Checked out if not in Harmony
瑜伽与动禅 是推荐的书!freeman
Pond mudra要学习
Ladu sweet,印度suraj妈妈做的,健康原料但糖分很多!
Consence consciousness区别何在?
Poison remedy prodigy都是James boag引申出来的。
That is it! The woman! To avoid it! james
No deep massage basking close to message
晚上晚餐非常有意思,虽然吃得胃很不舒服,之后只能半躺着听James讲yoga sutra和Krishna chanting,这些是最近钟爱。
If u want something not happening pls worry(underline all u worried will not happen)
Abhaysa: all things thought through, no thought, no time, no object, no ego, just him!
Budha still has saskara, manlike act, just relaxed.
Binding desires are vritties
No desire to be born or in heaven!
Ego wants to get better and better.
20 years yoga no improvement u might be getting angry.
Heaven is not purse, it will be born again.
Security of living is our need, not life pursuit or binding pursuit. Money is not problem, binding pursuit is!
Yoga is self knowledge.
回来路上和maxi聊天,提到Moha和married woman relationship,我认为这不是借口就可以开始和各种女孩交往尝试,等待chanting时候,m周围都是和他熟悉女孩子,卡萨克斯坦,荷兰,日本,希腊;我和河南老师聊天,注意力都在体式,受伤后还要很努力,说了几个中国老师和台湾老师,我就看一下。
提到几生几世才可以解脱,或者百生百世都无法解脱,我和M提到对J和A inspired admiration,只对智慧和知识动心,但找到理由无法亲近,J属蛇的,或者某个女朋友喜欢他,我如释重负,就默默看着,发现肯定发现不是自己想要的,没有人是完美的,所以celibacy最好。喝了椰子水,第二次,国内就买进口椰子水没这里新鲜,但因为到处都是不珍惜不利用!
试图备课2小时,4.30开始出去准备,我本来请过Jaime,prema和sarah,J非常自律和毛病多,约了周一午餐我无法参加,但他很自律,因为晨起练习不吃晚餐,拒绝weekday dinner,我需要学习;prema说感觉mano pause很难受,参加不了;sarah来了,知道她很多有意思事情,被领养,儿子女儿24,21,她和我同岁。
夕阳下tarrace晚餐很有氛围,Mariana非常有趣,狮子座,对于物质和男人都有passion,sakra很小,18岁,非常innocent,买了各种cocoa vault甜品,我也吃了!deep into self question:if u being given an opportunity from whatever god, buddha, atman to realize one wish, so?
forever happiness, not passing by so quickly. equanimity, finding happiness, health, taking care of world environment........S不能回答问题,也许太年轻,也许没啥想法。
what makes u wake up in morning? Pee, cat, dog, excited about the world, relationship, learning.......for me: biological habit, nothing so meaningful in life as a reality, I am ok if not waking up but as long as it does, I have this craving for learning to avoid the void.
What u want to get out of mysore and is it fulfilled? meeting new people and being a student again, being with the guru, for me, it is a good start of gap year and I am not sure I would come back if I compare with Goa in future, but it does getting better when I move to current place to meet new people.