今天的题目选自《Extinction of the Dinosaurs》,恐龙灭绝的假说很多,有些比较有趣。例如,在气候变迁说里,有人认为恐龙是冷血动物,因为无法适应地球气温的下降被冻死了,它们的后代是蜥蜴。在目前最被认可的陨石撞击说里,科学家们认为在地球遭一颗大的小行星撞击之后,不过50年的时间里恐龙迅速灭绝,而如今可爱的小鸟们是它们的后代。不管是哪种假说,迄今为止发现的地质化石显示,在6500万年前的白垩纪末期,发生了生物大灭绝事件,不少物种随之消失,包括恐龙。
Many plants and animals disappear abruptly from the fossil record as one moves from layers of rock documenting the end of the Cretaceous up into rocks representing the beginning of the Cenozoic (the era after the Mesozoic).
Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage?
A. The fossil record suggests that there was an abrupt extinction of many plants and animals at the end of the Mesozoic era.
B. Few fossils of the Mesozoic era have survived in the rocks that mark the end of the Cretaceous.
C. Fossils from the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic up to the beginning of the Cenozoic era have been removed from the layers of rock that surrounded them.
D. Plants and animals from the Mesozoic era were unable to survive in the Cenozoic era.
ABCD四个答案哪个是正确的?解答长难句,了解几个名词:古生代Paleozoic Era;中生代Mesozoic Era;新生代Cenozoic Era。我们熟悉的寒武纪属于古生代,寒武纪爆发指的是生命的起源,到了生物大灭绝的白垩纪末期,代表着中生代的结束,新生代的开始,直到现在。