Susan bought her6-year-old son John an iPad when he was in first grade. “I thought,’ Why notlet him get a jump on things?’” she told me during a therapy session. John’sschool had begun using the devices with younger and younger grades—and histechnology teacher had raved about their educational benefits—so Susan wantedto do what was best for her sandy-haired boy who loved reading and playingbaseball.
She startedletting John play different educational games on his iPad. Eventually, hediscovered Minecraft, which the technology teacher assured her was “just likeelectronic Lego.” Remembering how much she had as a child building and playingwith the interlocking plastic blocks, Susan let her son Minecraft hisafternoons away.
At first, Susanwas quite pleased. John seemed engaged in creative play as he explored thecube-world of the game. She did notice that the game wasn’t quite like theLegos that she remembered—after all, she didn’t have to kill animals and findrare minerals to survive and get to the next level with her beloved old game.But John did seem to really like playing and the school even had a Minecraftclub, so how bad could it be?
Still, Susancouldn’t deny she was seeing changes in John. He started getting more and morefocused on his game and losing interest in baseball and reading while refusingto do his chores. Some morning he would wake up and tell her that he could seethe cube shapes in his dreams.
Although thatconcerned her, she thought her son might just be exhibiting an activeimagination. As his behavior continued to deteriorate, she tried to take thegame away but John threw temper tantrums. His outbursts were so severe that shegave in, still rationalizing to herself over and over again that “it’s educational.”
Then, one night,she realized that something was seriously wrong.
“I walked intohis room to check on him. He was supposed to be sleeping—and I was just so frightened..”
She found himsitting up his bed staring wide-eyed, his bloodshot eyes looking into thedistance as his glowing iPad lay next to him. He seemed to be in a trance.Beside herself with panic, Susan had to shake the boy repeatedly to snap himout of it. Distraught, she could not understand how her once-healthy and happylittle boy had become so addicted to the game that he would up in a catatonicstupor.
There’s a reason that the most tech-cautious parents are tech designers and engineers.Steve Jobswas a notoriously low-tech parent.Silicon Valleytechexecutives and engineers enroll their kids in no-tech Waldorf Schools. GooglefoundersSergey BrinandLarry Pagewent to no-tech Montessori Schools, as did Amazon creatorJeff Bezosand Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales.
Many parentsintuitively understand that ubiquitous glowing screens are having a negativeeffect on kids. We see the aggressive temper tantrums when the devices aretaken away and the wandering attention spans when children are not perpetuallystimulated by their hyper-arousing devices. Worse, we see children who becomebored, apathetic, uninteresting and uninterested when not plugged in.
But it’s evenworse than we think.
We now know thatthose iPads, smartphones and Xboxes are a form of digital drug. Recent brainimaging research is showing that they affect the brain’s frontal cortex—whichcontrols executive functioning, including impulse control—in exactly the sameway that cocaine does. Technology is so hyper-arousing that it raises dopaminelevels—the feel-good neurotransmitter most involved in the addiction dynamic—asmuch as sex.
This addictive
effect is why Dr. Peter Whybrow, director of neuroscience at UCLA,calls screens “electronic cocaine” andChinese researchers call them “digital herion.” In fact, Dr. Andrew Doan, thehead of addiction research for the Pentagon and the US Navy--who has beenresearching video game addiction—calls video games and screen technologies “digitalpharmakeia ”(Greek for drug).
加州大学洛杉矶分校神经系统科学的主管Peter WhyBrow教授,他对为什么会有这种上瘾效果称之为“电子可卡因”,而中国研究者将其称之为“数字海洛因”。实际上,Andrew Doan教授,他是为五角大楼和美国海军早期做上瘾研究—他过去一直研究视频游戏上瘾—他说视频游戏和屏幕技术是“数字法玛西亚”(希腊的毒品)
That’s right—yourkid’s brain on Minecraft looks like a brain on drugs. No wonder we have a hardtime peeling kids from their screens and find our little ones agitated whentheir screen time is interrupted. In addition, hundreds of clinical studiesshow that screen increase depression, anxiety and aggression and can even leadto psychotic-like features where the video gamer loses touch with reality.
