English--Speak Better Business English and Make More Money(晨读)


Amy Gillett, Speak Better Business English and Make More Money


1 Business English fluency can bring great riches. 带来巨大财富

Even on conservative estimates, speaking another foreign language translates into a big earnings boost. (TE) 

2 Better English opens doors to higher paying jobs, assignment to prestigious projects, and promotions.

A is a gateway to B

3  This book and CD are designed to give you a shortcut to mastering this business lingo. 捷径 (lingo术语)

4 your active vocabulary 你的积极词汇

5 Enjoy the personal and professional rewards of taking your English to the next level! 

take your English to the next level 提高英语水平

6 ask you to come in to work on Saturday 加班

7 Stop making excuses for being late. The bottom line is that if you don’t start coming in at 9, you’re going to be fired!

九点到岗 come in at 9

I don’t mean to make waves兴风作浪, but Jason has come into work late every day for the past two weeks. 上班迟到 come into work late

 8 Thanks for making time to meet with me today.

腾时间出来 make time to do sth

9 If our president asks you to do something, never reply, “That’s not in my job description.” It’s one of her hot buttons.

in one's job description 在工作范畴内

10 4P营销理论(4Ps): 四个基本策略的组合,即产品(Product)、价格(Price)、渠道(Place)、宣传(Promotion)

marketing mix 市场营销组合


11 Social networking tools like Twitter can be a cost-effective way to spread the word about a product.

I guess Twitter would be an efficient way to help us connect with our customers.

造句:Social networking tools like WeChat can be a cost-effective way to reach your target/potential customers.      

12 When Walmart realized it was losing sales to Amazon, it decided to step up its efforts in e-commerce. 加油赶上

造句:When Xiaomi realized it was losing sales to Huawei, it decided to step up its efforts on smartphones.

13 With business down, the publishing company decided to branch out and enter the video game market.

(to) branch out – to enter a new market or business; to expand; to diversify

造句:With income down, the pilot decided to branch out and enter the food delivery services market/the market for food delivery services.


14 Amazon grabbed a slice of the e-book market with the introduction of its Kindle e-book reader.

15 Going forward, I'll be sure to come to you with any questions. 有任何问题我都会跟你沟通的

Day 1

1 CEO 三个字母,重音在最后一个字母上

2  pull your weight做好本职工作, do your share

1 nosedive  /ˈnoʊz.daɪv/  million /ˈmɪl.jən/

2 meanwhile /ˈmiːn.waɪl/ 重音在前

3 get you a heads up 给你提个醒。

A heads up. 说一声,丑话说前头

A heads up. I'm not a big fan of spicy food.

4 step down 下课,下台

5 of his own accord

It's of your own making. 自作自受

6 in the dumps (人)心情不好,(物)not successful

hit the rock bottom 撞底了, 陷入低谷

downhill 走下坡路

Everything went downhill since the third day. It's like a free fall.

7 rack up $ 20 million in losses/ profits

8 be in free fall 一落千丈

9 pocket 动词,中饱私囊

kickbacks 回扣 take kickbacks 吃回扣

1 skimmed payrolls 俸禄

2 use the military coffers as their personal mint 铸币厂

1 be passed over for promotion 陪跑,没被晋升

2 I wouldn't bank on it.= I wouldn't count on it. 我不这么想,我不指望这个

bankable 有经济价值 the most bankable stars 有票房号召力的,卖座的

1 division 美[dɪˈvɪʒn]

2 drop dead 翘辫子 die suddenly

dead weight 累赘 underperformer

What is a dead weight? Someone who is not pulling his weight.

3 rise through the ranks步步高升,擢升

rank and file 普通一员

I'm a rank-and-file employee.

low man on the totem pole 资历最浅,最没地位

climb the corporate/career ladder 职场升职

4 packing order公司的等级制度,  org chart 组织结构图

1 see it coming

I didn't see it coming. 万万没想到

2 try to put a positive spin on it 粉饰一下,修饰一下

乐观 Let's put a positive spin on it.

Try to look at the bright side.

3 go ballistic

1 Those years have not been for nothing. 这些年不是白干的。You've got a lot of transferable skills. 迁移的技能

1 staffer 美[ˈstæfər] 职员

2 on the line: be at risk 冒风险 put sth on the line, at stake, go out on a limb  

They are putting their lives on the line to protect us.

