DimEnv 小瞬移热键, 大瞬移热键, 慢瞬移热键, 超级跳热键, 大超级跳热键, 瞬移跳热键, 五十倍伤害热键
DimEnv dftq
Dimenv 鼠标指向的窗口句柄
DimEnv 用户总数
DimEnv 微调系数
Delay 200
Form1.Hotkey1.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey1.Change
Call Plugin.File.WriteINI("瞬移热键", "小瞬移", 小瞬移热键,"c:\dftq\Config.ini" )
TracePrint 小瞬移热键
Form1.Hotkey1.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey2.Hotkey
//Set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
//dm_ret = dm.SetPath("c:\dftq")
//回车光标检测地址 = "[<tiejiclient.exe>+02e39528]+264"
//回车光标检测 = dm.ReadInt(dftq, 回车光标检测地址, 0)
Form1.Hotkey2.Register False
回车光标检测 = Cint(Plugin.DBSoft.ReadMemEX(dftq, &H3239528, 3, &H264))
If GetCursorShape(1) <> Windows鼠标形状 and GetCursorShape(1) <> 刀锋铁骑鼠标形状 and 回车光标检测=0 and (Form1.InputBox8.Text="坐标备注" or Form1.InputBox8.Text<>"" )Then
TracePrint "按下了大瞬移热键"
If Form1.OptionBox4.value = 1 Then
If Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex =0 Then
// Form1.Hotkey2.Register False
Call 大瞬移操作码
TracePrint "轻甲大瞬移启动"
// Delay 300
// Form1.Hotkey2.Register True
ElseIf Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex = 1 Then
Form1.Hotkey2.Register False
Call 大瞬移操作码2
TracePrint "重甲大瞬移启动"
// Delay 300
// Form1.Hotkey2.Register True
End If
End If
End If
Delay 300
Form1.Hotkey2.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey2.Change
Call Plugin.File.WriteINI("瞬移热键", "大瞬移", 大瞬移热键,"c:\dftq\Config.ini" )
TracePrint 大瞬移热键
Form1.Hotkey2.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey3.Hotkey
//Set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
//dm_ret = dm.SetPath("c:\dftq")
//回车光标检测地址 = "[<tiejiclient.exe>+02e39528]+264"
//回车光标检测 = dm.ReadInt(dftq, 回车光标检测地址, 0)
Form1.Hotkey3.Register False
回车光标检测 = Cint(Plugin.DBSoft.ReadMemEX(dftq, &H3239528, 3, &H264))
If GetCursorShape(1) <> Windows鼠标形状 and GetCursorShape(1) <> 刀锋铁骑鼠标形状 and 回车光标检测=0 and (Form1.InputBox8.Text="坐标备注" or Form1.InputBox8.Text<>"" )Then
TracePrint "按下了慢瞬移热键"
If Form1.OptionBox6.value = 1 Then
If Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex =0 Then
// Form1.Hotkey3.Register False
Call 慢瞬移操作码
TracePrint "轻甲慢瞬移启动"
// Delay 400
// Form1.Hotkey3.Register True
ElseIf Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex = 1 Then
// Form1.Hotkey3.Register False
Call 慢瞬移操作码2
TracePrint "重甲慢瞬移启动"
// Delay 400
// Form1.Hotkey3.Register True
End If
End If
End If
Delay 400
Form1.Hotkey3.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey3.Change
Call Plugin.File.WriteINI("瞬移热键", "慢瞬移", 慢瞬移热键,"c:\dftq\Config.ini" )
TracePrint 慢瞬移热键
Form1.Hotkey3.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey4.Hotkey
//Set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
//dm_ret = dm.SetPath("c:\dftq")
//回车光标检测地址 = "[<tiejiclient.exe>+02e39528]+264"
//回车光标检测 = dm.ReadInt(dftq, 回车光标检测地址, 0)
Form1.Hotkey4.Register True
回车光标检测 = Cint(Plugin.DBSoft.ReadMemEX(dftq, &H3239528, 3, &H264))
If GetCursorShape(1) <> Windows鼠标形状 and GetCursorShape(1) <> 刀锋铁骑鼠标形状 and 回车光标检测=0 and (Form1.InputBox8.Text="坐标备注" or Form1.InputBox8.Text<>"" )Then
