否显示阴影

 ---Damage Popups---

 Popup Duration:伤寒弹出会保持显示多少帧

 Newest Popup Bottom:是否将最新弹出的放在底部

 Popup Overlap Rate:多个伤害值弹出时,会覆盖彼此

 Critical Popup:重伤时弹出伤害颜色

 Critical Duration:

 ---Window Settings---

 Lower Windows:将物品、技能窗口放在底部

 Window Rows:展示多少行物品

 Command Window Rows:命令窗口展示多杀行

 Command Alignment:命令窗口文字格式

 Start Actor Command:回合开始时显示角色命令窗口,而不是团队命令窗口

 Current Max:显示当前及最大HP/MP

 ---Selection Help---

 Mouse Over:是否允许鼠标放置在敌人上时自动选择敌人

 Select Help Window:当选择角色或敌人时,是否显示帮助窗口

 ---Enemy Select---

 Visual Enemy Select:敌人选择窗口替换成更直观的形式

 Show Enemy Name:展示被选中敌人名称

 Show Select Box:展示敌人被选择框

 Enemy Font Size:敌人名字字体

 Enemy Auto Select:改变被选中的第一个敌人

 ---Actor Select---

 Visual Actor Select:运行点击角色进行选择

 ---Battle Log---

 Show Emerge Text:展示敌人出现时的文字

 Show Pre-Emptive Text:展示先发攻击

 Show Surprise Text:展示突然攻击

 Optimize Speed:优化战斗效率

 Show Action Text:展示完整的行动描述

 Show State Text:显示所有状态文字

 Show Buff Text:显示buff相关文字

 Show Counter Text:显示反击相关文字

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