1.居然可以在心情如此糟糕厌烦的情况下,看了半个小时的英文,此刻写笔记时,心情不那么烦躁了。又找到了一种治愈心情的方法。可能很大的原因是在看当幸福来敲门吧,读着书里Christ,单身父亲,带着儿子在加利福尼亚州的大街上提着大包,推着婴儿手推车,为了省一些钱,住公园,住机场的厕所,各种奔波,觉得自己的这些事什么都不算。"I knew that if i could hold on, everything would be so fine i 'd never have a care in the world after that."
2.Today i have a deep self-doubt again.Be good at nothing and inefficient.重新看了昨天定的新年计划,觉得可能什么都完不成,自我怀疑,自我否定,觉得自己做得一切都没用。老喜欢用年龄大了,家里事情多来为自己找借口,麻痹自己,掩盖自己的无能。就像王胖子经常说的那样,“做不好,还非要去做,自讨苦吃。”好吧,就算如此,我还是要去做。自找麻烦。拿今天读到的这句话来勉励自己“At my lowest point of wanting to finally give up, throw in the towel,认输,call it quits, spend whatever money i accumulated, and hitchhike to somewhere else, i caught a second wind-a burst of confidence -as a feeling of grace found me,hold on.that feeling said, hold on, and i do.”