I'm putting my life on the line to put food on the table/ bring food home. 冒着生命危险养家糊口

3 downsize 裁员,精简

4 开除 let sb go, give sb a pink slip, fire sb开除, eliminate sb 淘汰某人

We're going to have to let you go.

let sth slide 睁一只眼闭一只眼 let sb walk 放你一马

let sb off the hook 放你一马

5 under the gun 不得不做某事have to do sth

I'm under the gun to cut the division. 

marching orders 奉命行事

1 Don't sell yourself short. 升调, 不要看低自己,不要妄自菲薄

2 in 25 years 重读years

3 on the job market 找工作


Man, I'm back on the market. 我恢复自由身了

low man on the totem pole

Day 2


1 You're dead meat. 你死定了

You are a dead man.

1 put a positive spin on it  其中 on 不重读

1 get one's feet wet 初出茅庐

I just got my feet wet.

2 get something off my chest 直抒胸臆,不吐不快

Can we talk?

Can I have a word with you?

3 spin my wheels 打空转, 费力不讨好 go in circles

reinvent the wheel 浪费资源与人力,重复进行无意义的事

I'm stuck in a rut. 一成不变

4 grunt work 脏活累活 the basic, hard work, often physical or boring work, that is necessary for something to succeed

dirty work

daily grind 每天都要做的受罪, drudgery 繁重无聊的工作

5  upperclassman 学长

1 grunt work 重音在前

1 earn your stripes: To deserve the position one holds or the recognition that one has.

2 get you so far

Your college degree only got you so far.

3 I was here for 10 years before I got promoted to a director position. 工作十年才升职

4 low man on the totem pole

1 吐槽 twentysomethings, thirtysomethings

2 She has an attitude. 过于我行我素,不在乎别人的感受

He has a strong opinion. 主意很正

He has a strong character. 性格很强

3 knock some sense into sb 跟谁讲讲道理

4 引用的时候,可以加手势

1 nitpicker 事儿多,事儿妈

detail oriented 注重细节

nitpicking 吹毛求疵

Being detail oriented is one thing, being a nitpicker is another.

There is a fine line between detail oriented and being a nitpicker.

anal retentive 强迫症

2 ruffle feathers 兴风作浪

3 指手画脚 tell sb how to do sth 颐指气使  point her fingers at us

finger-pointing 指责

bark around , bark orders

1 分子与分母只有一线之差

1 dating coach 婚恋咨询师

2 There's a very fine line between PA and a dating coach.

3 a thorn in our side 肉中刺,眼中钉

an eyesore

1 at the end of the day: when everything is taken into consideration.

She's a little rough around the edges. 不拘小节

She has rough edges. 小毛病,小缺点

2  You may want to read the book How to Win Friends and Influence People.  调侃

3  step on toes 过分了 cross the line 越界了

Mind your own business. /Butt out. 不要插手别人的事情

1 attendance sheet 考勤表

2 Don't be upset.

upset动词和形容词,重音在后  upset 名词,重音在前

3 jump down my throat 严加指责

lash out, chew out, give sb a dressing-down

lambaste formal  美[læmˈbeɪst]

