1: 在构造函数内对一个final域的写入,与随后把这个构造对像的引用赋值给变量,不能重排序。(禁止把final域的写重排序到构造函数外,会在final域的写之后,构造函数return之前插入一个storestore屏障)
finalExample obj= new FinalExample ()。这行代码包含两个步骤:
1: 构造一个FinalExample类型的对象。
2: 把这个对象的引用赋值给引用变量obj
#### JAVA局部变量加final修饰的好处
先把成员或静态变量读到局部变量里保持一定程度的一致性,例如:在同一个方法里连续两次访问静态变量A.x可能会得到不一样的值,因为可能会有并发读写;但如果先有final int x = A.x然后连续两次访问局部变量x的话,那读到的值肯定会是一样的。这种做法的好处通常在有数据竞态但略微不同步没什么问题的场景下,例如说有损计数器之类的。
> Accessing a local variable is faster than accessing a field. It's best to keep field accesses out of performance-critical inner loops when possible. (Profile first, of course, to see if it matters.) In theory the JVM could "inline" the field to a local variable automatically under the right conditions, but don't count on it.
> A final local variable is not any different from a normal local variable at runtime. The "final" keyword on a local variable expresses a constraint on the source code (that it is assigned to once) which the compiler can easily check.
> Final *fields* do allow additional optimizations, and static final fields with primitive values (as in "public static final int MY_CONSTANT = 3") are treated as compile-time constants and inlined.
> When talking about final local variables keep in mind that using the keyword final will help the compiler optimize the code statically, which may in the end result in faster code. For example, the final Strings a + b in the example below are concatenated statically (at compile time).
public class FinalTest {
public static final int N_ITERATIONS = 1000000;
public static String testFinal() {
final String a = "a";
final String b = "b";
return a + b;
public static String testNonFinal() {
String a = "a";
String b = "b";
return a + b;
public static void main(String[] args) {
long tStart, tElapsed;
tStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < N_ITERATIONS; i++)
tElapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - tStart;
System.out.println("Method with finals took " + tElapsed + " ms");
tStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < N_ITERATIONS; i++)
tElapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - tStart;
System.out.println("Method without finals took " + tElapsed + " ms");
Method with finals took 5 ms
Method without finals took 273 ms
So how much is the actual performance improvement? I don't dare say. In most cases probably marginal (~270 nanoseconds in this synthetic test because the string concatenation is avoided altogether - a rare case), but in highly optimized utility code it might be a factor. In any case the answer to the original question is yes, it might improve performance, but marginally at best.
Compile-time benefits aside, I could not find any evidence that the use of the keyword final has any measurable effect on performance.