
本文部分内容来自 【PHP秒杀系统 高并发高性能的极致挑战】


  1. 如何设计和实现秒杀系统?
  2. 实现系统的高并发、高性能
  3. 实现系统的安全可靠


  1. 人多商品少
  2. 时间短流量高
  3. 外挂机器


  1. 瞬时高并发的处理能力
  2. 多层次的分布式处理能力
  3. 人机交互与对抗



  1. 后台
    1. 活动管理
    2. 商品管理
    3. 订单管理
    4. 日志管理
  2. 前台
    1. 商品展示
    2. 秒杀
    3. 购物车
    4. 我的订单
  3. 安全
    1. 验证码
    2. 问答


  1. 秒杀流程
    1. 验证用户登录状态
    2. 问答验证、问答信息
    3. 库存验证
    4. 生成订单



  1. 基础服务: Linux + Nginx + PHP + Mysql + redis
  2. CDN
  3. 负载均衡LVS


  1. 开发工具:PHPStorm
  2. 部署开发环境: Linux + Nginx + PHP + Mysql + redis
  3. 代码管理器:Git


  1. 创建miaosha项目
  1. 创建app,app/Mysql,config, Common目录


  1. 封装资源类的调用,比如MySQL,Redis,curl等

  2. 功能及其作用如下:

    1 time 性能探针,计算运行的步骤以及每一步的执行效率
    2 log 日志记录,把每一个日志信息记录下来
    3 http 接口调用的记录以及耗时的汇总统计
    4 redis redis调用的记录以及耗时的汇总统计
    5 mysql mysql调用的记录以及耗时的汇总统计
    6 cache memcache调用的记录以及耗时的汇总统计
  3. 在Common目录下创建DebugLog.php

     * 调试日志操作类
     * DEBUG_LEVEL=0的时候不会在后端运行,
     * DEBUG_LEVEL=1的时候会记录错误、警告信息以及资源调用的耗时汇总统计,
     * DEBUG_LEVEL=2的时候,会记录全部的数据
     * 如果在参数列表中出现 __DEBUG_LEVEL ,则会强制覆盖 DEBUG_LEVEL 的值
     * 功能列表如下:
     * 1 time 性能探针,计算运行的步骤以及每一步的执行效率
     * 2 log 日志记录,把每一个日志信息记录下来
     * 3 http 接口调用的记录以及耗时的汇总统计
     * 4 redis redis调用的记录以及耗时的汇总统计
     * 5 mysql mysql调用的记录以及耗时的汇总统计
     * 6 cache memcache调用的记录以及耗时的汇总统计
     * **/
    namespace App\Common;
    define('DEBUG_LOG_ERROR', 'ERROR');
    define('DEBUG_LOG_INFO', 'INFO');
    if (!defined('DEBUG_LEVEL')) {
        define('DEBUG_LEVEL',  0);
     * Created by PhpStorm.
     * User: wangxinhuang
     * Date: 2019-07-26
     * Time: 20:07
     * @package App\Common
    class DebugLog
        private $logId;
        private $timeList;
        private $logList;
        private $httpList;
        private $redisList;
        private $mysqlList;
        private $cacheList;
         * @var bool|DebugLog
        private static $instance = false;
        private function __construct()
         * 初始化调试日志操作类,没有经过初始化的后续调试代码都不会生效
        public static function _init()
            if (!self::$instance) {
                self::$instance = new DebugLog();
                self::$instance->logId = microtime();
         * 记录时间,方便调试程序执行逻辑和每一步的执行效率
         * @param $label
         * @param bool $handler
        public static function _time($label, $handler=false)
            if (self::$instance === false) return;
            self::$instance->timeList[] = array($label, microtime(), $handler);
         * 记录运行时的调试信息,分为 DEBUG_LOG_INFO 和 DEBUG_LOG_ERROR,DEBUG_LOG_INFO 只有在全量输出调试信息的时候才会输出
         * @param $label
         * @param $info
         * @param string $level
         * @param bool $handler
        public static function _log($label, $info, $level=DEBUG_LOG_INFO, $handler=false)
            if (self::$instance === false || (DEBUG_LEVEL < 2 && $level == DEBUG_LOG_INFO)) return;
            self::$instance->logList[] = array($label, $info![image.png](https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/14506913-f2e6fa97c79834b8.png?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240)