4 for example 升调    解释自己前面的话

make a mountain out of a molehill 小题大做

1 up-and-comer 潜力股

hot shot 红人  对应 underperformer 

real deal

Eric has the whole package. 多面手

2 I'm not surprised to do

No wonder/ Little wonder that

3 sugarcoat it, put a positive spin on it

4 铁面无私 a no-nonsense manager

5 technique /tekˈniːk/

6 go ahead 同意,重音在前

7 hot buttons 敏感问题,一点就炸, 逆鳞

8 difficult people 难以相处的人

9 I signed up for a workshop called " How to deal with difficult people" 吐槽

I might sign up for a workshop like how to  套路

10 grunt work,hot buttons 重音在前

Day 3


1 I can't think off the top of my head. 一时想不起来 off重读

get something off my chest 同样重读off

2 oriented 比detail更重,其中oriented 内部连读加/j/

3 no-nonsense 重读 nonsense, sugarcoat

1 talk it over, talk it out 把话说开

2 mind-bogglling 一脸懵逼

3 have a thick skin 大人有大量,不计较

be thick-skinned

be thin-skinned

4 at my wits' end 黔驴技穷 at my wit's end

at the end of my rope 走投无路, desperate

5 policy 规则

6 touchy-feely 多愁善感


mushy: too emotional /ˈmʌʃ.i/

7 plum 很好的,肥的

a plum assignment  肥差

1 have a big mouth 重读mouth 嘴上没有把门的

2 going forward 以后 in the future, down the road

fast forward 快进

3 call 这里是decision, move

a bad call

1 cherry-pick 挑肥挑瘦,有贬义

hand-pick 精选

2 Isn't it cut-and-dried? 其中 isn't it 连读 /nit/ 不是说好了吗 already decided and unlikely to be changed

Nokia /əʊ/

3 Infighting is a big no-no.

have zero tolerance for sth

Infighting is one of my hot buttons.

1 a straight shooter 直肠子,说话直

call a spade a spade 直言不讳

2 Don't let him walk all over you. 不要让他欺负你

He didn't treat me well. He walked all over me.

3 Be friendly but firm. 不卑不亢

Short and sweet. 言简意赅、话说的漂亮

profound and pithy 言简意赅、隽永

4 call the shots 发号施令 make the call=make a decision

5 Three months into the job, and already you're calling the shots?

You've only been here for a few months.

1 Roger. / Copy.    Roger it. /Copy it. 收到

2 You're catching me off guard. 我没准备好,我没想到,吓我一跳

I didn't see it coming.

I was caught off guard.

3 annual performance review 年度总结

4 speak up 发声,直接说 to express your opinion

5 leeway, wiggle room 余地

give it some leeway/ wiggle room 留点余地

6 make your case 说说你的理由 rational

1 as you know 升调

2 show your stuff, show me what you got

you've got what it takes 你挺行的,挺够格的

1 iron out /aɪərn/ 连读 work out

wrinkle 小错误 iron out the wrinkles 解决小问题 iron out: to remove problems or find solutions

2 skill set 技能树 transferable skills

3 out of pocket 自掏腰包

I pay my tuition out of my own pocket.

报销 reimburse / reimbursement

The company will give you the money you paid out of your pocket.

4 iPad 重音在前

 Day 4

1 /l/ 舌头露出来

2 长音节词 打拍子

3 infighting 重音在前; find out重音在后


1 realize 加/j/

2 sales executives 重音在sales上

The Great Gatsby

1  权衡两个相互对立的选择

1 hit the glass ceiling , a dead-end job 一眼望到头的工作, 没有前途的工作

get in on the ground floor 早期员工, 早期入股

2 a star, hot shot ,  up-and-comer 反义underperformer

3 give notice 提出离职

4 turn down, refuse, spurn 傲慢地拒绝

turn up 突然地出现

turn off 关灯,turn sb on 令人神魂颠倒,  turn on sb 群起而攻之(attack)

Why are you guys turning on me ?

turn down sb 拒绝

My offer was turned down.

5 industry 勤劳,勤奋 industrious 勤劳的 /ɪnˈdʌs.tri.əs/

1 sorry 遗憾

I feel sorry for you. 遗憾

2 plus 在口语中代替 in addition, moreover, what's more

相当于 and 拉长音,给思考买一些时间

3 a fledgling startup 初出茅庐 get your feet wet

I got my feet wet working for a fledgling company.

1 离职时不要把话说绝  Don't burn your bridges. 不要过河拆桥

Be careful of the toes you step on today, they may belong to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow.

2 advertising /ˈæd.vɚ.taɪ.zɪŋ/ 美音重音在前

3 change tack 改变策略

4 anymore,no longer

5 traction 牵引力 momentum

gain traction 变得流行的程度,火了

6 jump-start

jump cable 跨接电缆

gear towards 专门给……,为……准备/设计

7 tried-and-tested    It's a tried-and-tested/trusted course. 

tried-and-true 验证过的

trial and tribulation 多灾多难

1 pitch the idea  说说想法

pitch 路演road show,足球场

2 spread the word 安利,分享给别人

repost it 转发  

3 higher-ups 高层

1 leverage /e/ 影响力,杠杆, 以小博大

We heavily leverage our WeChat accounts.

