单词 | 发音 |
1. anthropologist | an′-thrƏ-POL′-Ə-jist |
2. astronomer | Ə-STRON′-Ə-mƏr |
3. geologist | jee-OL′-Ə-jist |
4. biologist | bī-OL′-Ə-jist |
5. botanist | BOT′-Ə-nist |
6. zoologist | zō-OL′-Ə-jist |
7. entomologist | en′-tƏ-MOL′-Ə-jist |
8. philologist | fƏ-LOL′-Ə-jist |
9. semanticist | sƏ-MAN′-tƏ-sist |
10. sociologist | sō-shee-OL′-Ə-jist or sō′-see-OL′-Ə-jist |
单词 | 发音 |
1. anthropology | an′-thrƏ-POL′-Ə-jee |
2. anthropological | an′-thrƏ-pƏ-LOJ′-Ə-kƏl |
3. astronomy | Ə-STRON′-Ə-mee |
4. astronomical | as′-trƏ-NOM′-Ə-kƏl |
5. astrology | Ə-STROL′-Ə-jee |
6. astrological | as′-trƏ-LOJ′-Ə-kƏl |
7. astronaut | AS′-trƏ-not′ |
8. cosmonaut | KOZ′-mƏ-not′ |
9. nautical | NOT′-Ə-kƏl |
10. aster | AS′-tƏr |
11. asterisk | AS′-tƏ-risk |
12. disaster | dƏ-ZAS′-tƏr |
13. disastrous | dƏ-ZAS′-trƏs |
单词 | 发音 |
1. geology | jee-OL′-Ə-jee |
2. geological | jee′-Ə-LOJ′-Ə-kƏl |
3. geometry | jee-OM′-Ə-tree |
4. geometrician | jee′-Ə-mƏ-TRISH′-Ən |
5. geometric | jee-Ə-MET′-rik |
6. geography | jee-OG′-rƏ-fee |
7. geographer | jee-OG′-rƏ-fƏr |
8. geographical | jee′-Ə-GRAF′-Ə-kƏl |
9. biology | bī-OL′-Ə-jee |
10. biological | bī′-Ə-LOJ′-Ə-kƏl |
11. biography | bī-OG′-rƏ-fee |
12. biographer | bī-OG′-rƏ-fƏr |
13. biographical | bī′-Ə-GRAF′-Ə-kƏl |
单词 | 发音 |
1. autonomy | aw-TON′-Ə-mee |
2. autonomous | aw-TON′-Ə-mƏs |
3. metronome | MET′-rƏ-nōm′ |
4. autobiography | aw′-tƏ-bī-OG′-rƏ-fee |
5. autobiographer | aw′-tƏ-bī-OG′-rƏ-fƏr |
6. autobiographical | aw-tƏ-bī′-Ə-GRAF′-Ə-kƏl |
7. biopsy | BĪ′-op-see |
8. autopsy | AW′-top-see |
9. botany | BOT′-Ə-nee |
10. botanical | bƏ-TAN′-Ə-kƏl |
11. zoology | zō-OL′-Ə-jee |
12. zoological | zō-Ə-LOJ′-Ə-kƏl |
13. zodiac | ZŌ′-dee-ak |
14. zodiacal | zō-DĪ′-Ə-kƏl |
单词 | 发音 |
1. entomology | en′-tƏ-MOL′-Ə-jee |
2. entomological | en′-tƏ-mƏ-LOJ′-Ə-kƏl |
3. eccentric | Ək-SEN′-trik |
4. eccentricity | Ək′-sƏn-TRIS′-Ə-tee |
5. atom | AT′-Əm |
6. atomic | Ə-TOM′-ik |
7. anatomy | Ə-NAT′-Ə-mee |
8. anatomical | an′-Ə-TOM′-Ə-kƏl |
9. tome | TŌM |
10. dichotomy | dī-KOT′-Ə-mee |
11. dichotomous | dī-KOT′-Ə-mƏs |
12. dichotomize | dī-KOT′-Ə-mīz′ |
单词 | 发音 |
1. epitome | Ə-PIT′-Ə-mee |
2. epitomize | Ə-PIT′-Ə-mīz′ |
3. philology | fƏ-LOL′-Ə-jee |
4. philological | fil′-Ə-LOJ′-Ə-kƏl |
5. linguistics | ling-GWIS′-tiks |
6. philanthropy | fƏ-LAN′-thrƏ-pee |
7. philanthropist | fƏ-LAN′-thrƏ-pist |
8. philanthropic | fil′-Ən-THROP′-ik |
9. philander | fƏ-LAN′-dƏr |
10. philanderer | fƏ-LAN′-dƏr-Ər |
单词 | 发音 |
1. philter | FIL′-tƏr |
2. aphrodisiac | af′-rƏ-DIZ′-ee-ak′ |
3. aphrodisiacal | af′-rƏ-dƏ-ZĪ′-Ə-kƏl |
4. bibliophile | BIB′-lee-Ə-fīl′ |
5. Anglophile | ANG′-glƏ-fīl′ |
6. semantics | sƏ-MAN′-tiks |
7. semantic | sƏ-MAN′-tik |
8. semantical | sƏ-MAN′-tƏ-kƏl |
9. sociology | sō′-shee-OL′-Ə-jee or sō′-see-OL′-Ə-jee |
10. sociological | sō′-shee-Ə-LOJ′-Ə-kƏl or sō′-see-Ə-LOJ′-Ə-kƏl |
11. asocial | ay-SŌ′-shƏl |
词根 | 涵义 |
1. anthropos | mankind |
2. logos | science, study |
3. astron | star |
4. nautes | sailor |
5. naus | ship |
6. dis- | against |
7. nomos | arrangement, law, order |
8. autos | self |
9. metron | measurement |
10. ge (geo-) | earth |
11. graphein | to write |
12. bios | life |
13. opsis, optikos | view, vision, sight |
14. botane | plant |
15. zoion | animal |
词根 | 涵义 |
1. en | in |
2. tome | a cutting |
3. in | in |
4. sectus | cut |
5. kentron (centrum) | center |
6. a | not, negative |
7. ana | up |
8. dicha | in two |
9. epi | on, upon |
10. logos | word, speech |
11. lingua | tongue |
12. philein | to love |
13. sophos | wise |
14. adelphos | brother |
15. biblion | book |
16. Anglus | English |
17. socius | companion |
18. anti | against |