, level,handler);

     * 记录运行时的http请求
     * @param $label
     * @param $params
     * @param $config
     * @param $mtime1
     * @param $mtime2
     * @param null $data
     * @param bool $handler
    public static function _http($label, $params, $config, $mtime1, $mtime2, $data=null, $handler=false)
        if (self::$instance === false) return;

        if (DEBUG_LEVEL === 1) {
            self::$instance->httpList[] = array($label, json_encode($params), json_encode($config), $mtime1, $mtime2, null, $handler);
        } else {
            self::$instance->httpList[] = array($label, json_encode($params), json_encode($config), $mtime1, $mtime2, $data, $handler);

     * 记录运行时的redis请求
     * @param $label
     * @param $params
     * @param $config
     * @param $mtime1
     * @param $mtime2
     * @param null $data
     * @param bool $handler
    public static function _redis($label, $params, $config, $mtime1, $mtime2, $data = null, $handler = false)
        if (self::$instance === false) return;

        if (DEBUG_LEVEL === 1) {
            if ('setex' == $label) {
                // 过滤掉内容块,避免日志太多
                $params[2] = null;
            self::$instance->redisList[] = array($label, json_encode($params), json_encode($config), $mtime1, $mtime2, null, $handler);
        } else {
            self::$instance->redisList[] = array($label, json_encode($params), json_encode($config), $mtime1, $mtime2, $data, $handler);

     * 记录运行时的mysql请求
     * @param $label
     * @param $params
     * @param $config
     * @param $mtime1
     * @param $mtime2
     * @param null $data
     * @param bool $handler
    public static function _mysql($label, $params, $config, $mtime1, $mtime2, $data = null, $handler = false)
        if (self::$instance === false) return;

        if (DEBUG_LEVEL === 1) {
            self::$instance->mysqlList[] = array($label, json_encode($params), json_encode($config), $mtime1, $mtime2, null, $handler);
        } else {
            self::$instance->mysqlList[] = array($label, json_encode($params), json_encode($config), $mtime1, $mtime2, $data, $handler);

     * 记录运行时的memcache请求
     * @param $label
     * @param $params
     * @param $config
     * @param $mtime1
     * @param $mtime2
     * @param null $data
     * @param bool $handler
    public static function _cache($label, $params, $config, $mtime1, $mtime2, $data = null, $handler = false)
        if (self::$instance === false) return;

        if (DEBUG_LEVEL === 1) {
            self::$instance->cacheList[] = array($label, json_encode($params), json_encode($config), $mtime1, $mtime2, null, $handler);
        } else {
            self::$instance->cacheList[] = array($label, json_encode($params), json_encode($config), $mtime1, $mtime2, $data, $handler);

     * 输出日志
    public static function _show()
        if (self::$instance === false) return;

        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
            // 界面上可视化模式输出内容
        } else {

     * 是否有可视化界面输出,HTML代码直接返回到浏览器
     * @return bool
    public static function _is_show_view()
        if (self::$instance && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) return true;

        return false;

     * 将microtime的时间字符串转换为float型的毫秒时间
     * @param $mt mixed
     * @return float|int
    private function _floatMicrotime($mt)
        if (strpos($mt, ' ')) {
            list($ms, $m) = explode(' ', $mt);
            return ($m + $ms) * 1000;

        return floatval($mt) * 1000;

     * 计算两个microtime时间的间隔时间
     * @param $m1 mixed 开始时间
     * @param $m2 mixed 结束时间
     * @param int $round 保留小数位
     * @return float
    private function _intervalTime($m1, $m2, $round = 3) {
        return round(($this->_floatMicrotime($m2) - $this->_floatMicrotime($m1)), $round);

