操作系统的进程状态分为: 就绪、运行中、阻塞、终止。阻塞状态只能先变为就绪,再变为运行中。
public enum State {
* Thread state for a thread which has not yet started.
* 线程还未启动时的状态。
* Thread state for a runnable thread. A thread in the runnable
* state is executing in the Java virtual machine but it may
* be waiting for other resources from the operating system
* such as processor.
* 可运行的状态。处于可运行状态的线程正在Java虚拟机中执行,
* 但它可能正在等待来自操作系统的其他资源,如处理器。
* Thread state for a thread blocked waiting for a monitor lock.
* A thread in the blocked state is waiting for a monitor lock
* to enter a synchronized block/method or
* reenter a synchronized block/method after calling
* {@link Object#wait() Object.wait}.
* 等待监视器锁定的被阻塞线程的线程状态。
* 处于阻止状态的线程正在等待监视器锁进入同步块/方法,
* 或在调用Object.wait后重新进入同步块/方法。
* Thread state for a waiting thread.
* A thread is in the waiting state due to calling one of the
* following methods:
* 等待线程的线程状态。由于调用以下方法之一,线程处于等待状态:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link Object#wait() Object.wait} with no timeout</li>
* <li>{@link #join() Thread.join} with no timeout</li>
* <li>{@link LockSupport#park() LockSupport.park}</li>
* </ul>
* <p>A thread in the waiting state is waiting for another thread to
* perform a particular action.
* 处于等待状态的线程正在等待另一个线程执行特定操作。
* For example, a thread that has called <tt>Object.wait()</tt>
* on an object is waiting for another thread to call
* <tt>Object.notify()</tt> or <tt>Object.notifyAll()</tt> on
* that object. A thread that has called <tt>Thread.join()</tt>
* is waiting for a specified thread to terminate.
* 例如:一个线程调用了一个对象上的Object.wait()方法,是在等待另外一个线程调用该对象的Object.notify或者Object.notifyAll()方法。
* 一个线程调用了Thread.join()是在等待一个特定的线程终止。
* Thread state for a waiting thread with a specified waiting time.
* A thread is in the timed waiting state due to calling one of
* the following methods with a specified positive waiting time:
* 具有指定等待时间的等待线程的线程状态。
* 使用指定的等待时间调用以下方法会使一个线程处于TIMED_WAITING状态:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #sleep Thread.sleep}</li>
* <li>{@link Object#wait(long) Object.wait} with timeout</li>
* <li>{@link #join(long) Thread.join} with timeout</li>
* <li>{@link LockSupport#parkNanos LockSupport.parkNanos}</li>
* <li>{@link LockSupport#parkUntil LockSupport.parkUntil}</li>
* </ul>
* Thread state for a terminated thread.
* The thread has completed execution.
* 线程已终止。已完成执行。
- 让线程睡眠指定的毫秒数。
- sleep不会失去任何监视器的所有权。
- 可以被中断。当被中断并抛出异常时,线程的interrupted状态会被清除。
* Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease
* execution) for the specified number of milliseconds, subject to
* the precision and accuracy of system timers and schedulers. The thread
* does not lose ownership of any monitors.
* 根据系统计时器和调度程序的精度和准确性,使当前执行的线程休眠(暂时停止执行)指定的毫秒数。
* 线程不会失去任何监视器的所有权。
* @param millis
* the length of time to sleep in milliseconds
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the value of {@code millis} is negative
* @throws InterruptedException
* if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The
* <i>interrupted status</i> of the current thread is
* cleared when this exception is thrown.
* 如果任何线程中断了该线程。当异常抛出时当前线程的interrupted状态也将清除。
public static native void sleep(long millis) throws InterruptedException;
- b线程内部调用a.join(),说明b要等待a线程终止后再继续执行。
- a线程终止后,虚拟机底层会调用a.notifyAll方法将b唤醒。
- 可以被中断。当被中断并抛出异常时,线程的interrupted状态会被清除。
* Waits at most {@code millis} milliseconds for this thread to
* die. A timeout of {@code 0} means to wait forever.
* 等待该线程死亡,最多等待millis毫秒。如果超时时间为0意味着永远等待。
* <p> This implementation uses a loop of {@code this.wait} calls
* conditioned on {@code this.isAlive}. As a thread terminates the
* {@code this.notifyAll} method is invoked. It is recommended that
* applications not use {@code wait}, {@code notify}, or
* {@code notifyAll} on {@code Thread} instances.
* 此实现使用this.isAlive循环调用this.wait。
* 当线程终止时,调用this.notifyAll方法。
* 不建议应用在Thread实例上使用 wait、notify、notifyAll。
* @param millis
* the time to wait in milliseconds
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the value of {@code millis} is negative
* @throws InterruptedException
* if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The
* <i>interrupted status</i> of the current thread is
* cleared when this exception is thrown.
