【Python】PEP20 代码示例

Python之禅 by Tim Peters

  • 优美胜于丑陋(Python以编写优美的代码为目标)
  • 明了胜于晦涩(优美的代码应当是明了的,命名规范,风格相似)
  • 简洁胜于复杂(优美的代码应当是简洁的,不要有复杂的内部实现)
  • 复杂胜于凌乱(如果复杂不可避免,那代码间也不能有难懂的关系,要保持接口简洁)
  • 扁平胜于嵌套(优美的代码应当是扁平的,不能有太多的嵌套)
  • 间隔胜于紧凑(优美的代码有适当的间隔,不要奢望一行代码解决问题)
  • 可读性很重要(优美的代码是可读的)
  • 即便假借特例的实用性之名,也不可违背这些规则(这些规则至高无上)
  • 不要包容所有错误,除非您确定需要这样做(精准地捕获异常,不写 except:pass 风格的代码)
  • 当存在多种可能,不要尝试去猜测
  • 而是尽量找一种,最好是唯一一种明显的解决方案(如果不确定,就用穷举法)
  • 虽然这并不容易,因为您不是 Python 之父(这里的 Dutch 是指 Guido )
  • 做也许好过不做,但不假思索就动手还不如不做(动手之前要细思量)
  • 如果您无法向人描述您的方案,那肯定不是一个好方案;反之亦然(方案测评标准)
  • 命名空间是一种绝妙的理念,我们应当多加利用(倡导与号召)
#!/usr/bin/env python 
PEP 20 (The Zen of Python) by example 
Usage: %prog 
:Author: Hunter Blanks, hblanks@artifex.org / hblanks@monetate.com 
:Date: 2011-02-08 for PhillyPUG/philly.rb, revised 2011-02-10 
      - http://artifex.org/~hblanks/talks/2011/pep20_by_example.pdf 
      - http://artifex.org/~hblanks/talks/2011/pep20_by_example.html 
      - http://artifex.org/~hblanks/talks/2011/pep20_by_example.py.txt 
Dependencies for PDF output: 
      - Pygments 1.4 
      - pdflatex & the usual mess of latex packages 
from __future__ import with_statement 
import sys 
################################ preface ############################### 
   "In his wisdom and in his Molisan poverty, Officer Ingravallo, 
    who seemed to live on silence... , in his wisdom, he sometimes 
    interrupted this silence and this sleep to enunciate some 
    theoretical idea (a general idea, that is) on the affairs of men, 
    and of women. At first sight, or rather, on first hearing, these 
    seemed banalities. They weren't banalities. And so, those rapid 
    declarations, which crackled on his lips like the sudden 
    illumination of a sulphur match, were revived in the ears of people 
    at a distance of hours, or of months, from their enunciation: as if 
    after a mysterious period of incubation. 'That's right!' the person 
    in question admitted, 'That's exactly what Ingravallo said to me.'" 
       - Carlo Emilio Gadda, *That Awful Mess on the Via Merulana* 
################################# text ################################# 
The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters 
Beautiful is better than ugly. 
Explicit is better than implicit. 
Simple is better than complex. 
Complex is better than complicated. 
Flat is better than nested. 
Sparse is better than dense. 
Readability counts. 
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules. 
Although practicality beats purity. 
Errors should never pass silently. 
Unless explicitly silenced. 
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess. 
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it. 
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch. 
Now is better than never. 
Although never is often better than *right* now. 
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea. 
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea. 
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those! 
################################### 1 ################################## 
Give me a function that takes a list of numbers and returns only the 
even ones, divided by two. 
halve_evens_only = lambda nums: map(lambda i: i/2, filter(lambda i: not i%2, nums)) 
def halve_evens_only(nums): 
    return [i/2 for i in nums if not i % 2] 
print 'Beautiful is better than ugly.' 