     * 将调试信息生成可视化的HTML代码
    private function showViews()
        $showTime = microtime();
        $output = array();
        $output[] = "\n";
        $output[] = '<ul>';
        $output[] = '<li><strong style="font-size:18px;">DebugLog showViews.total process time is ' . $this->_intervalTime($this->logId, $showTime) . 'ms</strong></li>';
        if ($this->timeList) {
            $total_num = count($this->timeList);
            $output[] = '<li><strong style="font-size:18px;">TimeList total count is ' . count($this->timeList) . ', log time is ' . $this->_intervalTime($this->logId, $this->timeList[$total_num - 1][1]) . '</strong></li>';
            $lasttime = $this->logId;
            $output[] = '<li>0.000 : start debug log ' . $lasttime . '</li>';
            foreach ($this->timeList as $info) {
                $lasttime2 = $info[1];
                $output[] = '<li>'. $this->_intervalTime($lasttime, $lasttime2) . ' : ' . implode("\t", $info) . '</li>';
                $lasttime = $lasttime2;

        if ($this->logList) {
            $output[] = '<li><strong style="font-size:18px;">LogList total count is ' . count($this->logList) . '</strong></li>';
            foreach ($this->logList as $info) {
                $output[] = '<li>' . implode("\t", $info) . '</li>';

        if ($this->httpList) {
            $current = count($output);
            $total_time = 0;
            $output[] = null;
            $max_num = array();
            $multi_num = array();
            foreach ($this->httpList as $info) {
                $intval = $this->_intervalTime($info[3], $info[4]);
                $multi_flag = @json_decode($info[2],true);
                if(isset($multi_flag) && isset($multi_flag['is_multi']) && $multi_flag['is_multi']==1)
                    $multi_str = strval($multi_flag['multi_num']);

                    if($intval > $max_num[$multi_str])
                        $max_num[$multi_str] = $intval;

                        if(!in_array($multi_str, $multi_num))
                            $multi_num[] = $multi_str;
                    $total_time += $intval;
                if ($info[5] && is_array($info[5])) {
                    $info[5] = json_encode($info[5]);

                $output[] = '<li>'. $intval .' : ' . implode("\t", $info) . '</li>';

            if(!empty($multi_num ))
                foreach($multi_num as $val)
                    $total_time += $max_num[$val];

            $output[$current] = '<li><strong style="font-size:18px;">HttpList total count is ' . count($this->httpList) . ', total time is ' . $total_time . '</strong></li>';

        if ($this->redisList) {
            $current = count($output);
            $total_time = 0;
            $output[] = null;
            foreach ($this->redisList as $info) {
                $intval = $this->_intervalTime($info[3], $info[4]);
                $total_time += $intval;
                if ($info[5] && is_array($info[5])) {
                    $info[5] = json_encode($info[5]);
                $output[] = '<li>'. $intval .' : ' . implode("\t", $info) . '</li>';
            $output[$current] = '<li><strong style="font-size:18px;">RedisList total count is ' . count($this->redisList) . ', total time is ' . $total_time . '</strong></li>';
        if ($this->mysqlList) {
            $current = count($output);
            $total_time = 0;
            $output[] = null;
            foreach ($this->mysqlList as $info) {
                $intval = $this->_intervalTime($info[3], $info[4]);
                $total_time += $intval;
                if ($info[5] && is_array($info[5])) {
                    $info[5] = json_encode($info[5]);
                } elseif (!$info[5]) {
                    $info[5] = '';
                $output[] = '<li>'. $intval .' : ' . implode("\t", $info) . '</li>';
            $output[$current] = '<li><strong style="font-size:18px;">MysqlList total count is ' . count($this->mysqlList) . ', total time is ' . $total_time . '</strong></li>';
        if ($this->cacheList) {
            $current = count($output);
            $total_time = 0;
            $output[] = null;
            foreach ($this->cacheList as $info) {
                $intval = $this->_intervalTime($info[3], $info[4]);
                $total_time += $intval;
                if ($info[5] && is_array($info[5])) {
                    $info[5] = json_encode($info[5]);
                $output[] = '<li>'. $intval .' : ' . implode("\t", $info) . '</li>';
            $output[$current] = '<li><strong style="font-size:18px;">CacheList total count is ' . count($this->cacheList) . ', total time is ' . $total_time . '</strong></li>';
        $output[] =  '</ul>';
        echo implode("\n", $output);

     * 将调试日志写入到本地文件中,使用JSON格式保存为一行
    public function writeLogs()
        $showTime = microtime();

        if (!defined('DEBUG_LOG_PATH')) {
            define('DEBUG_LOG_PATH', '/var/log/');