TracePrint "按下了超级跳热键"
If Form1.OptionBox8.value = 1 Then
If Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex =0 Then
// Form1.Hotkey4.Register False
Call 超级跳操作码
TracePrint "轻甲超级跳启动"
// Delay 300
// Form1.Hotkey4.Register True
ElseIf Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex = 1 Then
Form1.Hotkey4.Register False
Call 超级跳操作码2
TracePrint "重甲超级跳启动"
// Delay 300
// Form1.Hotkey4.Register True
End If
End If
End If
Delay 300
Form1.Hotkey4.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey4.Change
Call Plugin.File.WriteINI("跳跃设置热键", "超级跳", 超级跳热键,"c:\dftq\Config.ini" )
TracePrint 超级跳热键
Form1.Hotkey4.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey5.Hotkey
//Set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
//dm_ret = dm.SetPath("c:\dftq")
//回车光标检测地址 = "[<tiejiclient.exe>+02e39528]+264"
//回车光标检测 = dm.ReadInt(dftq, 回车光标检测地址, 0)
Form1.Hotkey5.Register False
回车光标检测 = Cint(Plugin.DBSoft.ReadMemEX(dftq, &H3239528, 3, &H264))
If GetCursorShape(1) <> Windows鼠标形状 and GetCursorShape(1) <> 刀锋铁骑鼠标形状 and 回车光标检测=0 and (Form1.InputBox8.Text="坐标备注" or Form1.InputBox8.Text<>"" )Then
TracePrint "按下了大超级跳热键"
If Form1.OptionBox10.value = 1 Then
If Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex =0 Then
// Form1.Hotkey5.Register False
Call 大超级跳操作码
TracePrint "轻甲大超级跳启动"
// Delay 300
// Form1.Hotkey5.Register True
ElseIf Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex = 1 Then
Form1.Hotkey5.Register False
Call 大超级跳操作码2
TracePrint "重甲大超级跳启动"
// Delay 300
// Form1.Hotkey5.Register True
End If
End If
End If
Delay 300
Form1.Hotkey5.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey5.Change
Call Plugin.File.WriteINI("跳跃设置热键", "大超级跳", 大超级跳热键,"c:\dftq\Config.ini" )
TracePrint 大超级跳热键
Form1.Hotkey5.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey6.Hotkey
//Set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
//dm_ret = dm.SetPath("c:\dftq")
//回车光标检测地址 = "[<tiejiclient.exe>+02e39528]+264"
//回车光标检测 = dm.ReadInt(dftq, 回车光标检测地址, 0)
Form1.Hotkey6.Register True
回车光标检测 = Cint(Plugin.DBSoft.ReadMemEX(dftq, &H3239528, 3, &H264))
If GetCursorShape(1) <> Windows鼠标形状 and GetCursorShape(1) <> 刀锋铁骑鼠标形状 and 回车光标检测=0 and (Form1.InputBox8.Text="坐标备注" or Form1.InputBox8.Text<>"" )Then
TracePrint "按下了瞬移跳热键"
If Form1.OptionBox12.value = 1 Then
If Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex =0 Then
// Form1.Hotkey6.Register False
Call 瞬移跳操作码
TracePrint "轻甲瞬移跳启动"
// Delay 300
// Form1.Hotkey6.Register True
ElseIf Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex = 1 Then
Form1.Hotkey6.Register False
Call 瞬移跳操作码2
TracePrint "重甲瞬移跳启动"
// Delay 300
// Form1.Hotkey6.Register True
End If
End If
End If
Delay 300
Form1.Hotkey6.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey7.Hotkey
//Set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
//dm_ret = dm.SetPath("c:\dftq")
//回车光标检测地址 = "[<tiejiclient.exe>+02e39528]+264"
//回车光标检测 = dm.ReadInt(dftq, 回车光标检测地址, 0)
Form1.Hotkey7.Register False