2 shoot down your idea, put a damper on sth 泼冷水

1 骑墙派 fence sitter

I'm still sitting on the fence.

2  give it you all 全心全意的做

3 step up our efforts 我们努力

Day 5

1 can't, don't 本身就是强调

2 get in the ground floor 其中in 降调, floor 强调

3 breakfast, idea 没有er purpose

1  hit the wall 瓶颈了

legal pitfall 法律陷阱 loophole。pitfall 坑,陷阱

2 body blow 暴击,重击  suffer a body blow

blow 打击 It was a blow.

3 on the grounds that 理由,基于

1 come under fire 摊上事了

beleaguered 被包围了 

I was ganged up. 被攻击

in the crosshairs 被盯上了

2 carry a lot of clout 有影响力

carry a lot of influence , carry heavy weight 有重量

Your word carries a lot of weight. 说话过重、过狠了

3 on the top of things: in control of a situation and  aware of changes

Make sure you're on it. 跟上进度

 1 have legs: an idea or suggestion that has legs is considered to be something worth developing further 有潜力

get 有时候听起来像是 git

2 chug it 吹瓶

chug along: to proceed steadily

3 branch out 开分店

4 the wave of the future 未来之浪潮

1 build 发音

2 800-pound gorillas 大佬,不好惹

big kids on the block 大孩子

3 dip our toes into sth, get your feet wet 试水 test the waters

cut one's teeth

4 synergy 共有一些资源

5 grab a slice of the market 分一杯羹

grab a bite/ movie, grab the chance

hold on to 握住

Don't hold on to your kids. 别总是管着孩子

1  Our new razor performs 25 percent better than the other leading razors on the market. 简洁的表达

2 step up our game

I'm game. 我想试一试

3 sluggish缓慢的, premium 附加费用

1 make do with 凑合,没必要,大可不必 do the trick: to achieve the desired result 

I can make do with..

2 put our heads together 集思广益


1 语音学习中的坑 pitfalls

2 从表达学方法


1 leave on his own acccord, his own choice/ option/ idea

2 in the dumps, not doing well,

3 have gone from bad to worse, a free fall, sales have been going down

1 suffer a body blow

1 have been for nothing

The efforts we stepped up haven't been for nothing.

2 leverage

Xiaomi was able to leverage the foundation of Miliao to build its own platform.

3 A new team was born/ hatched.

1 巨无霸 800-pound gorilla, local giant, a big powerful enemy

a head-on row/ fight between Huang Jiangji and an 800-pound gorilla.

1 shallow: not smart, not brainy

She has beauty but no brains.

2 where a terrible disease has been spreading fast 用简单的语言复述复杂的文字

3 out with it 说出来,别瞒着

Day 6

1 I paid my dues. 我就玩到这儿吧

1 Would you say, can you understand, does it make sense if I say

2 grinder 卧薪尝胆,有耐心的人

3 a low-level staffer 小职员

4 get burned at sth 很受伤

5 hang shit on sb 拿……撒气,bust sb's balls 拿……开涮

6 jovial 友善快活的, happy

7 KISS: keep it simple and sweet

keep it simple and sophisticated 口语妙招,表达清楚、准确、好玩

8 温柔 soft, mellow, gentle, teddy bear

He's a teddy bear.

a teddy bear: a lovable, endearing, large, strong, hairy, or sweet man.

He's a sunflower. 乐观热情

He's a tyrant. 盛气凌人

1 comb through 梳理

2 make waves 兴风作浪 make a scene 大吵大闹,出洋相

I don't want to make a scene here.

3 cook 玩赖的 dishonest, shady

4 a funny business, monkey business, behind closed doors, under the table 藏着掖着 behind the scenes , a backroom deal

Let's put everything on the table. 开诚布公

5 tight-lipped 最很紧

我嘴严 I can be tight-lipped.守口如瓶

It's between you and me.

You have my word. I'll zip it.

Mum's the word.

I won't tell a soul. 

6 cook the books 做假账

What's cooking? What's popping? What's going on? 发生什么事了

7 throw the book at sb 对某人做惩罚

1 whistle-blower 吹哨人,告密者,打小报告的 snitch, rat sb out

Snitches get stitches. 出卖我你就死定了

2 red flag 小红旗,不对的迹象

That's the first red flag. 