        $serverList = array(
            'SCRIPT_NAME' => $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],
            'REQUEST_URI' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],
        $datalist = array(
        $str = json_encode($datalist);
        $str = str_replace("\n", ' ', $str);
        $str .= "\n";
        $file_path = DEBUG_LOG_PATH . 'discuz_debug.log';
        if($fd = @fopen($file_path, 'a')) {
            fputs($fd, $str);

     * 将消息输出到指定的文件
     * 默认 define('DEBUG_LOG_PATH', '~/log/php/today/')
     * @param $msg
     * @param string $file
    public static function writeDebugLog($msg, $file='discuz_php.log')
        $dtime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        if (!defined('DEBUG_LOG_PATH')) {
            $default_path = '/var/log/';
            if (file_exists($default_path)) {
                define('DEBUG_LOG_PATH', $default_path);
            } else {
                define('DEBUG_LOG_PATH', '');

        $str_cookie = 'no cookie';
        $str_server = json_encode(array($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
        $str = "[$dtime]||$msg||$str_cookie||$str_server\n";
        $file_path = DEBUG_LOG_PATH . $file;
        if($fd = @fopen($file_path, 'a')) {
            fputs($fd, $str);


     * 通过PHP的 debug_backtrace 可以详细的查看到方法调用的细节情况
     * @param int $deep
     * @param bool $all
    public static function writeBacktrace($deep=3, $all=false)
        $result = array();
        $trace = debug_backtrace();
        if ($deep < count($trace)) {
            for ($i = 1; $i <= $deep; $i++) {
                $info = $trace[$i];
                if (isset($info['object']) && $all === false) {
                $result[] = $info;
        } elseif ($all === false) {
            foreach ($trace as $info) {
                if (isset($info['object'])) {
                $result[] = $info;
        } else {
            $result = $trace;
        self::writeDebugLog(json_encode($result), 'backtrace.log');



  1. 创建配置文件config/redis.ini.php

     * Created by PhpStorm.
     * User: wangxinhuang
     * Date: 2019-07-27
     * Time: 10:19
    $config['redis']['instance1'] = array(
        'default' => array(
            'host' => '',
            'port' => '6379',
            'timeout' => 5,
            'pconnect' => 1,
            'password' => ''
    $config['redis']['instance2'] = array(
        'default' => array(
            'host' => '',
            'port' => '6379',
            'timeout' => 5,
            'pconnect' => 1,
            'password' => ''
  2. 创建Helpers目录和Helpers/RedisHelper.php

