Poached egg 水煮嫩蛋
Such poaching is often ignored by local bobbies. But even if the authorities do wish to clamp down on it, arresting the small-fry who dig the eggs up on beaches where turtles nest will not deal with the problem.这种偷猎行为常被当地警察忽视,但是, 即使当局真的想要强行压制,即便抓捕了那些在海龟筑巢的海滩上挖蛋的“小人物”也于事无补,
bobby n. 警察a male police officer
clamp down on 取缔,严厉打击,强制执行
small-fry n.(相比较之下)不重要的人(或事物)
nest n.
3.[sing]藏匿处;秘密窝点a secret place which is full of bad people and their activities
4.[sing]家;安乐窝the home, thought of as the safe place where parents bring up their children
5.[c][ususing](套叠在一起的)一套物件a group or set of similar things that are made to fit inside each other
1.[i]筑巢;巢居to make and use a nest
2.[t]~ sth嵌套(信息)to put types of information together, or inside each other, so that they form a single unit
To assist the process Kim Williams Guillén of Paso Pacifico, an American conservation charity, and Helen Pheasey of the University of Kent, in Britain, have come up with a nifty gadget.为了协助这一行动的进行,美国保护慈善组织帕索.太平洋地区的金.威廉斯吉伦和英国肯特大学的海伦.菲西发明了一个 精巧的装置。
nifty 1.adj.俏皮的;漂亮的 2.n.俏皮话
As they report this week in Current Biology, Dr Williams-Guillen and Dr Pheasey have now tested their invention in Costa Rica, a place where turtle-egg poaching is rife.正如本周他们在《当代生物学》上报道的 那样,金.威廉斯吉伦博士和菲西博士已 经在哥斯达黎加(海龟蛋被盗盛行之地) 对该装置进行了测试。
rife adj. 流行的;普遍的:盛传的
The decoys were rigged to remain dormant until their shells were exposed to the air.诱饵蛋被设置成休眠模式,直到蛋壳暴露于空气之中将其触发。
rig v.
1.~ sth(以不正当的手段)操纵,控制to arrange or influence sth in a dishonest way in order to get the result that you want
2.~ sth (with sth)(给船只)装帆,提供索具to provide a ship or boat with ropes, sails, etc.; to fit the sails, etc. in position
3.~ sth (up) (with sth)(秘密地)安装,装配to fit equipment somewhere, sometimes secretly
1.钻机a large piece of equipment that is used for taking oil or gas from the ground or the bottom of the sea
2.帆装(船桅和风帆等的安装模式)the way that the masts and sails on a boat, etc. are arranged
3.(informal)大卡车;大货车a large lorry/truck
4.有专门用途的设备equipment that is used for a special purpose
dormant adj. 静止的;休眠的;睡眠状态的;隐匿的