3 in cahoots with 沆瀣一气,狼狈为奸

4 a slap on the wrist 小惩罚

5 cross the line 过界

Still waters run deep. 静水流深

1 refund 名词重音在前,动词重音在后  退款

2 take a beating, take a hit, take a blow, take a body blow 受伤

3 funny business, monkey business, dirty tricks 玩赖,下三滥的手段

4 raise some eyebrows 皱眉头 frown upon sth

5 channel stuffing 填塞分销渠道,渠道填充

1 打折 discount 名词重音在前,动词重音在后

2 Why don't I 念的时候快速掠过

3 recipe /ˈres.ə.pi/

4 cut 用在否定句中

And for me, that's doesn't cut it. 远远不够

Sorry doesn't cut it. 说对不起是不够的

5 take great pains to do, go to great lengths to do  不遗余力

It pains me to do...

1 Luck is on my side. 在运气方面,我是占上风的

2 scrimp 偷工减料 cut corners 偷工减料,投机取巧

3 hold their feet to the fire 逼他们就范

dip one's toes into, get one's feet wet

1 turn the tables 扭转局面, 倒打一耙

2 flak 攻击

get flak from fans 粉丝攻击

1 stake /ei/

2 up in arms 很愤怒,很反感,准备打架

3 You're not the only game in town. 天涯何处无芳草

back on the market 恢复单身了

I'm game. =I'd love to give it a try. 我想试一试

He's the best in the game. 他是最棒的

You're gonna play my game. 按我的规矩来

Day 7


1 the only 连读,write-off 重读在前

One size fits all. 一体适用,一刀切

1 召回 recall 名词重音在前,动词重音在后

2 pinpoint 具体指出,明确指出 get to the bottom of it

3 foot-dragger 磨蹭的人

drag one's feet 磨磨蹭蹭

Don't drag your feet. Just do it.

If you have to eat shit, don't nibble.


1 We need to start keeping tabs on all of our suppliers.

keep tabs on盯着 , keep an eye on 关注 pay attention to

1 take the bull by the horns

2 nip this in the bud 防患于未然

a budding star 冉冉升起的新星

3 wake-up call 前车之鉴,警钟  reality check 

1 破产declare Chapter 11,  go bankrupt, go out of business

2 get stiffed被骗,dock your pay 扣工资

stiffed on back pay 欠薪

3 catch-22 本身就有问题,不合逻辑

take the fifth 无可奉告 

1 tight 手头紧 cash-strapped, be strapped for cash

1 Humor me. 迁就我一下,给我一个面子

2 pony up 付钱

1 out there 让英语地道的废话

2 It's not a pretty picture out there 整体不容乐观

picture, situation 局面


3 out of the woods 脱离困境

4 turn the corner, get back on one's feet 转危为安,渡过难关

1  demand /dɪˈmænd/

2 put off推迟 

3  circle back with, go back to you

4 cold call 突然点名, 陌生电话 hard sell 强行推销

Day 8

1 nascent /ˈneɪ.sənt/ idea 新颖的想法

2 forte /fɔrt,foʊrt,ˈfɔr·teɪ/

3 a cup of joe = a cup of coffee

4 grainy 有颗粒的,granular 非常小

1 buffer, go between 中间人

2 sponge 像海绵一样的人

3 He was running the show, on the ground, in the trenches 有一手的经验

4 drop the ball 犯错误

1 devil's advocate 故意的杠精: a person who champions the less accepted cause for the sake of argument

1 formula 复数 plural formulas or formulae us/ˈfɔːr.mjə.liː/

formulaic 千篇一律的,没有创意的  /ˌfɔːr.mjəˈleɪ.ɪk/

2 Botox 瘦脸针  美[ˈboʊtɑːks] 

I got Botoxed. 动词

3 blow sth out of the water 完败,knock sth out of the park 碾压,完胜

knock one's socks off 让某人大吃一惊,惊喜

4 create some buzz 造势

5 put off by sth, repel

6 a flop 完蛋了(flop 也可以做动词), declare Chapter 11

bomb 演出的失败 The show/ performance was a bomb.