    namespace App\Helpers;
    use App\Common\DebugLog;
     * Created by PhpStorm.
     * User: wangxinhuang
     * Date: 2019-07-27
     * Time: 10:24
     * @package App\Helpers
    class RedisHelper
         * @var string
        private $_config_name = '';
         * redis配置信息
         * @var null
        private $_redis_config = null;
         * redis作用域
         * @var null
        private $_server_region = null;
         * 超时
         * @var int
        public $timeout = 1;
         * @var \Redis
        private $_redis = null;
         * @var array
        private static $instances = array();
         * 计数器,连接重试
         * @var int
        private static $connect_error = 0;
         * @var int
        private $call_error = 0;
         * RedisHelper constructor.
         * @param string $_config_name
         * @param null $_redis_config
         * @param null $_server_region
        public function __construct($config_name, $redis_config, $server_region)
            if ($config_name && $redis_config && $server_region) {
                $this->_config_name = $config_name;
                $this->_redis_config = $redis_config;
                $this->_server_region = $server_region;
                $this->timeout = isset($this->_redis_config[$server_region]['timeout']) ?
                    $this->_redis_config[$server_region]['timeout'] : $this->timeout;
                try {
                    $this->_redis = new \Redis();
                        $this->_redis_config[$server_region]['port'], $this->timeout);
                    $password = $this->_redis_config[$server_region]['password'];
                    if ($password && !$this->_redis->auth($password)) {
                        $this->_redis = null;
                } catch (\Exception $exception) {
                    $this->_redis = null;
            } else {
                $this->_redis = null;
         * Redis实例公开方法
         * @param $config_name string 配置名称
         * @param $redis_config array 配置信息
         * @param $server_region string 作用域
         * @return bool|mixed
        public static function instance($config_name, $redis_config, $server_region)
            if (!$config_name || !$redis_config) {
                return false;
            // 判断实例是否存在,
            $starttime = microtime();
            $only_key = $config_name . ':' . $server_region;
            if (!isset(self::$instances[$only_key])) {
                try {
                    self::$instances[$only_key] = new RedisHelper($config_name, $redis_config, $server_region);
                    self::$connect_error = 0;
                } catch (\Exception $exception) {
                    if (self::$connect_error < 2) {
                        self::$connect_error += 1;
                        return self::instance($config_name, $redis_config, $server_region);
                    } else {
                        self::$connect_error = 0;
                        self::$instances[$only_key] = new RedisHelper(false, false, false);
            $redis_config_info = array();
            if ($redis_config && isset($redis_config[$server_region]) && isset($redis_config[$server_region]['password']))
                $redis_config_info = $redis_config[$server_region];
            DebugLog::_redis('redis_instance', $config_name, $redis_config_info, $starttime, microtime(), null);
            self::$connect_error = 0;
            return self::$instances[$only_key];
         * 魔术方法, 没有定义的方法都会走这边
         * @param $name
         * @param $arguments
         * @return array|bool|mixed
        public function __call($name, $arguments)
            if (!$this->_redis) {
                return false;
            $starttime = microtime();
            try {
                if ('scan' == $name) {
                    $data = $this->_redis->scan($arguments[0]);
                } else {
                    $data = call_user_func_array(array($this->_redis, $name), $arguments);
            } catch (\Exception $exception) {
                if ($this->call_error < 2) {
                    return call_user_func_array(array($this->_redis, $name), $arguments);
                } else {
                    $this->call_error = 0;
                $data = false;
            $this->call_error = 0;
            $redis_config = $this->_redis_config[$this->_server_region];
            if ($redis_config && isset($redis_config['password'])) {
            DebugLog::_redis($name, $arguments, $redis_config, $starttime, microtime(),
                (is_string($data) || is_array($data)) ? $data : null);
            return $data;
         * 销毁
        public function __destruct()
            if ($this->_redis != NULL) {
  3. 封装RedisHelper,创建Common/Datasource.php

    namespace App\Common;
    use App\Helpers\RedisHelper;
     * Created by PhpStorm.
     * User: wangxinhuang
     * Date: 2019-07-27
     * Time: 10:56
     * @package App\Common
    class Datasource
         * redis实例
         * @var array
        public static $redises = array();
         * Datasource constructor.
        public function __construct()
         * 获取redis实例
         * @param null $config_name
         * @param string $server_region
         * @return mixed|null
        public static function getRedis($config_name = null, $server_region = 'default')
            if ($config_name === null) {
                return null;
            // 判断是否存在,防止重复创建,浪费资源
            if (isset(self::$redises[$config_name]) && self::$redises[$config_name]) {
                return self::$redises[$config_name];
            // 获取全局配置信息
            global $config;
            $redis_config = $config['redis'][$config_name];
            // 创建Redis实例
            try {
                self::$redises[$config_name] = RedisHelper::instance($config_name, $redis_config, $server_region);
            } catch (\Exception $exception) {
                self::$redises[$config_name] = null;
            return self::$redises[$config_name];


  1. 创建配置文件config/db.ini.php

     * Created by PhpStorm.
     * User: wangxinhuang
     * Date: 2019-07-26
     * Time: 19:07
    // 数据库配置文件
    // 主库
    $config['db']['master'] = array(
        'host' => '',
        'dbname' => 'miaosha',
        'user' => 'root',
        'password' => '',
    // 从库
    $config['db']['slave'] = array(
        'host' => '',
        'dbname' => 'miaosha',
        'user' => 'root',
        'password' => '',
  2. 在app/Mysql目录下创建Db.php


namespace App\Mysql;

use App\Common\DebugLog;
use PDO;
use PDOException;

 *  DB - A simple database class
 *  PDO写入数据库
 * @modify      黄旺鑫
 * @author      Author: Vivek Wicky Aswal. (https://twitter.com/#!/VivekWickyAswal)
 * @git         https://github.com/wickyaswal/php-my-sql-pdo-database-class
 * @version      0.2ab

class DB
    # @object, The PDO object
     * @var PDO
    private $pdo;

