Before: Get started using DaaS
After: Get started with DaaS
Reason: See the following two examples: Get started using a vacuum vs Get started with cleaning. 如果在使用一个非常具体的工具可以用using,但如果是要表达打扫这样一件涉及方方面面的清扫工作,工具不只有vacuum,用with.
Before: Locate the log file in C:\Windows.
After: Locate the log file at C:\Windows folder or Locate the log file in the C:\Windows folder.
Reason: in the XXX folder or at XXX.
Before: You can use the Actions bar or right-click menu to create and manage application groups.
After: You can use the Actions bar or the right-click menu to create and manage application groups.
Reason: 如果没有the,等于说the Actions bar (right-click menu),也即表示Actions bar的另一个名字是right-click menu.
那么什么时候可以省略"the",如果连接两个名词的是And. For example, you can use the Actions bar and right-click menu to ...
Before: Reset a session for others
After: Reset a session for other users
Reason: “Others” is not specific.
Before: The policy now gives you more flexibility in user store deployment and access
After: The policy now gives you more flexibility in deploying and accessing user stores.
Reason: 老板表示两个表达都可以。我还是喜欢用动词,所以用了后者。J更强调表达的流畅吧,建议用前者。
Before: This policy is available for both file-based and VHDX-based user stores.
After: This policy is available both for file-based and VHDX-based user stores.
Reason: Given by Chat GPT
The difference between "for both A and B" and "both for A and B" is subtle, but there is a slight difference in emphasis. The phrase "for both A and B" emphasizes the fact that A and B are being considered together as a group, and that something applies to both of them equally. For example, if you were to say "I have prepared a gift for both John and Mary", it means that you have prepared a single gift that is intended for both of them to share.On the other hand, "both for A and B" emphasizes that A and B are each receiving something separately. For example, if you were to say "I have prepared gifts both for John and Mary", it means that you have prepared two separate gifts - one for John and one for Mary. So in the context of the sentence you provided, the editor likely changed it to "both for A and B" to emphasize that A and B are each receiving something separately, rather than emphasizing that they are being considered together as a group. The phrase "both for A and B" is idiomatic in that it is a commonly used construction in English to express this idea of separate but similar treatment for two things.
Before: Using WEM eliminates the need to enter the same credentials to each machine
Using WEM eliminates the need to enter the same credentials for each machine. (如果是一次性输入添加,则用for。在上下文中,是一次性加)Using WEM eliminates the need to enter the same credentials on each machine. (如果是一台一台输入添加,用on)
Follow the recommendations for improving logon performance at XXX.
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