on Writing Well c1&c2

Chapter 1


N-VARYouravocationis a job or activity that you do because you are interested in it, rather than to earn your living. 业余爱好; 嗜好

2.panel/ˈpænəl/CET4 TEM4

a group of specialists who give their advice or opinions about sth; a group of people who discuss topics of interest on television or radio专家咨询组;(广播,电视上的)讨论小组


ADJIf you describe someone or something asglamorous, you mean that they are more attractive, exciting, or interesting than ordinary people or things. 富有魅力的


ADVVaguelymeans to some degree but not to a very large degree. 有点儿

5.tremendous/trɪˈmɛndəs/CET4 TEM4

ADJYou usetremendousto emphasize how strong a feeling or quality is, or how large an amount is. 非常的; 巨大的

6.arduous/ˈɑːdjʊəs/CET6+ TEM8

ADJSomething that isarduousis difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of effort. 艰难的

7craft/krɑːft/CET4 TEM4


all the skills needed for a particular activity 技巧,技能,技艺

8.literary/ˈlɪtərərɪ/CET4 TEM4

ADJLiterarymeans concerned with or connected with the writing, study, or appreciation of literature. 文学的

9.circulate/ˈsɜːkjʊˌleɪt/CET4 TEM4


V-IIf youcirculateat a party, you move among the guests and talk to different people. (在聚会上) 往来应酬

10.solitary/ˈsɒlɪtərɪ/CET4 TEM4

ADJA person or animal that issolitaryspends a lot of time alone. 独处的


N-COUNTIf you describe someone as adrudge, you mean they have to work hard at a job which is not very important or interesting. 苦工


N-UNCOUNTSymbolismis the use of symbols in order to represent something. 象征手法



N-VARMimeis the use of movements and gestures in order to express something or tell a story without using speech. 用手势语; 哑剧表演

14.revelation/ˌrɛvəˈleɪʃən/CET6 TEM4

N-SINGIf you say that something you experienced wasarevelation, you are saying that it was very surprising or very good. (惊人的、极好的) 发现


ADJIf you arebewildered, you are very confused and cannot understand something or decide what you should do. 不知所措的

16.fiddle/ˈfɪdəl/CET6+ TEM4


V-IIf youfiddle withan object, you keep moving it or touching it with your fingers. 不停摆弄

17。commit/kəˈmɪt/CET4 TEM4

(committing,committed,commits)V-T/V-IIf youcommityourself tosomething, you say that you will definitely do it. If youcommityourself tosomeone, you decide that you want to have a long-term relationship with them. 使 (自己) 致力于; 使 (自己) 承诺 (与某人的长期关系)

18baggage/ˈbæɡɪdʒ/CET4 TEM4N-UNCOUNTYou can usebaggageto refer to someone's emotional problems, fixed ideas, or prejudices. (感情或思想上的) 包袱

Chapter 2



N-UNCOUNTClutteris a lot of things in a messy state, especially things that are not useful or necessary. 乱七八糟

2strangle/ˈstræŋɡəl/CET6+ TEM4


V-TTostranglesomeone means to kill them by squeezing their throat tightly so that they cannot breathe. 扼死

3circular/ˈsɜːkjʊlə/CET4 TEM4

ADJSomething that iscircularis shaped like a circle. 圆形的


ADJIf you describe someone aspompous, you mean that they behave or speak in a very serious way because they think they are more important than they really are. 爱摆架子的


N-COUNTIf you describe something as havingnofrills, you mean that it has no extra features, but is acceptable or good if you want something simple. 装饰

6.jargon/ˈdʒɑːɡɒn/CET6+ TEM8

N-UNCOUNTYou usejargonto refer to words and expressions that are used in special or technical ways by particular groups of people, often making the language difficult to understand. 行话

7.memo/ˈmɛməʊ/CET6+ TEM4

N-COUNTAmemois a short official note that is sent by one person to another within the same company or organization. 简报



V-TIf youdeciphera piece of writing or a message, you work out what it says, even though it is very difficult to read or understand. 破译

9.brochure/ˈbrəʊʃjʊə/CET6 TEM4

N-COUNTAbrochureis a thin magazine with pictures that gives you information about a product or service. 小册子

10.inflate/ɪnˈfleɪt/CET6+ TEM4


V-TIf someoneinflatesthe amount or effect of something, they say it is bigger, better, or more important than it really is, usually so that they can profit from it. 夸大


Na substance or ingredient that adulterates 掺杂物


2. 没什么事是简单的,只有我们自己亲自去认真做了才能体会到其中的难处,写作更是如此,我们应该是have sth to write, not just to write sth.不是词藻的堆砌,要写出自己的观点。

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