回车光标检测 = Cint(Plugin.DBSoft.ReadMemEX(dftq, &H3239528, 3, &H264))
If GetCursorShape(1) <> Windows鼠标形状 and GetCursorShape(1) <> 刀锋铁骑鼠标形状 and 回车光标检测=0 and (Form1.InputBox8.Text="坐标备注" or Form1.InputBox8.Text<>"" )Then
// Form1.Hotkey7.Register False
If Form1.OptionBox15.value = 1 Then
Call 五十倍伤害操作码
// Delay 1630
// Form1.Hotkey7.Register True
End If
End If
Delay 500
Form1.Hotkey7.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey7.Change
Call Plugin.File.WriteINI("PVE设置热键", "五十倍伤害", 五十倍伤害热键,"c:\dftq\Config.ini" )
TracePrint 瞬移跳热键
Form1.Hotkey7.Register True
End Event
Case 10049
Case 10054
Case 10032
Case 10047
Case 10052
Case 10057
Case 10058
Case 10083
Case 10084
Case 10088
Case 10087
Case 10090
Case 10092
Case 1007
Case 1004
Form1.Button地图.Caption = "火枪模式"
Case 10043
Form1.Button地图.Caption = "校场"
Case 10029
Form1.Button地图.Caption = "长青城"
Case Else
Form1.Button地图.Caption = "PvP模式禁用"
End Select
If 地图代号=10039 or 地图代号=10049 or 地图代号=10054 or 地图代号=10032 or 地图代号=10047 or 地图代号=10052 or 地图代号=10057 or 地图代号=10058 or 地图代号=10083 or 地图代号=10084 or 地图代号=10088 or 地图代号=10087 or 地图代号=10090 or 地图代号=10092 or 地图代号=1007 or 地图代号=1004 Then
// Form1.Hotkey1.Register False
Call 小瞬移操作码
TracePrint "轻甲小瞬移启动"
Delay 200
// Form1.Hotkey1.Register True
ElseIf Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex = 1 Then
Form1.Hotkey1.Register False
Call 小瞬移操作码2
TracePrint "重甲小瞬移启动"
// Delay 200
// Form1.Hotkey1.Register True
End If
End If
End If
Delay 200
Form1.Hotkey1.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey1.Change
Call Plugin.File.WriteINI("瞬移热键", "小瞬移", 小瞬移热键,"c:\dftq\Config.ini" )
TracePrint 小瞬移热键
Form1.Hotkey1.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey2.Hotkey
//Set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
//dm_ret = dm.SetPath("c:\dftq")
//回车光标检测地址 = "[<tiejiclient.exe>+02e39528]+264"
//回车光标检测 = dm.ReadInt(dftq, 回车光标检测地址, 0)
Form1.Hotkey2.Register False
回车光标检测 = Cint(Plugin.DBSoft.ReadMemEX(dftq, &H3239528, 3, &H264))
If GetCursorShape(1) <> Windows鼠标形状 and GetCursorShape(1) <> 刀锋铁骑鼠标形状 and 回车光标检测=0 and (Form1.InputBox8.Text="坐标备注" or Form1.InputBox8.Text<>"" )Then
TracePrint "按下了大瞬移热键"
If Form1.OptionBox4.value = 1 Then
If Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex =0 Then
// Form1.Hotkey2.Register False
Call 大瞬移操作码
TracePrint "轻甲大瞬移启动"
// Delay 300
// Form1.Hotkey2.Register True
ElseIf Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex = 1 Then
Form1.Hotkey2.Register False
Call 大瞬移操作码2
If Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex =0 Then
// Form1.Hotkey3.Register False
Call 慢瞬移操作码
TracePrint "轻甲慢瞬移启动"
// Delay 400
// Form1.Hotkey3.Register True
ElseIf Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex = 1 Then
// Form1.Hotkey3.Register False
Call 慢瞬移操作码2
TracePrint "重甲慢瞬移启动"
// Delay 400
// Form1.Hotkey3.Register True
End If
End If
End If
Delay 400
Form1.Hotkey3.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey3.Change
Call Plugin.File.WriteINI("瞬移热键", "慢瞬移", 慢瞬移热键,"c:\dftq\Config.ini" )
