“There was a lot of schadenfreude at the time, and it was bad on so many levels. Justine was torturing me in the press. There were always all these negative articles about Tesla, and the stories about SpaceX’s third failure. It hurt really bad. You have these huge doubts that your life is not working, your car is not working, you’re going through a divorce and all of those things. I felt like a pile of shit. I didn’t think we would overcome it. I thought things were probably fucking doomed.”
schadenfreude: a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction when something bad happens to someone else 幸灾乐祸 Elon用了这么一个词来形容自己2008的个人危机。不管是妻子的控诉,报纸上各种不怀好意,不明真相地讽刺和挖苦,以及最痛心的SpaceX和Tesla的发展危机,财务问题,都在无时无刻地torture着Elon,他不是自大到可以忽视所有的这些苦难,“永远不要相信苦难是值得的,苦难就是苦难,苦难不会带来成功。苦难不值得追求,磨练意志是因为苦难无法躲开”。Elon也会在睡梦中尖叫,恐惧,他也会因为担心第四次发射的结果而陪孩子在迪斯尼乐园待到最后来到控制室。他在这一年中的所有的经历,真的是非常人能够挺过去。
“Most people who are under that sort of pressure fray,” Gracias said. “Their decisions go bad. Elon gets hyperrational. He’s still able to make very clear, long-term decisions. The harder it gets, the better he gets. Anyone who saw what he went through firsthand came away with more respect for the guy. I’ve just never seen anything like his ability to take pain.”
fray: if someone's temper or nerves fray, or if something frays them, they became annoyed.
“He has the ability to work harder and endure more stress than anyone I’ve ever met,” Gracias said. “What he went through in 2008 would have broken anyone else. He didn’t just survive. He kept working and stayed focused.”
“Riley began to see Musk’s life as a Shakespearean tragedy.”
“Riley spied on Musk while he read e-mail and watched him grimace as the bad news poured in.”
to twist your face in an ugly way because you do not like something, because you are feeling pain, or because you are trying to be funny
[例句] She grimaced at her reflection in the mirrior.
[造句] He grimaced as he could't bear the stomach eventually.
“Two SpaceX marketing executives spent twenty minutes before the launch going through all the technical ins and outs of the launch. ”
“ins and outs”
All the exact details of a complicated situation, problem, system etc
Ins and outs of
eg. I don’t really know all the ins and outs of the matter.
[造句] The analyst of the ins and outs of the issues is the key process to solve it.
“With the fourth launch, the demands and anticipation had ratcheted to the point that people started making silly mistakes.”
“ratcheted ”
ratchet up: to increase something by a small amount, especially after a series of increases, or to increase in this way
eg. Raising the minimum wage would ratchet up real incomes in general.