1. TCL
1.1 What are Transactions?
It is a set of SQL commands which work as a single unit. i.e if they are executed, either they have to completely successful or rollback (revert) to original state of DB. No partial commits. Every transaction has to follow ACID properties.
- A unit of work, a single statement
- By default, transactions are set to Auto Commit
- Commit
Finalize the statement and save changes - Rollback
Undo all statements or changes
1.2 Types of Transactions
1.2.1 Implicit
- Allows you to run transactions without saying Begin Trans for each one
- At the end of the transactions statements, you choose Commit or Rollback
- Slower in performance
User don't begin a transaction but has to commit or rollback. User has to make sure that SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS ON executed to start implicit transactions. If explicit ROLLBACK or COMMIT statement is not given by user, all the open transactions for the connection will be lost (rolled back) once the connection is disconnected.
1.2.2 Explicit (most used) 多数用这个 most transactions
- Requires you to specifically say when a transaction Begins and then either Commit or Roll it back
- Doesn’t require statements to be separated by GO statements
- Faster in performance
- need begin and committed
- can be nested
- if you need rollback,must have save point implicit & complicit
- implicit中可以套explicit
- explicit就算commit可以执行,如果implicit roll back了,explicit也不能执行,因为是嵌套的
implicit | explicit |
1.developer need not to start a transaction | developer has to start a trans using begin tran |
nesting is not possible with just implicit trans | nesting is possible |
need to specify SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS ON | no need to alter any session settings |
performs slow compared to explicit | performance is better |
1.2.3 auto commited
- something is haven
- defult setting
- have problems: 第一笔transaction发生,然后系统崩溃,没有把钱转到第二笔,就有问题了
- only work at statement level, roll back in this statement
1.3 ACID Properties
1.3.1 Automaticity
The statements/statement (transaction) should be completed successfully or rollback to original state. Using BEGIN TRAN and COMMIT/ROLLBACK.
- Transactions will be “all or nothing”
1.3.2 Consistency
DB has to be in consistent state before and after transaction. Making sure that all rules on the DB are validated for all transactions and should follow business rules. Using CHECK CONSTRAINTS, RULES, TRIGGERS, PROCEDURES, FUNCTIONS.
- Data will always be valid for each transaction
- eg: from transaction level wrong,invalid the business rule 银行每天取钱不能超过1000刀
1.3.3 Isolation
Every transaction should be independent of each other or a transaction should not interfere with other transaction. Using ISOLATION Levels
- Transactions will not interfere with each other
- isolation level
eg: t1 should not touch t2
1.3.4 Durability
Once the transaction (data)is committed it should stay in that state until it is modified by another transaction. Data should not be lost. Using COMMIT command and proper Backups (mainly log back ups), High Availability (Mirroring, Replication, Log Shipping, Clustering).
Transactions will remain committed and final
- using backups (如果服务器坏了,没有存上新的数据,就尴尬了)
1.4 视频代码
declare @int int
set @int =6
print @int
---comit transaction
declare @int int
begin tran
set @int =6
commit tran
print @int
----------------roll back & commit
declare @int int
begin tran
set @int =6
rollback tran
begin tran
set @int=2
commit tran
print @int
---------undo transaction
select * from client
select * from rank_test_table
begin tran
truncate table rank_test_table
rollback transaction
select * from rank_test_table
-------------------------save point
begin tran t1
save tran s1
update rank_test_table
set name ='tim'
where id = 4
rollback tran s1
update rank_test_table
set name ='superman'
where id = 5
commit tran t1
select * from rank_test_table
-------------------------with mark
begin tran t1 with mark 'updating table'
save tran s1
update rank_test_table
set name ='tim'
where id = 4
rollback tran s1
update rank_test_table
set name ='superman'
where id = 5
commit tran t1
select * from rank_test_table
Set Implicit_Transactions On
update rank_test_table
set name = 'tim'
where id =4
rollback transaction
update rank_test_table
set name ='superman'
where id =5
commit transaction
set Implicit_Transactions Off
select * from rank_test_table
1.5 error hadling in transaction
- use try catch
1.6 with mark
- to know which part we rollback in the log file
- Specifies that the transaction is marked in the log.
- If WITH MARK is used, a transaction name must be specified. WITH MARK allows for restoring a transaction log to a named mark.
