Elon Musk 出生1971,Pretoria in South Africa
#South Africa 社会状况#
• 种族隔离、存在种族主义的社会(apartheid and racist question)
• Hyper masculine culture prevail
1. Great-grandfather:John Elon Haldeman
2. Grandfather:Joshua ——they moved to South Africa
• The spirt of adventure—private pilot flied through Africa to Australia
3. Mother:Maya
• Love of math and science
4. Father:Errol Musk~~an engineer
• Give children plenty of book
• Provide numerous trip overseas for children
• Deal out practical lessons for children
# 年幼Elon 的性格特点#
① keep right on thinking:常专注于将外部事物用图片形式存储在大脑中而忽略外部世界,还被误认为听力有问题
② Compulsion to read:Cosmic,fiction books,Encyclopedia Britannica.家庭远足中因为专注看书而半途消失。当地书店、图书馆尽其所能借阅。
③ Strive for greater collective enlightenment.
在种族主义下的南非,敢于冒险的祖父,爱科学的母亲,实事求是工程师的父亲等各因素影响下长大的Elon,童年因专注大脑构图思考而忽视外界环境,热爱读书而不受同龄人欢迎,上学时被问题少年们殴打和孤立。但Elon 却有拯救世界的想法。在大量阅读书籍,频繁国外游历,14岁少年也曾将拯救世界的抱负诉诸于宗教和哲学(turning to religious and philosophical text),最终因内心对科技的钟爱,以及南非的社会背景和服兵役等限制(required military service),走出南非走向硅谷,为“collective enlightenment”奋斗。
It’s easy enough to spot some of the underpinnings of Musk’s search for purpose
①本意:to put a solid piece of metal under a wall or house in order to makeit stronger.
②延伸为:to give strength or support to something and to help it succeed:
例句:the theories that underpin his teaching method .这理论为他的教学方法打下基础
③underpinning 名词,支撑,支柱,基础
the underpinning of ...···的基础,基调,
✏️【帮助记忆】under-pin:pin 有“大头针”的意思,大头针下面是圆圆的基底支撑结构——加强,巩固
✏️【复习】由pin 想到pinnacle:the pinnacle of ......的顶端,顶峰
... an elite cadre of people who can say categorically that they have reached the pinnacle of human achievement. Peak
仿写:The underpinning of excellent skill is deliberate practice
He plowed through fiction books and then comics and then nonfiction titles
plow through :to move with a lot of effort or force: 艰难的前进,努力完成,处理...难题
✏️plow through/ up/ across etc
例句:plowed through the backlog of work.费力处理一堆积压待办的工作
仿写:I plowed my way through the crowd.我费力穿过人群
Once it arrived, and without flinching, he left home for good.3:flinchdraw back, as with fear or pain
3:flinch:draw back, as with fear or pain,退缩,畏惧
✏️not flinch from (doing) something,不畏惧做...
例句:He never flinched from doing his duty.他从不规避自己责任(替换responsible)
仿写:he had faced death without flinching .
【写作】描述一个人勇敢勇于做... 可以反义替换:不畏缩做... 替换brave 等熟词
The Haldemans had a laissez-faire approach to raising their children
①the principle that the government should allow the economy or private businesses to develop without any state control or influence:
例:laissez-faire economics/ capitalism
②when you do not become involved in other people’s personal affairs
adj. 自由放任的;放任主义的
✏️ laissez-faire attitude/ approach etc
Once you figure out the question, then the answer is relatively easy.
Really we should aspire to increase the scope and scale of human consciousness in order to better understand what questions to ask
学会问问题,The art of the question。
Elon大量阅读,科幻小说,喜剧,大英百科全书等,按自己现在环境理解,这种爱学习的孩子不会被孤立,反而会被褒奖,Elon不爱体育爱读书反而不受待见,有些不理解。记得之前看Steven Jobs 写他的老师时提及类似,自己爱读书不爱体育并对此感到不是一件好事。文化差异导致思想观念的不同?