She bombed. 动词

box-office bombs 票房惨败

7 in the works, in the pipeline 在筹备中

1 interview,international读音可以省掉/t/

2 ready, in place

3 sit on the sidelines 袖手旁观,坐视不管

4 stay the course 一条道走到黑

5 first-mover advantage, preempt

1 up the creek without a paddle 深处绝境

1 face headwinds 逆风

tailwind 顺风

2 make one's case, justify 说出你的理由

be on someone's case: criticize someone all the time

1  big-ticket items 大物件(价格贵), big-box stores 大型卖场(如 沃尔玛)

2 brick-and-mortar store, physical store 实体店

3 slash prices, cut prices 降价 cut back on sth 削减开支

4 razor-thin 精细的

Somebody has a sharp mind.

a razor-sharp mind 才思敏捷

1 大幅削减 eviscerate 美[ɪˈvɪsəreɪt]

1  a drop in the bucket, the tip of the iceberg 冰山一角,沧海一粟

2 at the drop of a hat, immediately 立刻 the next thing you know

1 videoconferencing

2 big schmoozer 自来熟的人,能说会道 schmooze 忽悠,有强烈目的的社交,想从中获利

schmuck 蠢货

road warrior 商旅达人

3 look on the bright side, put a positive spin, look at this from a different angle

4 run 管理

It runs in the family. 家族遗传

与……商量一下run sth by sb

in the running : having a chance of being successful,esp in a competition or election

run the numbers, crunch (the ) numbers 统计数据 do calculations with numbers

5 get ahead in life/ career 领先

1 light a fire under sb 激励,鼓舞

2 背黑锅 take the rap , scapegoat 替罪羊

Day 9


1 advocate 名词 /ˈæd.və.kət/

2 dire straits 重音差不多

1 duplicate 动词/ei/

1 be hit by a double whammy 祸不单行

a triple whammy 三祸临门

2 get hammered, a body blow 重创

3 tighten their purse strings 紧衣缩食

1 tighten one's belt, tighten one's purse strings, hold the purse strings

2 stretch a/your dollar 一块钱当两块钱花

3 loosen one's purse strings 反义词 慷慨解囊

4 no longer 用来替换 not anymore

1 play to our strengths 扬长避短

2 we're the place in town for good coffee 这里强调the /ðiː/

 We're the go-to in town for good coffee. 想喝咖啡来我们这里就对了

3 go head to head with 硬碰硬

正面杠 head-on

go hand in hand

Poverty and poor health go hand in hand.

We're neck and neck. 齐头并进,平分秋色

back-to-back: consecutive

I've got three back to back meetings.

head and shoulders 强出很多

4 differentiate oneself from sb

How can we differentiate ourselves from others? 让自己有创造力

5 we're on to sth, on the right track 有头绪了

1 the moral (from the story) is 从这个故事我们学到的是……

2 meet face to face线下活动 in person 当面

1 snaps 纽扣

2 太贵了 highway robbery, daylight robbery

It's a rip-off.

3 放人一马 let sb walk, let sb slide

vote with one's feet 用脚投票,不满离开 walk away

4 不妥协 stick to my guns

change my heart/ mind 改变主意 change my tune, budge

5 meet me halfway 做些让步

1 split the difference 退让,妥协,各退一步 split the diff

How about we split the difference?

1  deboss 凹陷 emboss 浮雕

2 throw sb a curve (ball) 让人惊讶

knock sth out of the park 大获全胜

1 a deal breaker 没法谈了buzz killer 扫兴的人 homewrecker 破坏家庭的人

2 draw up the paperwork 草拟文书

1 假货,赝品,山寨 knock-offs, fake

2 churn out 大量制作, 粗制滥造 crank out

3 That's right. 语调 看剧学英语:that's right 没错_好看视频

4 不温不火 lukewarm /ˈluːk.wɔːrm/

Sales are soft.

4 me-too product 大同小异的产品

1 not play by the rules 不守规矩

play by the book  按章办事

2 play the PR card 打开公关这张牌 launch a PR campaign

Day 10


1 红字部分是不重要的信息,快速划过,放松,不用一字一句地发音

2 坚持每天练习:保持舌头的灵活性

3 听听原声,作为参考

1 sticker shock: astonishment and dismay experienced on being informed of a product's unexpectedly high price

I got sticker shock. 看到价格就被劝退了

shell shock 战争疲劳症 mental illness caused by experiences of war

1 blow sth out of the water 碾压,狂虐 crush the competition

knock sth out of the park 做得太棒了 To do or perform something extraordinarily well; to produce or earn an exceptional achievement.