In my clinicalwork with over 1,000 teens over the past 15 years, I have found the old axiomof “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” to be especially true whenit comes to tech addiction. Once a kid has crossed the line into true techaddiction, treatment can be very difficult. Indeed, I have found it easier totreat heroin and crystal meth addicts than lost-in-the-matrix video gamers orFacebook-dependent social media addicts.
According to a2013 Policy Statement by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 8-to 10 year-oldsspend 8 hours a day with various digital media while teenagers spend 11 hoursin front of screens. One in three kids are using tables or smartphones beforethey can talk. Meanwhile, the handbook of “ Internet Addiction” by Dr. KimberlyYoung states that 18 percent of college-age internet users in the US sufferfrom tech addiction.
根据2013年来自美国儿科学院的一份政治声明,8到10岁的儿童每天花8小时时间在数字媒体当中,然而这些年轻人会花11个小时在屏幕面前。三分之一的孩子在会说话前使用台式机或智能手机。与此同时,Kunberly Young教授在网络成瘾指南中声明在美国百分之十八的大学生网络使用者正在忍受技术成瘾症。
Once a personcrosses over the line into full-blown addiction—drug, digital or otherwise—theyneed to detox before any other kind of therapy can have any chance of beingeffective. With tech, that means a full digital detox—no computers, nosmartphones, no tablets. The extreme digital detox even eliminates television.The prescribed amount of time is four to six weeks; that’s the amount of timethat is usually required for a hype-aroused nervous system to reset itself. Butthat’s no easy task in our current tech-filled society where screens areubiquitous. A person can live without drugs or alcohol; with tech addiction,digital temptations are everywhere.
So how do wekeep our children from crossing this line? It’s not easy.
The key is toprevent your 4-5 or 8-year old from getting hooked on screens to begin with.That means Lego instead of Minecraft; books instead of iPads; nature and sportsinstead of TV. If you have to, demand that your children’s school not give thema tablet or Chromebook until they are at least 10 years old (others recommend12).
Have honestdiscussions with your child about why you are limiting their screen access. Eatdinner with you children without any electronic devices at the table—just asSteve Jobs used to have tech-free dinners with his kids. Don’t fall victim to “DistractedParent Syndrome” –as we know from Social Learning Theory, “ Monkey see, monkeydo.”
When I speak tomy 9-year-old twin boys, I have honest conversations with them about why we don’twant them having tablets or playing video games. I explain to them that somekids like playing with their devices so much, they have a hard time stopping orcontrolling how much they play. I’ve helped them to understand that if they getcaught up with screens and Minecraft like some of their friends have, otherparts of their lives may suffer: They may not want to play baseball as much;not read books as often; be less interested in science and nature projects;become more disconnected from their real-world friends. Amazingly, they don’tneed much convincing as they’ve seen first-hand the changes that some of theirlittle friends have undergone as a result of their excessive screen time.
Developmentalpsychologists understand that children’s healthy development involves socialinteraction, creative imaginative play and an engagement with the real, naturalworld. Unfortunately, the immersive and addictive world of screens dampens andstunts those developmental processes.
We also know that kids are more prone to addictive escape if they feelalone,alienated,purposeless and bored. Thus the solution is often to help kids to connect to meaningful real-life experiences and flesh-and-blood relationships. The engaged child tethered to creative activities and connected to his or her family is less likely to escape into the diglital fantasy world. Yet even if a child has the best and most loving support, he or she could fall into the Matrix once they engage with hypnotic screens and experience their addicting effect. After all,about one in 10people are predisposed towards addictive tendencies.
In the end, myclient Susan removed John’s tablet, but recovery was an uphill battle with manybumps and setbacks along the way.
Four years later, after much support and reinforcement, John is doing much better today. He has learned to use a desktop computer in a healthier way, and has gotten some sense of balance back in his life: He’s playing on a baseball team and has several close friends in his middle school. But his mother is still vigilant and remains a positive and proactiveforcewith his tech usage because, as with any addiction,relapse can sneak up in moments of weakness. Making sure that he has healthyoutlets, no computer in his bedroom and a nightly tech-free dinner at thedinner table are all part of the solution.