Part 1 Thoughts
看到这一章,越来越喜欢这个妈妈了。在一个黑人女性只能在工厂工作或者当仆人的环境里,ture to her nature她居然给自己报了打字培训班!她真的不会去考虑太多限制的因素,认定什么就非得做成什么,正如第一章里面提到车子坏了也必须搭公共汽车去一样坚定。这次运气刚刚好,遇到政府改革,她找到了打字员的工作。紧接着,她就开始准备离家搬到市区去住,经常性地被捉住,罚款后继续上她的班,好淡定啊这个女人,遇事跟没事人一样。最不可思议的事情,她完全无视不能跟白人发生关系的禁令,居然还主动跟Robert提出要他帮忙生个孩子,也就是后来的Trevor,而且还是在男方很不愿意的情况下,多次恳求才答应…
Part 2 Words
原文:It was a thriving scene, cosmopolitan and liberal.
解释:adj ,having people from many different parts of the world,意为多元化的
例句: New York is a very cosmopolitan city.
原文:So the three of us formed a kind of family, as much as our peculiar situation would allow.
解释:not usual or normal
例句:These mooncakes' flavours are very peculiar.
3. Parachute 降落伞
例句:The pilot used a parachute to descend.
Part 3 Summary
In this chapter, we can see a very cool mother.
Under apartheid , she would not like to work in the factory or be a maid like other black women did. She took a secretarial course and luckily got a typist job. Then she ran away to live in downtown in a risk of being arrested. There she met Robert , a white man , and begged him to make a child for her. That child is Trevor. To protect Trevor being found, she always can find the cracks in the system, like asking Trevor to go with one colored mother and she was not Trevor's mother when they were outside. But most of time, the family always kept him playing indoors. Trevor thought that other colored kids should be in the same situation . After he met his first one, he just knew his parents could take him away from this terrible country. It felt like being thrown out of an airplane , broking all the bones , getting badly hurt , recovering, and then hearing that you could have used a parachute.