N-UNCOUNT You use mayhem to refer to a situation that is not controlled or ordered, when people are behaving in a disorganized, confused, and often violent way.
V-T If you prise something open or prise it away from a surface, you force it to open or force it to come away from the surface.
V-RECIP When people quibble over a small matter, they argue about it even though it is not important.
V-I Teeter is used in expressions such as teeter on the brink and teeter on the edge to emphasize that something seems to be in a very unstable situation or position.
PHRASE If you are on the verge of something, you are going to do it very soon or it is likely to happen or begin very soon.
N-VAR Perils are great dangers.
N a stupid or annoying person
V-T/V-I If wind, rain, or water lashes someone or something, it hits them violently.
V-T If you immerse yourself in something that you are doing, you become completely involved in it.
V-T If you darn something knitted or made of cloth, you repair a hole in it by sewing stitches across the hole and then weaving stitches in and out of them.
N-UNCOUNT Trepidation is fear or anxiety about something that you are going to do or experience.