################################## 2 ################################### 
Load the cat, dog, and mouse models so we can edit instances of them. 
def load(): 
    from menagerie.cat.models import * 
    from menagerie.dog.models import * 
    from menagerie.mouse.models import * 
def load(): 
    from menagerie.models import cat as cat_models 
    from menagerie.models import dog as dog_models 
    from menagerie.models import mouse as mouse_models 
print 'Explicit is better than implicit.' 
################################### 3 ################################## 
Can you write out these measurements to disk? 
measurements = [ 
    {'weight': 392.3, 'color': 'purple', 'temperature': 33.4}, 
    {'weight': 34.0, 'color': 'green', 'temperature': -3.1}, 
def store(measurements): 
    import sqlalchemy 
    import sqlalchemy.types as sqltypes 
    db = sqlalchemy.create_engine('sqlite:///measurements.db') 
    db.echo = False 
    metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData(db) 
    table = sqlalchemy.Table('measurements', metadata, 
        sqlalchemy.Column('id', sqltypes.Integer, primary_key=True), 
        sqlalchemy.Column('weight', sqltypes.Float), 
        sqlalchemy.Column('temperature', sqltypes.Float), 
        sqlalchemy.Column('color', sqltypes.String(32)), 
    for measurement in measurements: 
        i = table.insert() 
def store(measurements): 
    import json 
    with open('measurements.json', 'w') as f: 
print 'Simple is better than complex.' 
################################### 4 ################################## 
Can you write out those same measurements to a MySQL DB? I think we're 
gonna have some measurements with multiple colors next week, by the way. 
def store(measurements): 
    import sqlalchemy 
    import sqlalchemy.types as sqltypes 
    db = create_engine( 
    db.echo = False 
    metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData(db) 
    table = sqlalchemy.Table('measurements', metadata, 
        sqlalchemy.Column('id', sqltypes.Integer, primary_key=True), 
        sqlalchemy.Column('weight', sqltypes.Float), 
        sqlalchemy.Column('temperature', sqltypes.Float), 
        sqlalchemy.Column('color', sqltypes.String(32)), 
    for measurement in measurements: 
        i = table.insert() 
def store(measurements): 
    import MySQLdb 
    db = MySQLdb.connect(user='user', passwd="password", host='localhost', db="db") 
    c = db.cursor() 
        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS measurements 
          id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, 
          weight float, 
          temperature float, 
          color varchar(32) 
          PRIMARY KEY id 
          ENGINE=InnoDB CHARSET=utf8 
    insert_sql = ( 
        "INSERT INTO measurements (weight, temperature, color) " 
        "VALUES (%s, %s, %s)") 
    for measurement in measurements: 
            (measurement['weight'], measurement['temperature'], measurement['color']) 
print 'Complex is better than complicated.' 
################################### 5 ################################## 
"""Identify this animal. """ 
def identify(animal): 
    if animal.is_vertebrate(): 
        noise = animal.poke() 
        if noise == 'moo': 
            return 'cow' 
        elif noise == 'woof': 
            return 'dog' 
        if animal.is_multicellular(): 
            return 'Bug!' 
            if animal.is_fungus(): 
                return 'Yeast' 
                return 'Amoeba' 
def identify(animal): 
    if animal.is_vertebrate(): 
        return identify_vertebrate() 
        return identify_invertebrate() 
def identify_vertebrate(animal): 
    noise = animal.poke() 
    if noise == 'moo': 
        return 'cow' 
    elif noise == 'woof': 
        return 'dog' 
def identify_invertebrate(animal): 
    if animal.is_multicellular(): 
        return 'Bug!' 
        if animal.is_fungus(): 
            return 'Yeast' 
            return 'Amoeba' 
print 'Flat is better than nested.' 