TracePrint 慢瞬移热键
Form1.Hotkey3.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey4.Hotkey
//Set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
//dm_ret = dm.SetPath("c:\dftq")
//回车光标检测地址 = "[<tiejiclient.exe>+02e39528]+264"
//回车光标检测 = dm.ReadInt(dftq, 回车光标检测地址, 0)
Form1.Hotkey4.Register True
回车光标检测 = Cint(Plugin.DBSoft.ReadMemEX(dftq, &H3239528, 3, &H264))
If GetCursorShape(1) <> Windows鼠标形状 and GetCursorShape(1) <> 刀锋铁骑鼠标形状 and 回车光标检测=0 and (Form1.InputBox8.Text="坐标备注" or Form1.InputBox8.Text<>"" )Then
TracePrint "按下了超级跳热键"
If Form1.OptionBox8.value = 1 Then
If Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex =0 Then
// Form1.Hotkey4.Register False
Call 超级跳操作码
TracePrint "轻甲超级跳启动"
// Delay 300
// Form1.Hotkey4.Register True
ElseIf Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex = 1 Then
Form1.Hotkey4.Register False
Call 超级跳操作码2
TracePrint "重甲超级跳启动"
// Delay 300
// Form1.Hotkey4.Register True
Call Plugin.File.WriteINI("跳跃设置热键", "超级跳", 超级跳热键,"c:\dftq\Config.ini" )
TracePrint 超级跳热键
Form1.Hotkey4.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey5.Hotkey
//Set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
//dm_ret = dm.SetPath("c:\dftq")
//回车光标检测地址 = "[<tiejiclient.exe>+02e39528]+264"
//回车光标检测 = dm.ReadInt(dftq, 回车光标检测地址, 0)
Form1.Hotkey5.Register False
回车光标检测 = Cint(Plugin.DBSoft.ReadMemEX(dftq, &H3239528, 3, &H264))
If GetCursorShape(1) <> Windows鼠标形状 and GetCursorShape(1) <> 刀锋铁骑鼠标形状 and 回车光标检测=0 and (Form1.InputBox8.Text="坐标备注" or Form1.InputBox8.Text<>"" )Then
TracePrint "按下了大超级跳热键"
If Form1.OptionBox10.value = 1 Then
If Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex =0 Then
// Form1.Hotkey5.Register False
Call 大超级跳操作码
TracePrint "轻甲大超级跳启动"
// Delay 300
// Form1.Hotkey5.Register True
ElseIf Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex = 1 Then
Form1.Hotkey5.Register False
Call 大超级跳操作码2
TracePrint "重甲大超级跳启动"
// Delay 300
// Form1.Hotkey5.Register True
End If
End If
End If
Delay 300
Form1.Hotkey5.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey5.Change
Call Plugin.File.WriteINI("跳跃设置热键", "大超级跳", 大超级跳热键,"c:\dftq\Config.ini" )
TracePrint 大超级跳热键
Form1.Hotkey5.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey6.Hotkey
//Set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
//dm_ret = dm.SetPath("c:\dftq")
//回车光标检测地址 = "[<tiejiclient.exe>+02e39528]+264"
//回车光标检测 = dm.ReadInt(dftq, 回车光标检测地址, 0)
Form1.Hotkey6.Register True
回车光标检测 = Cint(Plugin.DBSoft.ReadMemEX(dftq, &H3239528, 3, &H264))
If GetCursorShape(1) <> Windows鼠标形状 and GetCursorShape(1) <> 刀锋铁骑鼠标形状 and 回车光标检测=0 and (Form1.InputBox8.Text="坐标备注" or Form1.InputBox8.Text<>"" )Then
TracePrint "按下了瞬移跳热键"
If Form1.OptionBox12.value = 1 Then
If Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex =0 Then
// Form1.Hotkey6.Register False
Call 瞬移跳操作码
TracePrint "轻甲瞬移跳启动"
// Delay 300
// Form1.Hotkey6.Register True
ElseIf Form1.ComboBox1.ListIndex = 1 Then
Form1.Hotkey6.Register False
Call 瞬移跳操作码2
