CD sales have just plummeted.People just buy and download their music from the Internet.That's life, I guess.Although I like the latest technology, I still tend to buy LPs.Records are best.They have that vinyl smell and... and the sound is warmer, the album covers are nice and rich.Then there's rock and punk music.That's what I'm into.It just describes your personality and your moods.Which is more than Felton can say.He just... he doesn't get it.You know, music is food.Music is life.Music is soul.Maybe Felton doesn't have a soul.I don't think he does.
You know Ian says I know nothing about music, but, I tend to disagree because I listen to almost any style of music.I mean I don't listen to hip-hop or techno.I mean ... I like music, I listen to it almost every day.You know I often listen to ... Beethoven ... if I'm sad or moody ... if I feel like I need to relax, put on some soft pop music, like Celine Dion.I mean, I agree it's nothing special ... or ... or terribly original, but you have to admit she has a great voice.She ... she sings beautifully.Something special about her.
I just don't care ... whether the music's cool or not.If it's right for the mood I'm in, then it's right for me.