################################### 6 ################################## 
""" Parse an HTTP response object, yielding back new requests or data. """ 
def process(response): 
    selector = lxml.cssselect.CSSSelector('#main > div.text') 
    lx = lxml.html.fromstring(response.body) 
    title = lx.find('./head/title').text 
    links = [a.attrib['href'] for a in lx.find('./a') if 'href' in a.attrib] 
    for link in links: 
        yield Request(url=link) 
    divs = selector(lx) 
    if divs: yield Item(utils.lx_to_text(divs[0])) 
def process(response): 
    lx = lxml.html.fromstring(response.body) 
    title = lx.find('./head/title').text 
    links = [a.attrib['href'] for a in lx.find('./a') if 'href' in a.attrib] 
    for link in links: 
        yield Request(url=link) 
    selector = lxml.cssselect.CSSSelector('#main > div.text') 
    divs = selector(lx) 
    if divs: 
        bodytext = utils.lx_to_text(divs[0]) 
        yield Item(bodytext) 
print 'Sparse is better than dense.' 
################################### 7 ################################## 
""" Write out the tests for a factorial function. """ 
def factorial(n): 
    Return the factorial of n, an exact integer >= 0. 
    >>> [factorial(n) for n in range(6)] 
    [1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120] 
    >>> factorial(30) 
    >>> factorial(-1) 
    Traceback (most recent call last): 
    ValueError: n must be >= 0 
if __name__ == '__main__' and '--test' in sys.argv: 
    import doctest 
import unittest 
def factorial(n): 
class FactorialTests(unittest.TestCase): 
    def test_ints(self): 
            [factorial(n) for n in range(6)], [1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120]) 
    def test_long(self): 
            factorial(30), 265252859812191058636308480000000L) 
    def test_negative_error(self): 
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError): 
if __name__ == '__main__' and '--test' in sys.argv: 
print 'Readability counts.' 
################################# 8 & 9 ################################ 
Write a function that returns another functions. Also, test floating point. 
def make_counter(): 
    def count(): 
        """ Increments a count and returns it. """ 
        i += 1 
        return i 
    return count 
count = make_counter() 
assert hasattr(count, '__name__') # No anonymous functions! 
assert hasattr(count, '__doc__') 
assert float('0.20000000000000007') == 1.1 - 0.9 # (this is platform dependent) 
assert 0.2 != 1.1 - 0.9 # Not special enough to break the rules of floating pt. 
assert float(repr(1.1 - 0.9)) == 1.1 - 0.9 
def make_adder(addend): 
    return lambda i: i + addend # But lambdas, once in a while, are practical. 
assert str(1.1 - 0.9) == '0.2' # as may be rounding off floating point errors 
assert round(0.2, 15) == round(1.1 - 0.9, 15) 
print "Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules." 
print 'Although practicality beats purity.' 
################################ 10 & 11 ############################### 
""" Import whatever json library is available. """ 
    import json 
except ImportError: 
        import simplejson as json 
        print 'Unable to find json module!' 
print 'Errors should never pass silently' 
print 'Unless explicitly silenced.' 
################################## 12 ################################## 
""" Store an HTTP request in the database. """ 
def process(response): 
    db.store(url, response.body) 
def process(response): 
    charset = detect_charset(response) 
    db.store(url, response.body.decode(charset)) 
print 'In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.' 
################################## 13 ################################## 
# Example 1 
assert hasattr(__builtins__, 'map') # ('map' in __builtins__) raises TypeError 
assert not hasattr(__builtins__, 'collect') 
# Example 2 
def fibonacci_generator(): 
    prior, current = 0, 1 
    while current < 100: 
        yield prior + current 
        prior, current = current, current + prior 
sequences = [ 
    {'foo': 1, 'fie': 2}, 
    (5, 3, 3) 
for sequence in sequences: 
    for item in sequence: # all sequences iterate the same way 
print 'There should be one, and preferably only one way to do it.' 
print "Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch." 
################################## 14 ################################## 
def obsolete_func(): 
    raise PendingDeprecationWarning 
def deprecated_func(): 
    raise DeprecationWarning 
print 'Now is better than never' 
print 'Although never is often better than *right* now.' 
