Today, a few of my friends arranged for us to go skinny-dipping with the guy I really like. It went really well, until a turd surfaced before our eyes. After we scrambled out of the pool in panic, my crush called us all freaks and left. FML
Today, my department found out that we're getting a new supervisor for the third time this month. I joked about how we're like "the foster kid nobody wants." One of my coworkers burst into tears and ran off. I later found out that she had been a foster child and never once had a stable home. FML
Today, my brother asked if he could borrow my razor, since he recently hit puberty and wanted to have a shave. I decided to be nice and let him. When he returned it half an hour later, I couldn't help but notice his facial hair was untouched. FML
我弟弟跟我借刮胡刀,他说因为他现在正处在青春期所以想把毛剃了,我当时没多想,就给他了,然后一个多小时之后给我还回来,结果我发觉丫胡子根本就没刮啊,卧槽,你特么刮哪儿了。 FML
Today, my dad asked me to stop calling him "dad" because it’s too weird for his girlfriend’s kids to hear, because they call him dad. FML
Today, after finishing work, my friend was having a party next door and my driveway was blocked. I parked 6 houses down and went to the party for 20mins. After coming out after 3 beers, I went to move my car back to my house and go to sleep. I got a DUI for driving 30 feet. FML
Today, I drove from Seattle, WA to Vancouver, BC for the Three Days Grace concert. I was so excited when I found the building. There was a big readerboard that flashed "THREE DAYS GRACE" and I cheered. Then it flashed "CANCELLED." FML
Three Days Grace,简称TDG,3DG,中文译为为“三天的宽限”或“宽限三天”,是一支来自加拿大的另类金属乐队, 此为前提,从网上知道TDG在西雅图要开音乐会,于是我开了一天的车从华盛顿赶过去,当我看到演唱会的大楼前方一块硕大的电子屏幕上出现了"THREE DAYS GRACE"的时候,我兴奋的叫了起来,然后下一秒,屏幕切换出来了剩下的部分“CANCELLED(取消了)”。FML
Today, I signed a two-year lease on a house. My next-door neighbor said she's in love with me, threatened my girlfriend, and won't stop blasting Taylor Swift. FML
刚搬了个新家,签了两年的合约(美国的合约很重要,毁约很严重),结果没几天住在我隔壁的一个姑娘疯狂的爱上了我(人长得帅就这点儿不好),现在这个姑娘每天就喜欢干两件事情,一件是威胁我的女朋友让我们分手,另一件就是疯狂的在我们门口唱Taylor的歌。 FML