    # @object, PDO statement object
     * @var \PDOStatement
    private $sQuery;

    # @array,  The database settings
    private $settings;

    # @bool ,  Connected to the database
    private $bConnected = false;

    # @object, Object for logging exceptions
    private $log;

    # @array, The parameters of the SQL query
    private $parameters;

    private static $instances = array();

     * 获取单例
     * @param string $name
     * @return mixed
    public static function getInstance($name = 'master') {
        // 判断是否已存在实例, 使用单例
        if (isset(self::$instances[$name])) {
            return self::$instances[$name];

        self::$instances[$name] = new DB($name);
        return self::$instances[$name];

     *   Default Constructor
     *  1. Instantiate Log class.
     *  2. Connect to database.
     *  3. Creates the parameter array.
    private function __construct($name = 'master')
        $this->parameters = array();

     *  This method makes connection to the database.
     *  1. Reads the database settings from a ini file.
     *  2. Puts  the ini content into the settings array.
     *  3. Tries to connect to the database.
     *  4. If connection failed, exception is displayed and a log file gets created.
    private function Connect($name = 'master')
        // 全局配置信息
        global $config;
        $mtime1 = microtime();
        $this->settings = $config['db'][$name];
        $dsn            = 'mysql:dbname=' . $this->settings["dbname"] . ';host=' . $this->settings["host"] . '';
        try {
            # Read settings from INI file, set UTF8
            $this->pdo = new PDO($dsn, $this->settings["user"], $this->settings["password"], array(
                PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8"

            # We can now log any exceptions on Fatal error.
            $this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);

            # Disable emulation of prepared statements, use REAL prepared statements instead.
            $this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, true);

            # Connection succeeded, set the boolean to true.
            $this->bConnected = true;
        catch (PDOException $e) {
            # Write into log
            echo $this->ExceptionLog($e->getMessage());

        $mtime2 = microtime();
        // 输出日志
        DebugLog::_mysql('connect', null, array('host' => $this->settings['host'],
            'dbname' => $this->settings['dbname']), $mtime1, $mtime2, null);

     *   You can use this little method if you want to close the PDO connection
    public function CloseConnection()
        # Set the PDO object to null to close the connection
        # http://www.php.net/manual/en/pdo.connections.php
        $this->pdo = null;

     *  Every method which needs to execute a SQL query uses this method.
     *  1. If not connected, connect to the database.
     *  2. Prepare Query.
     *  3. Parameterize Query.
     *  4. Execute Query.
     *  5. On exception : Write Exception into the log + SQL query.
     *  6. Reset the Parameters.
    private function Init($query, $parameters = "")
        # Connect to database
        if (!$this->bConnected) {
        try {
            # Prepare query
            $this->sQuery = $this->pdo->prepare($query);

            # Add parameters to the parameter array
            if ($parameters && isset($parameters[0])) {
                // ? 占位符形式
                # Execute SQL
            } else {
                // : fieldname 字段名形式

                # Bind parameters
                if (!empty($this->parameters)) {
                    foreach ($this->parameters as $param) {

                        $parameters = explode("\x7F", $param);
                        $this->sQuery->bindParam($parameters[0], $parameters[1]);

//                        if(is_int($value[1])) {
//                            $type = PDO::PARAM_INT;
//                        } else if(is_bool($value[1])) {
//                            $type = PDO::PARAM_BOOL;
//                        } else if(is_null($value[1])) {
//                            $type = PDO::PARAM_NULL;
//                        } else {
//                            $type = PDO::PARAM_STR;
//                        }
//                        // Add type when binding the values to the column
//                        $this->sQuery->bindValue($value[0], $value[1], $type);

                # Execute SQL

        catch (PDOException $e) {
            # Write into log and display Exception
            echo $this->ExceptionLog($e->getMessage(), $query);

        # Reset the parameters
        $this->parameters = array();

     *  @void
     *  Add the parameter to the parameter array
     *  @param string $para
     *  @param string $value
    public function bind($para, $value)
        if (is_array($para)) {
            $para = json_encode($para);

        if (is_array($value)) {
            $value = json_encode($value);

        $this->parameters[sizeof($this->parameters)] = ":" . $para . "\x7F" . $value;