2. Isolation Levels & Locks
2.1 Locks in SQL
- confine, strict dataset
- prevent mess up data
21.1 Shared Locks
- Shared locks allow multiple users to SELECT the same data, but none can modify the data as it’s being read. By default the shared lock will be released as soon as the data is read, unless specified otherwise
when selecting data (= reading)
2.1.2 Exclusive Locks
- Exclusive locks prevent access to the same data by multiple transactions. No other transactions can read or modify the data
- Commonly used for DML operations to make sure data isn’t modified by different operations
还可以叫他独占锁、写锁。就是如果你对数据资源进行增删改操作时,不允许其它任何事务操作这块资源,直到排它锁被释放,防止同时对同一资源进行多重操作。 - exclusive to 1 transaction
eg: t1 用着ex lock,t2想用shared lock也不可以 - dml operations will be given
2.1.3 Update Locks
- Fixes a common deadlock issue, often an update between two transactions will result in two exclusive locks on the same data. However, an update lock can be given to only one transaction and if that transaction does not update, then it will convert to an exclusive lock, otherwise it’ll become a shared lock
Only one transaction can obtain an update (U) lock to a resource at a time. If a transaction modifies a resource, the update (U) lock is converted to an exclusive (X) lock.l
dead lock: both dml operation,nither transaction can be done,
更新锁——Update lock
select * from table with (updlock) (加更新锁)
update table set column1='hello' (重点:这里T1做update时,不需要等T2释放什么,而是直接把更新锁升级为排他锁,然后执行update)
select * from table (T1的更新锁不影响T2的select)
update table set column1='world' (T2的update需要等待T1的update执行完)
(2)T2先到,T1紧接着,T2加共享锁 => T1加更新锁 => 假设T2先结束select => 试图将共享锁升级为排他锁 => 发现已有更新锁 => 之后的情况同(1)
2.1.4 Intent Locks
Intent locks are SQL server’s way of reserving data to be locked. Lets say we want to use a table and specify a shared lock, SQL server places an intent shared lock on the table so no one else places a lock on it to prevent us from using it
I.Shared I.Exclusive I.S&E
2.1.5 Schema Locks
- Schema locks are used when there is a DDL operation being performed on a table. This doesn’t prevent shared or exclusive locks, so people can still use the data. It does prevent OTHER DDL operations from occurring on the same table
2.1.6 Bulk Update Locks
- Prevents other processes that are not bulk operations copying data into a specified table from having any access to the data during the process
- To use this lock there must be TABLOCK specified (Hint)
2.2 Isolation Levels in SQL
It is a mechanism/process/property used by SQL Server to control the concurrency of transactions.
It uses locks to control the concurrency.
2.2.1 Read Uncommitted
- Data can be read even if it is being modified
- No shared locks used on table
- exclusive locks used on table
- Often results in “dirty data”
- Least restrictive
- Same as NOLOCK (Hint)
当t1在被更新的时候,t2想读取数据,但是t2并没有用 shared lock
2.2.2 Read Committed (default)
- Data cannot be read that has been modified and not committed
- Prevents “dirty data”
- Data can be modified by other transactions, even if another transaction is running
- Creates Non-Repeatable Reads or Phantom Data
- Can use Snapshot (can copy)
2.2.3 Repeatable Read
- Data cannot be read that has been modified and not committed
- Data cannot be modified that has been read and not committed
- Shared locks are place on all data read
- New rows can still be inserted that fall into the search (issue)
- If it retries and gets new data, it’ll count as Phantom Data
2.2.4 Snapshot
- Takes a copy of the data being read or modified
- ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION must be on to use
- Snapshot cannot be used if a transaction is in another isolation level. Meaning it can’t be set during the middle of a transaction
underlying table 变动,也不会影响这个snapshot - no lock in data
- problem: copy in temodb(overloading); modification
What are the 2 issues with Snapshot Isolation Level?
1. Snapshot maintains a ROWVERSIONING of transactions in TempDB, this is a overhead that SQL Server has to deal with. Along with copies of SNAPSHOTs stored in TempDB.
2. When a transaction started with Snapshot ISOLATION level and if it modifies some data within the snapshot and before this is committed if there is another transaction modifies the same data (and this trans started after the snapshot tran), data modifications by snapshot is not allowed.
2.2.5 Serializable :phantom
- Data cannot be read that has been modified and not committed
- Data cannot be modified that has been read and not committed
- Cannot insert new rows into the table that falls in the search range
- Uses Range Locks
2.3 视频代码
set transaction isolation level read committed
begin tran
from AdventureWorks2017.HumanResources.Employee
commit tran
2.4 data wrong problem
- dirty data:
When a transaction reads data that is updated/inserted by other transaction but not committed/rolled back. READ UNCOMMITTED cannot handle this issue. - mon repeatable data:
If a transaction 1 is reading same data multiple times within the transaction and at the same time some other transaction (Transaction 2) modifies the data read by transaction 1. If Transaction1 displays different data for each read operation, it is called non repeatable read. READ COMMITTED, READ UNCOMMITTED cannot handle this issue. - phantom data:
If a transaction (Tran 1) is reading same data multiple times within the transaction and at the same time some other transaction (Transaction 2) inserts data within the range of data read by transaction 1. If Transaction1 displays those rows inserted by transaction 2, it is called phantom read. READ COMMITTED, READ UNCOMMITTED, REPEATABLE READ cannot handle this issue.
2.5 dead lock
- It is a situation in which 2 transactions are requesting for exclusive access to same data or data that is being read by each other. Remember truck example from class.
2.5.1 how to identify the dead lock?
- Use SQL Profiler to identify what are 2 transactions and who is victim.
- PerfMon can identify how many deadlocks are happening.
- Use Extended Events
- Trace Flags: DBCC TRACEON (1204)
https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/1036/finding-and-troubleshooting-sql-server-deadlocks/ - Let users/DBA tell you.
2.5.2 how to solve dead locks?
- Usually SQL server identifies and kills a process which is cheaper to redo based on resources the transaction takes.
- Use more optimistic isolation levels which would minimize the locking on resources leading to less conflicts on resource locking there by less dead locks.
- Use dead lock priority for queries which you don't want to be killed. This is not a solution, it a way of not being a victim in dead lock scenario.
- See if you can change timings of the queries or procs which conflict in Dead Lock scenarios.