BOOST verb
1. 英英释义:to increase or improve something and make it more successful
例句:That Jeju Island waived the visa for Chinese citizens in 2008 considerably boosted its tourism.
2. 为什么选这个词?
“boost”可以作名词也可以作动词,意思是“增强、促进、刺激”,我们今天学习它作动词的用法。boost 在外媒中出现频率极高,尤其是经济和商业相关的文章中很难不碰到它。根据不同的语境,它可以替换 increase, improve, strengthen 等词,后面接的常见名词有 economy, sales, confidence, morale, productivity 等。我们来看几个例句。
The new port will undoubtedly boost local economy.
2008 年济州岛开始对中国公民面签后极大地刺激了当地的旅游业,就可以说:
That Jeju Island waived the visa for Chinese citizens in 2008 considerably boosted its tourism.
利物浦在连续输掉 3 场比赛后终于在主场赢得了比赛,极大地鼓舞了球队的士气,就可以说:
After losing three matches in a row, Liverpool finally won a game at home, greatly boosting the team's morale/confidence.
最近《经济学人》在一则商业新闻中就用到了 boost, 后面接的是 sales:
Derided by some the company said the publicity had boosted sales of its other “iconic sausage rolls” and food.
《经济学人》在另一篇关于中国出国游的文章中再一次用到了 boost:
Take Egypt, which China sees as a regional hub of its Belt and Road Initiative—an effort to boost its influence through massive spending on infrastructure.
这一次,boost 后面接的是 influence, 而《牛津英语搭配词典》中并没有列出 boost influence 这组搭配。可见很多地道、灵活的搭配我们必须通过大量阅读和刻意积累来获得。
3. 怎样学会使用这个词?
对很难专注的用户来说,这款强大的应用可以极大地提高工作效率。 (重点:很难专注:find oneself hard to focus/ concentrate, 强大的应用 the powerful app, “可以”用将来时)
This powerful app will greatly boost productivity of those who find themselves hard to concentrate.
Those who find themselves hard to focus will find their productivity greatly boosted by this powerful app.
例1:The policy is adopted to boost post-conflict reconstruction in selected cities. 政策旨在推升指定城市的战后重建
例2:The award boosted his ego and got him back on his feet. 获奖提升了他的自尊,使他恢复元气
例3:When you feel low, drinking does not help boost your spirits: reading does. You are what you read. 借酒消愁愁更愁,不如读书。腹有诗书气自华。
greatly/ considerably/ undoubtedly boost the economy, sales, confidence, morale, productivity, influence
I need a boost to get over the wall.
boost, increase, improve, strengthen
After losing three matches in a row, Liverpool finally won a game at home, greatly boosting the team's morale/confidence.
BOOST noun
1. 英英释义:something that gives someone more confidence, or that helps something increase, improve, or become successful
例句:The new port will undoubtedly give local economy a boost.
2. 为什么选这个词?
“boost”可以作动词也可以作可数名词,意思是“增强、促进、刺激”。我们前不久学习了它的动词用法,今天来掌握它的名词用法。和它的动词用法相比,boost 作名词在外媒中出现的频率要低一些,不过还是值得掌握。boost 前面一般接动词 get, receive, give, provide 等动词,后面一般接 to 和 for 这两个介词,后面接的常见名词有 economy, sales, confidence, morale, productivity 等。
The new port will undoubtedly boost local economy.
1) The new port will undoubtedly be a boost to local economy.
2) The new port will undoubtedly give local economy a boost.
3) The new port will undoubtedly provide local economy with a boost.
同样,利物浦在连续输掉 3 场比赛后终于在主场赢得了比赛,极大地鼓舞了球队的士气,除了可以说:
After losing three matches in a row, Liverpool finally won a game at home, greatly boosting the team's morale/confidence.
After losing three matches in a row, Liverpool finally won a game at home, which provides a much-needed morale boost for the team.
"much-needed"这个形容词表达出了这种 boost 的迫切性和重要性,可以顺便掌握。
3. 怎样学会使用这个词?
这笔价值 3000 万美元的投资将会促使这个创业公司发展得更好。 (促使更好give sth a much-needed boost)
The investment of US$30 million will boost the growth of the startup.
The investment of 30 million dollars will give the start-up a much-needed boost.
例1:The grant aid agreement signed between Japan and Cambodia will provide a much-needed boost to post-disaster recovery of the affected provinces in Cambodia. 日本的无偿援助将推进柬埔寨的灾后恢复
例2:The moral of the TED talk is that death penalty concerns the convict be to executed as much as the jurors who approve of sentencing the convict to death. The revelation can give a boost to public awareness of the severe consequences of death penalty. 死刑关乎死刑犯和陪审员。提高公民对死刑的认识
例3:We ought to see reading as a boon for knowledge and writing as a boost to expertise. 阅读长知识,写作提水平
noun, usually singular
搭配: get, receive, give, provide a much-needed boost to /for economy, sales, confidence, morale, productivity, the team
a major/ huge/ big/ significant/ enormous/ small/ timely/ welcome/ real boost
a boost in sth(increase): a boost in fuel taxes
变型:boost sth, be a boost to/for sth., provide sth with a boost, provide a boost for sth, give sth a boost,
The lowering of interest rates will give a much-needed boost to the economy.
Passing my driving test was such a boost to my confidence.