//        $this->parameters[sizeof($this->parameters)] = [":" . $para , $value];
     *  @void
     *  Add more parameters to the parameter array
     *  @param array $parray
    public function bindMore($parray)
        if (empty($this->parameters) && is_array($parray)) {
            $columns = array_keys($parray);
            foreach ($columns as $i => &$column) {
                $this->bind($column, $parray[$column]);
     *  If the SQL query  contains a SELECT or SHOW statement it returns an array containing all of the result set row
     *  If the SQL statement is a DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE statement it returns the number of affected rows
     *      @param  string $query
     *  @param  array  $params
     *  @param  int    $fetchmode
     *  @return mixed
    public function query($query, $params = null, $fetchmode = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)
        $mtime1 = microtime();
        $query = trim($query);
//        $query = trim(str_replace("\r", " ", $query));

        $this->Init($query, $params);

        $rawStatement = explode(" ", $query);
//        $rawStatement = explode(" ", preg_replace("/\s+|\t+|\n+/", " ", $query));

        # Which SQL statement is used
        $statement = strtolower($rawStatement[0]);

        $result = NULL;
        if ($statement === 'select' || $statement === 'show') {
            $result = $this->sQuery->fetchAll($fetchmode);
        } elseif ($statement === 'insert' || $statement === 'update' || $statement === 'delete') {
            $result = $this->sQuery->rowCount();

        $mtime2 = microtime();
        DebugLog::_mysql('query: ' . $query, $params, array('host' => $this->settings['host'],
            'dbname' => $this->settings['dbname']), $mtime1, $mtime2, $result);

        return $result;

     *  Returns the last inserted id.
     *  @return string
    public function lastInsertId()
        return $this->pdo->lastInsertId();

     * Starts the transaction
     * @return boolean, true on success or false on failure
    public function beginTransaction()
        return $this->pdo->beginTransaction();

     *  Execute Transaction
     *  @return boolean, true on success or false on failure
    public function executeTransaction()
        return $this->pdo->commit();

     *  Rollback of Transaction
     *  @return boolean, true on success or false on failure
    public function rollBack()
        return $this->pdo->rollBack();

     *  Returns an array which represents a column from the result set
     *  @param  string $query
     *  @param  array  $params
     *  @return array
    public function column($query, $params = null)
        $mtime1 = microtime();
        $this->Init($query, $params);
        $Columns = $this->sQuery->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM);

        $column = null;

        foreach ($Columns as $cells) {
            $column[] = $cells[0];

        $mtime2 = microtime();
        DebugLog::_mysql('column: ' . $query, $params, array('host' => $this->settings['host'],
            'dbname' => $this->settings['dbname']), $mtime1, $mtime2, $column);

        return $column;

     *  Returns an array which represents a row from the result set
     *  @param  string $query
     *  @param  array  $params
     *      @param  int    $fetchmode
     *  @return array
    public function row($query, $params = null, $fetchmode = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)
        $mtime1 = microtime();
        $this->Init($query, $params);
        $result = $this->sQuery->fetch($fetchmode);
//        $this->sQuery->closeCursor(); // Frees up the connection to the server so that other SQL statements may be issued,
        $mtime2 = microtime();
        DebugLog::_mysql('row: ' . $query, $params, array('host' => $this->settings['host'],
            'dbname' => $this->settings['dbname']), $mtime1, $mtime2, $result);

        return $result;
     *  Returns the value of one single field/column
     *  @param  string $query
     *  @param  array  $params
     *  @return string
    public function single($query, $params = null)
        $mtime1 = microtime();
        $this->Init($query, $params);
        $result = $this->sQuery->fetchColumn();
        $mtime2 = microtime();

        DebugLog::_mysql('single: ' . $query, $params, array('host' => $this->settings['host'],
            'dbname' => $this->settings['dbname']), $mtime1, $mtime2, $result);

//        $this->sQuery->closeCursor(); // Frees up the connection to the server so that other SQL statements may be issued
        return $result;