You knocked your job out of the park.

2 get a sneak peek of sth 先睹为快,抢先观看 peek的音比sneek更长些

trailer, teaser 宣传片,预告片 teaser 先导广告

hype 造势,炒作  create buzz

3 up 动词

up the numbers 增长

upping 名词,上升 increasing

4 goodies 好东西(goody)

a goodie oldie song 老歌

5 a tough act to follow 难以模仿,一直被模仿从未被超越

1 price sensitive 对价格敏感

2 tech-savvy 擅长技术

language-savvy, English-savvy 擅长英语

3 catch on 火了 become a hit 成为爆款

4 undercut 竞争手段,销价竞争

5 state of the art先进的 next generation 超前的

1 未雨绸缪 batten down the hatches

1 /ˈbæt̬.ən/ batten 板条

2 ramp up our business 扩展业务

branch out 开分店

staff up 招收员工,招人 We're staffing up.

3 projection 预计

1 push back here  不同意你的话

2 miss the boat 坐失良机 miss the chance/ opportunity

3 call 决定decision

It's a tough call. 难以决定

4 a competitive edge优势 upper edge, play to our strenghs

1 make quick buck, make big buck

the green 钱 moolah,dough

2 get your feedback, advice, suggestion 建议

input 输入,支持,配合,反馈

fresh eye     I could use their fresh eyes.

3 scouter 星探

be tasked with doing sth

I was tasked with heavy duties. 天将降大任于斯人也

4 team up with sb  联合做某事

in cahoots with 狼狈为奸

1 jump on the bandwagon 赶潮流,什么火就干什么    FOMO

2 fall flat  with sb

Sales are soft/ lukewarm.

newfangled,  state of the art

3 cohort 一群人 demographic  群体

4 put a premium on sth 愿意在……上花钱 pay top dollar, cost sb an arm and a legg

5 critical mass 某事发生至少要达到的量

focus group 焦点小组


1 晨读表达很高频:日常学习与复习相结合

2 预习的时候多想一步:可以把哪些表达翻译成习语或成语

1 make waves, be tight-lipped, behind the scenes/ under the table, in cahoots with, cut corners

2 turn the tables, get to the bottom of, take the bull by the horns, take the fifth, a wake-up call

长点心吧 wake up and smell the coffee

3 catch 22, not a pretty picture out there, get back on one's feet, a free fall/ go downhill, line one's pockets

4 call a spade a spade 有一说一, burn one's bridges 自绝后路, sit on the sidelines, a drop in the bucket, a double whammy

5 at one's wits' end, budding, neck and neck, lukewarm/soft, play to one's strengths

a body blow

branch out

fat cat 大佬

finger pointing 指责


sit on the fence

sticker shock

stuck in the rut


1 let one's hair down, crosshairs

2 take a nosedive

3 eye to eye, eyesore, raise some eyebrows

4 face to face

5 ear

6 tight-lipped, mouth-watering, put lip service to sth

7 neck

8 head and shoulders

9 cost an arm and a leg, out on a limb

10 finger pointing

11 stomach 动词

12 on one's knees, off one's chest

13 butt out

14 half-assed

1 a plum job, give some green, give sb a pink slip

2 bull, cat, gorilla, teddy bear

3 rough around the edges

4 well-polished hypocrite  , a touchy-feely type 感性的人

1 安利:go-to guy,hit, state of the art

2 宫斗:marching orders奉命行事

3 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林

1 one in a million 夸人


1 miss the boat 错失良机

2 feel the pinch 手头拮据

3 tight one's purse strings, tighten one's belt 省着点花

4 I get sticker shock. 被价格劝退

5 up the creek (without a paddle) 窘迫境地

6 be hit by a double whammy 祸不单行

7 blow sth out of the water 完胜、碾压对手

8 play devil's advocate 抬杠, 唱反调(褒义)

9 drag one's feet 磨磨蹭蹭

10 a tough act to follow 难以望其项背,一直被模仿从未被超越


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