为了尽可能更好地从单一剧本文字中欣赏古希腊旧喜剧大家Aristophanes的整体喜剧艺术,戏剧形式的了解不可避免,在这里小编简单摘录Stephen Halliwell 的译本中的 intro 部分和 云 中的台词为例,并穿插剧本的语言特点,和大家一起感受一下作者如何在有限形式中发挥想象力。
Aristophanes 喜剧语言特征(典型旧喜剧特征)
以 云Clouds 中 Sokrates 让 Strepsiades 从自身解释云导致雷声隆隆的原理为例感受一下这种"放荡自由"的语言风格:
首先旧喜剧中主要由三大部分组成,它们分别是Parodos(合唱队登场), Agon(人物之间的冲突), and Parabasis(与剧本无关的合唱队主唱段).
还是以 云 为例一一举例:
The term parabasis means 'stepping forward': it is a performance routine in which the chorus, nomally alone on-stage, addresses itself directly to the audience and therefore stands ouside the ongoing action of the plot.
这里可以注意一下反复出现的 strophic pairs(strophe+ antistrophe)
Antistrophe【对照乐节】(Greek:ἀντιστροφή, "a turning back") is the portion of an ode sung by the chorus in its returning movement from west to east, in response to the strophe, which was sung from east to west. It has the nature of a reply and balances the effect of the strophe. (——维基百科)
这一点我们可以在 云 的开篇就可以领略:
What is beyond doubt is that he looks for, and comically titillates, a finely tuned ear for the detailed incongruities of blended tragic and comic timbres. That he was able to do so tells us something about the hybrid cultural atmosphere of Athenian festive theatre where the two genres were placed side by side yet embodied starkly opposed ranges of imaginative experience.