Hey Adam, sorry I'm late.
I got held up at the office.
Don't worry about it, Peter.
How are things going?
Well, investment banking doesn't have the easiest schedule in the world.
Sometimes I get home at midnight or even later!
I had no idea you were working those kinds of hours.
You know, I complain, but it's not as bad as it sounds.
I like the pressure.
Most of my clients are in Asia, halfway around the world!
So sometimes the schedule is crazy.
Right, when it's nighttime over here, the day over there is just starting.
Yeah, and if there's an emergency of any kind, it usually happens late at night.
How is that not bad?
Well, the people I'm dealing with are interesting.
And even the schedule is flexible.
If we don't have anything really urgent to do, my boss will let us leave early.
Really? My boss doesn't understand "work-life balance".
Last Friday he gave me an assignment at 5:45, just as I was getting ready to go home.
It took me 3 hours to finish!
I thought your job was 9 to 5.
We often work later than we're supposed to.
But then you get a lot of overtime pay, right?
Actually, no.
It's the office culture, especially if you want to get a raise or promotion.
In fact, all of the teams work longer than their regular hours.
Hmm, my last job was a lot like yours.
We were expected to be in the office all the time, even if there was nothing to do.
So I feel for you, man.
Thanks. Hopefully it will get better.
Hey! If you feel so bad for me, why don't you get the drinks tonight.
Sure! I can do that.
Two beers please!
Next time it'll be on me.