     * Writes the log and returns the exception
     * @param  string $message
     * @param  string $sql
     * @return string
    private function ExceptionLog($message, $sql = "")
        $exception = 'Unhandled Exception. <br />';

        if (!empty($sql)) {
            # Add the Raw SQL to the Log
            $message .= "\r\nRaw SQL : " . $sql;
            $exception .= $message;
            $exception .= "<br /> You can find the error back in the log.";

            return $exception;
        # Write into log
//        $this->log->write($message);

        return '';
  1. 在app/Mysql目录下创建Crud.php

    namespace App\Mysql;
     * Easy Crud  -  This class kinda works like ORM. Just created for fun :)
     * @modify 王毅
     * @author      Author: Vivek Wicky Aswal. (https://twitter.com/#!/VivekWickyAswal)
     * @version      0.1a
    class Crud
        private $db;
        protected $fields;
        public $variables;
        public function __construct($data = array()) {
            if ($this->fields && $data) {
                foreach ($data as $k => $d) {
                    if (!in_array($k, $this->fields)) {
            $this->variables  = $data;
        public function setDb($db) {
            $this->db = $db;
        public function getDb() {
            if (!$this->db) {
                $this->db = DB::getInstance('master');
            return $this->db;
        public function __set($name,$value){
            if(strtolower($name) === $this->pk) {
                $this->variables[$this->pk] = $value;
            else {
                if (!$this->fields || in_array($name, $this->fields)) {
                    $this->variables[$name] = $value;
        public function __get($name)
            if(is_array($this->variables)) {
                if(array_key_exists($name,$this->variables)) {
                    return $this->variables[$name];
            $trace = debug_backtrace();
                'Undefined property via __get(): ' . $name .
                ' in ' . $trace[0]['file'] .
                ' on line ' . $trace[0]['line'],
            return null;
        public function save($id = "0") {
            $this->variables[$this->pk] = $id ? $id : $this->variables[$this->pk];
            $fieldsvals = '';
            $columns = array_keys($this->variables);
            foreach($columns as $column)
                if($column !== $this->pk)
                    $fieldsvals .= "`{$column}` = :". $column . ",";
            $fieldsvals = substr_replace($fieldsvals , '', -1);
            if(count($columns) > 1 ) {
                $sql = "UPDATE `" . $this->table .  "` SET " . $fieldsvals . " WHERE `" . $this->pk . "`= :" . $this->pk;
                return $this->getDb()->query($sql,$this->variables);
        public function create() {
            $bindings       = $this->variables;
            if(!empty($bindings)) {
                $fields     =  array_keys($bindings);
                $fieldsvals =  array('`' . implode("`,`",$fields) . '`', ":" . implode(",:",$fields));
                $sql        = "INSERT INTO `".$this->table."` (".$fieldsvals[0].") VALUES (".$fieldsvals[1].")";
            else {
                $sql        = "INSERT INTO `".$this->table."` () VALUES ()";
            $ok = $this->getDb()->query($sql,$bindings);
            if ($ok) {
                return $this->getDB()->lastInsertId();
            } else {
                return $ok;
        public function delete($id = "") {
            $id = (empty($this->variables[$this->pk])) ? $id : $this->variables[$this->pk];
            if(!empty($id)) {
                $sql = "DELETE FROM `" . $this->table . "` WHERE `" . $this->pk . "`= :" . $this->pk. " LIMIT 1" ;
                return $this->getDb()->query($sql,array($this->pk=>$id));
        public function get($id = "") {
            $id = $id ? $id : $this->variables[$this->pk];
            if(!empty($id)) {
                $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $this->table ."` WHERE `" . $this->pk . "`= :" . $this->pk . " LIMIT 1";
                $this->variables = $this->getDb()->row($sql,array($this->pk=>$id));
            return $this->variables;
        public function all(){
            return $this->getDb()->query("SELECT * FROM `" . $this->table . '`');
        public function count(){
            return $this->getDb()->query("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM `" . $this->table . '`');
    //  public function min($field)  {
    //      if($field)
    //      return $this->getDb()->single("SELECT min(" . $field . ")" . " FROM " . $this->table);
    //  }
    //  public function max($field)  {
    //      if($field)
    //      return $this->getDb()->single("SELECT max(" . $field . ")" . " FROM " . $this->table);
    //  }
    //  public function avg($field)  {
    //      if($field)
    //      return $this->getDb()->single("SELECT avg(" . $field . ")" . " FROM " . $this->table);
    //  }
    //  public function sum($field)  {
    //      if($field)
    //      return $this->getDb()->single("SELECT sum(" . $field . ")" . " FROM " . $this->table);
    //  }
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