TracePrint "重甲瞬移跳启动"
// Delay 300
// Form1.Hotkey6.Register True
End If
End If
End If
Delay 300
Form1.Hotkey6.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey6.Change
Call Plugin.File.WriteINI("跳跃设置热键", "瞬移跳", 瞬移跳热键,"c:\dftq\Config.ini" )
TracePrint 瞬移跳热键
Form1.Hotkey6.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey7.Hotkey
//Set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
//dm_ret = dm.SetPath("c:\dftq")
//回车光标检测地址 = "[<tiejiclient.exe>+02e39528]+264"
//回车光标检测 = dm.ReadInt(dftq, 回车光标检测地址, 0)
Form1.Hotkey7.Register False
回车光标检测 = Cint(Plugin.DBSoft.ReadMemEX(dftq, &H3239528, 3, &H264))
If GetCursorShape(1) <> Windows鼠标形状 and GetCursorShape(1) <> 刀锋铁骑鼠标形状 and 回车光标检测=0 and (Form1.InputBox8.Text="坐标备注" or Form1.InputBox8.Text<>"" )Then
// Form1.Hotkey7.Register False
If Form1.OptionBox15.value = 1 Then
Call 五十倍伤害操作码
// Delay 1630
// Form1.Hotkey7.Register True
End If
End If
Delay 500
Form1.Hotkey7.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey7.Change
Call Plugin.File.WriteINI("PVE设置热键", "五十倍伤害", 五十倍伤害热键,"c:\dftq\Config.ini" )
TracePrint 瞬移跳热键
Form1.Hotkey7.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey9.Change
Call Plugin.File.WriteINI("悬浮框热键", "悬浮框", 悬浮框热键,"c:\dftq\Config.ini" )
TracePrint 悬浮框热键
Form1.Hotkey9.Register True
End Event
Event Form1.Hotkey9.Hotkey //悬浮框
//dftq = Plugin.Window.Find("_GE_WINDOW_", "刀锋铁骑")
TracePrint "热键开启信息框"
If 悬浮框状态=1 Then
StopThread (透明显示线程ID)
Call 关闭信息显示
透明显示线程ID = BeginThread(透明显示)
dim MyArray
sRect = Plugin.Window.GetClientRect(bg)
//MsgBox "得到窗口句柄的客户区大小为:"& sRect
L = Clng(MyArray(0)): T = Clng(MyArray(1))
R = Clng(MyArray(2)) : B = Clng(MyArray(3))
W1 = Clng(MyArray(0)): H1 = Clng(MyArray(1))
W2 = Clng(MyArray(2)): H2 = Clng(MyArray(3))
TracePrint "左" & L & ",右 " & R & ",上" & T & ",下" & B
TracePrint "边框大小: " & W2 - W1 & " " & H2 - H1
End If
If 悬浮框状态 = - 1 Then
StopThread (透明显示线程ID)
Call 关闭信息显示
End If
End Event
MessageBox "请输入数字"
Form1.InputBox9.Text = ""
End If
End Event
Event Form1.InputBox12.Change
txt = Form1.InputBox9.Text
For i = 1 To len(txt)
tt = Asc(mid(txt, i, 1))
If tt >= 48 and tt <= 57 Then
MessageBox "请输入数字"
Form1.InputBox9.Text = ""
End If
End Event
Event Form1.Button9.Click
Dim MyPos1,MyPos2,a,text,lenth,去括号的坐标结构体,坐标结构体
//人传送状态 = 人传送状态 * (- 1 )
If Form1.TabControl2.Tab=0 Then
Select Case 人传送状态
Case 0
//If 人传送状态 = 1 Then
//If 人传送状态 = 0 Then
a = Form1.ListBox4.ListIndex//a为选中的列表框元素序号
text = Form1.ListBox4.List//倒出所有元素框内容
预存的坐标们 = split(text, "|")//数组
TracePrint 预存的坐标们(a) //选中的坐标
MyPos1 = Instr(1, 预存的坐标们(a), "(", 1)
MyPos2 = Instr(1, 预存的坐标们(a), ")", 1)
TracePrint MyPos1
TracePrint MyPos2
去括号的坐标结构体 = Mid(预存的坐标们(a), MyPos1+1, lenth)
TracePrint 去括号的坐标结构体
坐标结构体 = split(去括号的坐标结构体, ",")
//StopThread 人传送线程ID
//If 人传送x坐标<>"" and 人传送y坐标<>"" and 人传送z坐标<>"" Then
//人传送线程ID = BeginThread(人传送)
//Delay 1000
人传送状态 = 1
//End If
//End If
//If 人传送状态 = - 1 Then
//If 人传送状态 = 1 Then
Case 1
//StopThread 人传送线程ID
人传送状态 = 0
Form1.Button9.BackColor = "68B62F"
//End If
End Select
