Rights in Copyright
- Proprietary License;
Copyright; - GPL 属于 Protective FOSS License;
Copyleft; - MIT License 属于 Non-Protective FOSS License;也叫 Permissive Software License;
Copycenter,对于 Copyleft 所强制保障的衍生品分发自由,Copycenter 做了宽松处理,即不限制其衍生品使用何种授权条款;
BSD,Apple,Apache License 都属此类; - "lets people do anything they want with your code as long as they provide attribution back to you and don’t hold you liable."
FOSS (Free and Open-Source Software)
- Free software is a political movement (the use of the word "free" always being taken to refer to freedom); open source is a development model. - Richard Stallman.
free 这里指的是自由,不是免费的意思; - freedom rights: use, share, study, modify;
users are free to run the software, share it (copy, distribute), study it and modify it. GNU software guarantees these freedom-rights legally (via its license), and is therefore free software; - proprietary software vs. free software.
GNU 和 Linux
- 1983年 GNU 项目由 Stallman 在 MIT 发起;
- 1991年 Linus Torvalds 独立地发布了 Linux Kernel 的第一个版本;
- Linux Kernel + GNU components;
关于 GNU 和 Linux 的关系,大家的看法是不同的、有争议的;