教材第29页 30页
Marketers are skilled at stimulating demand for their products, but that’s a limited view of what they do. They also seek to influence the level, timing, and composition of demand to meet the organization’s objectives.
Eight demand states are possible: (可能有8种需求程度)
1. Negative demand —Consumers dislike the product and may even pay to avoid it. 负需求,消费者不喜欢这个产品,甚至愿意付费来避免它。 像视频网站虽然免费提供给你看视频,但是它加了超长的广告来烦你(产品的一部分),消费者为了不看广告,就付费去掉广告。还有什么产品是让客户产生负需求来赚钱的?
2. Nonexistent demand—Consumers may be unaware of or uninterested in the product. 不存在的需求,消费者可能不知道或者不感兴趣的产品。 像HPV疫苗,很多人去香港打这个疫苗,因为大陆那会还没有。所以这个产品是很多人不知道或者没有兴趣的
3. Latent demand—Consumers may share a strong need that cannot be satisfied by an existing product. 潜在的需求,消费者可能对这个产品有强烈的需求,却没被满足。 譬如现在国内英语专业学生迷茫,英语学地不够好没法成为专业,就只能找别的出路,学第二专业。这都是潜在的需求,所以我和大家一起学这本营销管理... 其实很多其他专业的学生,他们的专业知识也学得不好,所以一步一个脚印,踩下去学起来!
4. Declining demand—Consumers begin to buy the product less frequently or not at all. 不断下降的需求,消费者开始不买或减少购买频率的产品。电视,报纸,杂志等传统媒体的产品就需求越来越小
5. Irregular demand—Consumer purchases vary on a seasonal, monthly, weekly, daily, or even hourly basis. 不常规的需求,消费者可能一个季度或者一个月买一次的产品。譬如星巴克对于某些消费者来说,是每天都购买,但对于部分不喜欢咖啡的消费者,那可能就是一周或者一个月吃一次了
6. Full demand—Consumers are adequately buying all products put into the marketplace. 全需求,消费者要买全部产品系列。想到的就是苹果粉了,真的好用,电脑手机平板耳机,无缝连接!
7. Overfull demand—More consumers would like to buy the product than can be satisfied. 过剩的需求,有些产品只是买来占有,却没满足需求??
8. Unwholesome demand—Consumers may be attracted to products that have undesirable social consequences. 不健康的需求,消费者可能会被吸引去购买一些会产生不良社会后果的产品,我只能想到咪蒙,贩卖焦虑...
Marketers view sellers as the industry and use the term market to describe customer groups. They talk about need markets (the diet-seeking market), product markets (the shoe market), demographic markets (the “millennium” youth market), geographic markets (the Chinese market), or voter markets, labor markets, and donor markets.