09113 —李梅芳
每个孩子的童年应该都有怕过大灰狼, 对吧? 因为外婆总是在我们睡觉不听话时,就会把大灰狼搬出来lol
那今天要给大家讲的是被称作国外版的“小兔乖乖”的 Go Away Mr. Wolf !三只小猪智斗大灰狼,这样的故事孩子可以很快就融入其中 …Look,正发着烧还入神的小kitty
Mathew Price(马梭·普莱斯)是享誉欧美的英国童书作家,曾创作超过百套儿童绘本,大多数都是针对0-8岁的儿童所设计的,对小小孩的绘本创作情有独钟她的低幼认知启蒙系列My little book of ...洞洞书也深受小朋友的喜爱。其中《一只大猩猩》被评为纽约时报最佳绘本,《驯鹿圣诞节》销量超过10万册。
普莱斯有着自己名字命名的出版社—Mathew Price Publishing ,致力于出版和推广各种有趣好玩的儿童绘本。
*Story Today
Who’s that knocking at our little front door?
“Anyone for ice cream ?”said a furry friendly voice .
“Go away,Mr. wolf ,” said the three little pigs .And they quickly shut the door .
Who’s that knocking at our little front door?
“Comin for a drive ?”said a charming cherry voice .
“Go away,Mr. wolf , ”said the three little pigs .And they quickly shut the door .
Who’s that knocking at our little front door?
”Anyone for a game ?”said a Hoarse but hopeful voice
“Go away,Mr. wolf , ”said the three little pigs .And they quickly shut the door .
Who’s that knocking at our little front door?
“It is a lovely day for a swim .Anybody coming with me ?”
“Go away,Mr. wolf , ”said the three little pigs .And they quickly shut the door .
Who’s that knocking at our little front door?
“Anybody home ?”
“It’s daddy !”
Come on in , Daddy , we ‘ve got lots to tell you !”
*Picture Books
这本绘本的语言简单,不断重复,非常适合2~7岁的小朋友们学习,是英语启蒙阶段必选的绘本。不得不提的是,这本绘本的互动性很强,特别适合各种Drama performance 和亲子扮演!
来看看 这本书 被大小朋友们都怎么玩坏的lol
2. 皮影戏(Role Play )
3.亲子扮演(Family activitiy)