注:以下为Upadhi 与Sajeela老师带领的第一脉轮课程结束时,给出的钥匙的总结。仅供上过该课程的同学参考。以下内容来自课堂记录;英文内容版权归Upadhi 与Sajeela老师所有;中文版权归Udgita老师所有。
The keys of the first chakra
Key 1
The one contains the other,and the other contains the one:greed and giving up.
If you notice the you are identified with giving up,in that moment be aware of the pain of separation of being identified with giving up gives you;so that at that moment you can choose.
the same with being identified with the greedy part;is it joyful or is it a separation that the greed gives you?
There is tension there.
So do you really want to live your life in tension and separation?Ask yourself.
Nothing wrong or nothing right. Ask yourself.
Is it worthy to be so greedy?Is it worthy to give up and not move energy?
Or can I just simply flow with what is happening?
love is not duality. Love is a stat of being.
Key 2:恐惧时确认真实与否
Because we have experienced fear,when you experience fear and feel like fear is preventing you from living your life;You can ask yourself: is it real?
Is it real fear or I’m in the usual dream?这个是真实的恐惧吗?还是我又进入了我通常会有的梦境。
Is it really happening that someone is attacking me or nobody is attacking me?
You can use the key because you know some fears are real and some fears are unreal.
So you have the opportunity every time that you feel fear,and check on yourself.
key 3
If you are noticing you are in the past or the past memory,realize that through the awareness of being in the past,come back to here and now.
key 4
The body is our temple and sacred.身体是我们的庙堂,它是神圣的。
How can I love my body more?我可以怎样更关爱我的身体?
Sexuality is a part of your life; say yes to your life energy.