Bonfire Night is an important celebration in Britain. Today when people talk about it, they usually associate it with a man named Guy Fawkes and an crime “Gunpower Plot”. Guy Fawkes was the most notorious one among 13 traitors who plotted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605.
Under the reign of the Queen Elisabeth I, the Catholicswere persecuted. In 1603 the queen died, people hoped that her successor JamesI would change the attitude to their change, however, he was still intolerantto Catholics. A number of young men decided to murder him by violent action.
Robert Catesby and other 12 people formed a smallgroup of 13 people and began a plot of explosion. Their target was the House ofParliament where there would a meeting of the King James I, the prince ofWales, and other Members of Parliament. They believed that it was these peoplewho made Catholics’ life miserable.
There was a good beginning for the conspirators’plan. They successfully gathered 36 barrels of gunpowder and stored them in acaller under the House of Parliament. The move underwent as was planned withoutnoticing and suspicion of the authority.
If it continued like this, it would be anotherstory. However, a letter written by one of the 13 men changed the whole plan.This man wanted to warn his friend working in the government not to go to Parliamenton November 5, however, it was finally received by the King. Apparently, theplan turned out to be a failure. As a result, Guy Fawkes was then captured onthat day before their lighted the gunpowder.
English peopled were shocked by the plot and the celebrated the safety of the King by bonfires on that day. Ever since then, November 5 has become the Bonfire Night. Every year bonfires are made and fireworks are displayed.