* 如果任何线程中断了该线程。当异常抛出时当前线程的interrupted状态也将清除。
public final synchronized void join(long millis) throws InterruptedException {
long base = System.currentTimeMillis();
long now = 0;
if (millis < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout value is negative");
if (millis == 0) {
while (isAlive()) {
} else {
while (isAlive()) {
long delay = millis - now;
if (delay <= 0) {
now = System.currentTimeMillis() - base;
* A hint to the scheduler that the current thread is willing to yield
* its current use of a processor. The scheduler is free to ignore this
* hint.
* 向调度程序发出的提示,表示当前线程愿意放弃处理器。调度程序可以随意忽略此提示。
* <p> Yield is a heuristic attempt to improve relative progression
* between threads that would otherwise over-utilise a CPU. Its use
* should be combined with detailed profiling and benchmarking to
* ensure that it actually has the desired effect.
* Yield是一种启发式尝试,旨在改善线程之间的相对进度,否则会过度使用CPU。
* 它的使用应该与详细的分析和基准测试相结合,以确保它实际具有预期的效果。
* <p> It is rarely appropriate to use this method. It may be useful
* for debugging or testing purposes, where it may help to reproduce
* bugs due to race conditions. It may also be useful when designing
* concurrency control constructs such as the ones in the
* {@link java.util.concurrent.locks} package.
* 很少适合使用该方法。它可能对调试或测试有用,因为它可能有助于重现由于竞争条件而产生的bug。
* 在设计诸如{@link java.util.concurrent.locks}包中的并发控制结构时,它可能也很有用。
* 在ReentrantLock的内部类ConditionObject的transferAfterCancelledWait方法里就有使用。
public static native void yield();
- 线程阻塞在不同的地方,抛出的异常是不一样的。
- 线程阻塞在不同的地方,中断状态有的清除有的不清除。
* Interrupts this thread.
* 中断该线程。
* <p> Unless the current thread is interrupting itself, which is
* always permitted, the {@link #checkAccess() checkAccess} method
* of this thread is invoked, which may cause a {@link
* SecurityException} to be thrown.
* 除非当前线程中断自身(这是始终允许的),否则将调用此线程的checkAccess方法,
* 这可能会导致抛出SecurityException。
* <p> If this thread is blocked in an invocation of the {@link
* Object#wait() wait()}, {@link Object#wait(long) wait(long)}, or {@link
* Object#wait(long, int) wait(long, int)} methods of the {@link Object}
* class, or of the {@link #join()}, {@link #join(long)}, {@link
* #join(long, int)}, {@link #sleep(long)}, or {@link #sleep(long, int)},
* methods of this class, then its interrupt status will be cleared and it
* will receive an {@link InterruptedException}.
* 如果在调用Object类的wait()、wait(long)或wait(long, int)方法时阻塞了该线程,
* 或者在该类的join()、join(long)、join(long, int)、sleep(long)、sleep(long, int)方法阻塞,
* 然后它的中断状态将被清除,它将收到一个InterruptedException。
* <p> If this thread is blocked in an I/O operation upon an {@link
* java.nio.channels.InterruptibleChannel InterruptibleChannel}
* then the channel will be closed, the thread's interrupt
* status will be set, and the thread will receive a {@link
* java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException}.
* 如果此线程在java.nio.channels.interruptablechannel上的I/O操作中被阻塞,
* 然后通道将被关闭,线程的中断状态将被设置,线程将收到java.nio.channels.closedbyinteruptexception。
* <p> If this thread is blocked in a {@link java.nio.channels.Selector}
* then the thread's interrupt status will be set and it will return
* immediately from the selection operation, possibly with a non-zero
* value, just as if the selector's {@link
* java.nio.channels.Selector#wakeup wakeup} method were invoked.
* 如果该线程在ava.nio.channels.Selector中被阻塞,那么该线程的中断状态将被设置,
* 并且它将立即从选择操作返回,可能带有非零值,
* 就像调用了选择器的java.nio.channels.Selector#wakeup方法一样。
* <p> If none of the previous conditions hold then this thread's interrupt
* status will be set. </p>
* 如果前面的条件都不成立,那么将设置该线程的中断状态。
* <p> Interrupting a thread that is not alive need not have any effect.
* 中断一个非活动线程不需要有任何效果。
* @throws SecurityException
* if the current thread cannot modify this thread
* @revised 6.0
* @spec JSR-51
public void interrupt() {
if (this != Thread.currentThread())
synchronized (blockerLock) {
Interruptible b = blocker;
if (b != null) {
interrupt0(); // Just to set the interrupt flag
* Tests if some Thread has been interrupted. The interrupted state
* is reset or not based on the value of ClearInterrupted that is
* passed.
* 测试线程是否已经中断。中断状态是否重置取决于传递的ClearInterrupted值。
private native boolean isInterrupted(boolean ClearInterrupted);