最近家里事多,好久没有读"湿" 的心情,原来它真的只是杀时间利器,这几天安稳一些,就忍不住"湿"一首。正好想读"有所思",仿一个吧。
What can I give thee back, O liberal 何以报?高贵慷慨之赠予者,
And princely giver, who hast brought the gold
And purple of thine heart, unstained, untold,
And laid them on the outside of the wall 清白无暇,置于垣墙,
For such as I to take or leave withal, 如君所愿,取留由我。
In unexpected largesse? am I cold, 不知恩,冷似霜?
Ungrateful, that for these most manifold 如此之馈赠,至珍至贵,无绝无期,
High gifts, I render nothing back at all? 无以报?
Not so; not cold, --- but very poor instead. 非不知也;非冷心也,---- 无以报也。
Ask God who knows. For frequent tears have run
The colours from my life, and left so dead
And pale a stuff, it were not fitly done 唯余苍茫死亡,覆盖似冠,
To give the same as pillow to thy head. 安能以此敬君意。
Go farther! let it serve to trample on.