March 16th 2018, Tyler’s Birthday Assembly…
My life in the UK is quite different from my life in China, including language, culture, politics, family, weather, food and education. My 6-year-old son Tyler attends a private infant school, he is doing very well there and has classmates of many ethnic backgrounds, including a few British classmates of course!
Last week my husband and I were invited to attend Friday morning assembly at Tyler’s school, this is a weekly gathering of all the infant classes and teachers, with the Head Mistress addressing the assembly. All the children who have a birthday in that week have their birthday celebrated, and their parents are invited along to sit at the back of the assembly hall. We arrived early, seated ourselves at the back of the hall, and waited patiently.
We did not hear the children coming, they silently arrived and filed into the hall, following the teacher’s directions to be seated, cross legged on the floor in neat rows of grey jumpers and black shiny shoes. The Headmistress engaged with the children, high achievers for that week were awarded certificates, questions were asked about various activities, and the children eagerly volunteered their answers by raising their hands.
Finally, the moment arrived, the birthday cake candles were lit, Tyler and another young boy both with Birthdays that week, were called to the front of the assembly, and shyly faced us all. All the children sang a beautiful song to celebrate the two boy’s birthdays, then the boys were encouraged to blow out the candles, which they did to a round of applause.
The assembly was drawn to a close by the singing of a hymn, reminding us to be thankful of all the non-material things that life has given us, such as family and friends, the children sang it with feeling and sweetness.
I was just saying to my husband what a lovely assembly it had been, when Tyler rushed up to both of us and gave us each a hug… perhaps encouraged by the Headmistress, but it was a lovely moment that we will treasure for years to come.