Everyone goes through ups and down in daily life. Ordinarily, no one is able to escape this fluctuation between unpleasant and pleasant feelings. Even though there is no immediate remedy for overcoming every single situation that we face in our journey of life, we cannot simply allow our problems to consume our whole life nor can we ignore them and expect them to go away. Instead, we should seriously examine any pressing issues so that our problems do not throw our lives into chaos. We must first understand that there will be some problems that we are able to address effectively and totally eliminate, and there will be other problems that we may have to simply learn to live with. We must practice patience and be realistic in our approach to each different situation. For instance, if we are hungry, all we have to do is grab something to satisfy our hunger. On the other hand, there are certain situations, such as family concerns or having to live next to unfriendly neighbors, which we must simply accept. In these circumstances, we must try our level best to deal with the situation wisely and skillfully in order to bring about the best outcome for ourselves and others. Simply hoping and praying for a situation to change will not get us anywhere. Instead, we must come to terms with whatever challenge we come up against and face it with compassion and wisdom. That is what people who are successful in their lives have learned to do. So, for our own sake, we should learn how deal with unavoidable situations in our daily lives.