End If
If Form1.TabControl2.Tab=1 Then
//If 人传送状态 = 1 Then
Select Case 人传送状态
Case 0
a = Form1.ListBox5.ListIndex//a为选中的列表框元素序号
text = Form1.ListBox5.List//倒出所有元素框内容
预存的坐标们 = split(text, "|")//数组
TracePrint 预存的坐标们(a) //选中的坐标
MyPos1 = Instr(1, 预存的坐标们(a), "(", 1)
MyPos2 = Instr(1, 预存的坐标们(a), ")", 1)
TracePrint MyPos1
TracePrint MyPos2
去括号的坐标结构体 = Mid(预存的坐标们(a), MyPos1+1, lenth)
TracePrint 去括号的坐标结构体
坐标结构体 = split(去括号的坐标结构体, ",")
//StopThread 人传送线程ID
If 人传送x坐标<>"" and 人传送y坐标<>"" and 人传送z坐标<>"" Then
//人传送线程ID = BeginThread(人传送)
Form1.Timer人传送.Enabled = 1
人传送状态 = 1
//Delay 1000
End If
//End If
//If 人传送状态 = - 1 Then
//If 人传送状态 = 1 Then
//StopThread 人传送线程ID
Case 1
Form1.Timer人传送.Enabled = 0
人传送状态 =0
Form1.Button9.BackColor = "68B62F"
//End If
End Select
End If
End Event
// StopThread 双管加速双击鼠标线程ID
// StopThread 只按r键线程ID
//End If
回车光标检测 = int(Plugin.DBSoft.ReadMemEX(dftq, &H3239528, 3, &H264))
If Form1.ComboBox2.ListIndex=1 and 回车光标检测=0 Then
火炮状态 = 火炮状态 * - 1
TracePrint 火炮状态
If 火炮状态 = 1 Then
TracePrint "开启单管火炮加速"
// MsgBox "开启单管火炮加速"
StopThread 一直按R键线程ID
// Delay 1000
// StopThread 鼠标左右键一起按线程ID
一直按R键线程ID = BeginThread(一直按R键)
Delay 2000
End If
If 火炮状态 = -1 Then
KeyDown 17, 1
KeyPress 86, 1
KeyUp 17, 1
KeyPress "Enter", 1
Delay 10000
Event Form1.微调加.Hotkey 延迟 (50 + int(微调系数))
微调系数 = 微调系数 + 1
//Form1.InputBox8.Text = 微调系数
Form1.Label34.Caption = Cint(微调系数)
End Event
Event Form1.微调减.Hotkey
微调系数 = 微调系数 - 1
//Form1.InputBox8.Text = 微调系数
Form1.Label34.Caption = Cint(微调系数)
End Event
Plugin.Bkgnd.KeyUp dftq,68
延迟 (50 + int(微调系数))
Plugin.Bkgnd.KeyUp dftq,83
Plugin.Bkgnd.KeyUp dftq,68
Form1.OptionBox10.value = 0
// Form1.OptionBox9.value = 0
Form1.Hotkey5.Register False
Form1.OptionBox12.value = 0
Form1.Hotkey6.Register False
// Form1.OptionBox11.value = 0
Form1.Button17.Enabled = 0
Form1.Button18.Enabled = 0
Form1.Button9.Enabled = 0
Form1.Button10.Enabled = 0
Form1.Button15.Enabled = 0
Form1.Button16.Enabled = 0
Form1.Button17.Enabled = 0
Form1.Button18.Enabled = 0
//DimEnv dftq
Set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
dm_ret = dm.SetPath("c:\dftq")
dftq = Plugin.Window.Find("_GE_WINDOW_", "刀锋铁骑")
sRect = Plugin.Window.GetClientRect(dftq)
//MsgBox "得到窗口句柄的客户区大小为:"& sRect
dim MyArray
MyArray = Split(sRect, "|")
L = Clng(MyArray(0)): T = Clng(MyArray(1))
R = Clng(MyArray(2)) : B = Clng(MyArray(3))
W1 = Clng(MyArray(0)): H1 = Clng(MyArray(1))
W2 = Clng(MyArray(2)): H2 = Clng(MyArray(3))
TracePrint "左" & L & ",右 " & R & ",上" & T & ",下" & B
TracePrint "边框大小: " & W2-W1 & " " & H2-H1
If 火炮状态 = 1 Then
TracePrint "开启双管火炮加速"
// Call 火炮双管加速操作码
火炮双管操作码线程ID = BeginThread(火炮双管操作码)
Delay 2000
End If
If 火炮状态 = - 1 Then
StopThread 火炮双管操作码线程ID
StopThread 双管加速双击鼠标线程ID
StopThread 只按r键线程ID
TracePrint "关闭双单管"
End If
End If
Delay 400
Form1.Hotkey8.Register True
End Event
Event Form5.Button1.Click
End Event
【/b89188153/123456/哈虎殿下/-2110092178/2020-10-11/2020-09-01/1/】350pvp 刘强东笔记本
【/wyhdl521/wang521/慕容珺琪/-2097520225/2021-01-04/2021-01-16/1/001100000000/】 pve300