“Laodamas,” quick to the mark Odysseus countered sharply, “why do you taunt me so with such a challenge? Pains weigh on my spirit now, not your sports— I’ve suffered much already, struggled hard. But here I sit amid your assembly still, starved for passage home, begging your king, begging all your people.”
这是王子Laodamas 向奥德西斯挑衅后,奥德西斯回敬他的话。我已是身心俱疲(尽管酒足饭饱),但仍苦苦挣扎只盼归期。我人已经坐在这里了,向你的父王,所有的人乞求了(何必再如此苦苦相逼/你还想我怎样)?从他的语气中我们可以看出,他参加这个assembly是很不情愿的。为什么呢?
Now out we go again and test ourselves in contests, games of every kind—so our guest can tell his friends, when he reaches home, how far we excel the world at boxing, wrestling, jumping, speed of foot.”
remembering there our island prowess here: what skills great Zeus has given us as well, down all the years from our fathers’ days till now. We’re hardly world-class boxers or wrestlers, I admit, but we can race like the wind, we’re champion sailors too
So our guest can tell his friends, when he reaches home, how far we excel the world in sailing, nimble footwork, dance and song.
He finished. All stood silent, hushed. Only Alcinous found a way to answer. “Stranger, friend—nothing you say among us seems ungracious. You simply want to display the gifts you’re born with, stung that a youngster marched up to you in the games, mocking, ridiculing your prowess as no one would who had some sense of fit and proper speech.
全场鸦雀无声。开始的奚落、嘲笑、蔑视荡然无存。而最先反应过来的国王,对奥德西斯的称呼从刚刚的"loyal friend"转变成了“stranger,friend”。这一转变,似乎有着“朋友,别激动,我们有话好好说,好好说”这样的反应效果。接着就马上说道自己让他消气的话--你之所以展现英勇之气,应该就只是想挫一下锐气我那个年轻莽撞的孩儿的锐气吧?(as no one would这里 注意后面的定语从句who had some sense of fit and proper speech)按我的理解,有两层含义。第一,我的王儿是youngster,年轻人不懂事,血气方刚。而你天赋才能,是在令人惊叹。第二,他言行不当,没眼力见。简单一句话,你就不要跟他计较了。