#ifndef ARRAYS_H
#define ARRAYS_H
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int SIZE = 60;
const int MAX_PRINTABLE_ASCII = '~';
const int MIN_PRINTABLE_ASCII = ' ';
// Requires: n must be > 0
// Modifies: nothing
// Effects: prints a right triangle
// with a parameter of 3 gives
// Note: no spaces at the end of lines
void printRight(int n);
// Requires: n must be > 0
// Modifies: nothing
// Effects: prints a right triangle upside down
// with a parameter of 3 gives
// Note: no spaces at the end of lines
// **
// *
void printRight_upsideDown_rightJustified(int n);
// Requires: The size of array arr is size && size > 0 && size <= SIZE
// Modifies: Nothing
// Effects: Prints the elements of the array to the monitor
// Prints an endl at the end
// e.g., If array a contains {'A','%','8'} then the following code:
// printArray(a,3);
// cout << "Hello";
// will print:
// A%8
// Hello
// Note that there must be no space after the last element('8') in the above example
void printArray(const char arr[], int size);
// Requires: The size of array arr is rows x cols && rows > 0 && rows <= SIZE
// && cols > 0 && cols <= SIZE
// i.e., Even though array arr is allocated with SIZE rows, columns,
// it is a partially filled array
// Modifies: Nothing
// Effects: Prints the elements of the array
// one row per line
// Prints an endl at the end
// e.g., If array arr contains {{'A','3','@'}{'#','\','9'}}
// then the following code:
// printArray(arr,2,3);
// cout << "Hello";
// will print:
// A3@
// #\9
// Hello
// Note: that there must be no spaces after '3' and '\' above
// Calls: printArray(const char arr[], int size);
void printArray(const char arr[][SIZE], int rows, int cols);
// Requires: The size of array arr is size && size > 0 && size <= SIZE
// Modifies: The array arr
// Effects: Adds val to each character in the array
// If the array is: how now brown cow
// and val = 5,
// then result is: mt|%st|%gwt|s%ht|
// Note: Make sure the character remains in the ' ' MIN_PRINTABLE_ASCII
// to '~' MAX_PRINTABLE_ASCII range (inclusive)
// all printable characters are between this range
// If character > MAX_PRINTABLE_ASCII, then subtract ASCII_PRINTABLE_RANGE
// to put back within range, repeat as needed
// all printable characters are between this range
// ' ' is the 1st printable character (ASCII 32)
// '~' is the last printable character (ASCII 126)
// Note: Do not do the addition on char's. It could cause an overflow
void add(char arr[], int size, int val);
// Requires: The size of array arr is rows x cols && rows > 0 && rows <= SIZE
// && cols > 0 && cols <= SIZE
// Modifies: The array arr
// Effects: Adds val to each character in the array
// If the array is the following:
// (note there are some spaces at the end of lines)
// how
// now
// brown
// cow
// with val = 5, the result would be
// mt|%%
// st|%%
// gwt|s
// ht|%%
// Note: Make sure the new character remains in the MIN_PRINTABLE_ASCII to
// MAX_PRINTABLE_ASCII range (inclusive)
// all printable characters are between this range
// Calls: void add(char arr[], int size, int val);
// Note: Do not do the addition on char's. It could cause an overflow
void add(char arr[][SIZE], int rows, int cols, int val);
// Requires: The size of array arr is size && size > 0 && size <= SIZE
// Modifies: The array arr
// Effects: Rotates the array by one element to the left
// e.g., Array: abcde when rotated left becomes: bcdea
void rotateLeft(char arr[], int size);
// Requires: The size of array arr is rows x cols && rows > 0 && rows <= SIZE
// && cols > 0 && cols <= SIZE
// Modifies: The array arr
// Effects: Rotates each row of the array by one element to the left
// e.g., Array
// abc
// def
// ghi
// Result is:
// bca
// efd
// hig
// Calls: void rotateLeft(char arr[], int size);
void rotateLeft(char arr[][SIZE], int rows, int cols);
// Requires: The size of array arr is size && size > 0 && size <= SIZE
// Modifies: The array arr
// Effects: Rotates the array by one element to the right
// e.g., Array: abcdef when rotated right becomes: fabcde
void rotateRight(char arr[], int size);
// Requires: The size of array arr is rows x cols && rows > 0 && rows <= SIZE
// && cols > 0 && cols <= SIZE
// Modifies: The array arr
// Effects: Rotates each row of the array by one element to the right
// e.g., Array
// abc
// def
// ghi
// Result is:
// cab
// fde
// igh
// Calls: void rotateRight(char arr[], int size);
void rotateRight(char arr[][SIZE], int rows, int cols);
// Requires: The size of array arr is size && size > 0 && size <= SIZE
// Modifies: The array ar
// Effects: Reverses the ordering of elements within the array
// e.g., Array: abcdef when reversed becomes: fedcba
void reverse(char arr[], int size);
// Requires: arr1 to have size1 >= index1 + len && size1 > 0 && size1 <= SIZE
// arr2 to have size2 >= index2 + len && size2 > 0 && size2 <= SIZE
// index1 must be within range of arr1
// len >= 0
// index1 + len - 1 must be within range of arr1
// index2 must be within range of arr2
// index2 + len - 1 must be within range of arr2
// Modifies: The array arr1 and array arr2
// Effects: Swap elements of arr1 and elements of arr2 according to the following
// elements of arr1 from arr1[index1] to arr1[index1+len-1] are swapped with
// elements of arr2 from arr2[index2] to arr2[index2+len-1] inclusive
// Example: if arr1 is: 123456 index1 = 0, len = 3
// arr2 is: 789012 index2 = 3
// the result is:
// arr1 is: 012456 arr2 is: 789123
void swapRange(char arr1[], int size1, int index1,
char arr2[], int size2, int index2, int len);
// Requires: The size of array arr is size && size > 0 && size <= SIZE && len > 0
// Modifies: The array arr
// Effects: Exchanges len number of characters with the next len
// number of characters continueing across the row.
// If there isn't enough characters to do the exchange,
// then exchange nothing.
// Example: if the array is: batman$robin and len is 6, then batman is
// exchanged with $robin resulting in: $robinbatman
// if len is 3, then bat will exchange with man and
// $ro will exchange with bin resulting in: manbatbin$ro
// if len is 5, then batma will exchange with n$rob
// resulting in: n$robbatmain
// if len is 8, the exchange is not possible so do nothing
// Note: be careful you don't go outside bounds of the array on this one
// Calls: swapRange
void swapWithinOneRow(char arr[], int size, int len);
// Requires: The size of array arr is rows x cols && rows > 0 && rows <= SIZE
// && cols > 0 && cols <= SIZE
// Modifies: The array arr
// Effects: Will swap the row with index 0 with row index 1,
// row with index 2 with row index 3, etc
// If n is odd, the last row will not be swapped
// Example: if the array is
// a b c
// d e f
// g h i
// the result will be
// d e f
// a b c
// g h i
// Calls: swapRange
void swapRows(char arr[][SIZE], int rows, int cols);
arrays.h contains only function declarations (AKA prototypes)
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