#Chapter 1
##A Brief Tour
###About This Chapter
There are a lot of principles, patterns, and smells in this book—and even more patterns that couldn’t fit into the book. Do you need to learn them all? Do you need to use them all? Probably not! This chapter provides an abbreviated introduction to the bulk of the material in the entire book. You can use it as a quick tour of the material before diving into particular patterns or smells of interest. You can also use it as a warm-up before exploring the more detailed narrative chapters.
###The Simplest Test Automation Strategy That Could Possibly Work
There is a simple test automation strategy that will work for many, many projects. This section describes this minimal test strategy. The principles, patterns, and smells referenced here are the core patterns that will serve us well in the long run. If we learn to apply them effectively, we will probably be successful in our test automation endeavors. If we find that we really cannot make the minimal test strategy work on our project by using these patterns, we can fall back to the alternative patterns listed in the full descriptions of these patterns and in the other narratives.
I have laid out this simple strategy in five parts:
* Development Process: How the process we use to develop the code affects our tests.
* Customer Tests: The first tests we should write as the ultimate definition of “what done looks like.”
* Unit Tests: The tests that help our design emerge incrementally and
ensure that all our code is tested.
* Design for Testability: The patterns that make our design easier to test,
thereby reducing the cost of test automation.
* Test Organization: How we can organize our Test Methods (page 348)
and Testcase Classes (page 373).
###Development Process
First things first: When do we write our tests? Writing tests before we write our software has several benefits. In particular, it gives us an agreed-upon definition of what success looks like.
When doing new software development, we strive to do storytest-driven development by first automating a suite of customer tests that verify the functionality provided by the application. To ensure that all of our software is tested, we augment these tests with a suite of unit tests that verify all code paths or, at a minimum, all the code paths that are not covered by the customer tests. We can use code coverage tools to discover which code is not being exercised and then retrofit unit tests to accommodate the untested code.
By organizing the unit tests and customer tests into separate test suites, we ensure that we can run just the unit tests or just the customer tests if necessary. The unit tests should always pass before we check them in; this is what we mean by the phrase “keep the bar green.” To ensure that the unit tests are run frequently, we can include them in the Smoke Tests [SCM] that are run as part of the Integration Build [SCM]. Although many of the customer tests will fail until the corresponding functionality is built, it is nevertheless useful to run all the passing customer tests as part of the integration build phase—but only if this step does not slow the build down too much. In that case, we can leave them out of the check-in build and simply run them every night.
Smoke Tests[SCM]作为整体构建的一部分运行。许多用户测试都将会失败,直到相关的功能被构建。
We can ensure that our software is testable by doing test-driven development (TDD). That is, we write the unit tests before we write the code, and we use the tests to help us define the software’s design. This strategy helps concentrate all the business logic that needs verification in well-defined objects that can be tested independently of the database. Although we should also have unit tests for the data access layer and the database, we try to keep the dependency on the
database to a minimum in the unit tests for the business logic.
###Customer Tests
The customer tests should capture the essence of what the customer wants the system to do. Enumerating the tests before we begin their development is an important step whether or not we actually automate the tests, because it helps the development team understand what the customer really wants; these tests define what success looks like. We can automate the tests using Scripted Tests (page 285) or Data-Driven Tests (page 288) depending on who is pre- paring the tests; customers can take part in test automation if we use Data- Driven Tests. On rare occasions, we might even use Recorded Tests (page 278) for regression testing an existing application while we refactor the application to improve its testability. Of course, we usually discard these tests once we have developed other tests that cover the functionality, because Recorded Tests tend to be Fragile Tests (page 239).