● 会外语能让我们找个好工作。 acquiring / grasping
● 开发潜力bring out his or her potentials
● 知书明理bring him knowledge from the outside world, teach him to reason
● 辩证思维,知人知己learn to think critically; understand true self, and recognize others’ values.
● 负面1:涨价,失业:college costs, become unemployed
● 负面2:没有个性...mould people to be exactly like one another
● 负面3:死心眼儿,学的死,一根儿筋...rely on linear thinking, discourage individuality
○ 教育目标,死记硬背educational aspirations, rote learning/ linear thinking /learning
○ 处事原则、人品standards of upright conducts
○ 小学教育elementary education
○ 中学教育secondary education
○ 大学教育university/college/higher/tertiary education
○ 考试成绩、考试分数academic performance/attainment
○ 学历,主课/必修课academic qualification, core curriculum
○ 男女同校,女子/男子学校coeducation,
● 学理论课可以给实用科目的学习打基础。
Learning theoretical subjects can lay a solid foundation for/ form the basis for practical subjects.