################################## 15 ################################## 
def hard(): 
    # Example 1 
        import twisted 
        help(twisted) # (this may not be as hard as I think, though) 
    # Example 2 
    import xml.dom.minidom 
    document = xml.dom.minidom.parseString( 
        '''<menagerie><cat>Fluffers</cat><cat>Cisco</cat></menagerie>''' ) 
    menagerie = document.childNodes[0] 
    for node in menagerie.childNodes: 
        if node.childNodes[0].nodeValue== 'Cisco' and node.tagName == 'cat': 
            return node 
def easy(maybe): 
    # Example 1 
        import gevent 
    # Example 2 
    import lxml 
    menagerie = lxml.etree.fromstring( 
        '''<menagerie><cat>Fluffers</cat><cat>Cisco</cat></menagerie>''' ) 
    for pet in menagerie.find('./cat'): 
        if pet.text == 'Cisco': 
            return pet 
print "If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea." 
print 'If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.' 
################################## 16 ################################## 
def chase(): 
    import menagerie.models.cat as cat 
    import menagerie.models.dog as dog 
print "Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!" 
############################### Readings ############################### 
      - Peters, Tim. PEP 20, "The Zen of Python". 
      - Raymond, Eric. *The Art of Unix Programming*. 
      - Alchin, Marty. *Pro Python*. 
      - Ramblings on 
############################## main block ############################## 
from optparse import OptionParser 
import   os 
import   re 
import   subprocess 
import   sys 
parser = OptionParser(usage=__doc__.strip()) 
parser.add_option('-v', dest='verbose', action='store_true', 
    help='Verbose output') 
header_pat = re.compile(r'^\\PY\{c\}\{' + (r'\\PYZsh\{\}' * 8)) 
def yield_altered_lines(latex): 
    Adds page breaks and page layout to our pygments file. Blah. 
    for line in latex.splitlines(): 
        if line == r'\documentclass{article}': 
            yield line 
            yield r'\usepackage{geometry}' 
            yield r'\geometry{letterpaper,landscape,margin=0.25in}' 
        elif line == r'\begin{document}': 
            yield line 
            yield r'\large' 
        elif header_pat.search(line): 
            yield r'\end{Verbatim}' 
            yield r'\pagebreak' 
            yield r'\begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]' 
            yield line 
            yield line 
if __name__ == '__main__': 
    options, args = parser.parse_args() 
    if options.verbose: 
        errout = sys.stderr 
   errout = open('/tmp/pep20.log', 'w') 
    # TODO: pygmentize in Python instead of farming it out 
    p = subprocess.Popen( 
        ('pygmentize', '-f', 'latex', '-l', 'python', 
            '-O', 'full', sys.argv[0]), 
        stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=errout) 
    output, err = p.communicate() 
    assert p.returncode == 0, 'pygmentize exited with %d' % p.returncode 
   p2 = subprocess.Popen( 
       ('pygmentize', '-f', 'html', '-l', 'python', 
           '-O', 'full', '-o', 'pep20_by_example.html', sys.argv[0]), 
       stdout=errout, stderr=errout) 
   assert p2.returncode == 0, 'pygmentize exited with %d' % p2.returncode 
except OSError, e: 
    print >> sys.stderr, 'Failed to run pygmentize: %s' % str(e) 
except AssertionError, e: 
    print e 
altered_output = '\n'.join(l for l in yield_altered_lines(output)) 
    p = subprocess.Popen(('pdflatex',), 
        stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=errout, stderr=errout) 
    assert p.returncode == 0, 'pdflatex exited with %d' % p.returncode 
except OSError, e: 
    print >> sys.stderr, 'Failed to run pygmentize: %s' % str(e) 
except AssertionError, e: 
    print e 
os.rename('texput.pdf', 'pep20_by_example.pdf') 
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