- Family A collection of related protein regions
- Domain A structural unit
- Repeat A short unit which is unstable in isolation but forms a stable structure when multiple copies are present
- Motifs A short unit found outside globular domains
- Coiled-Coil Regions that predominantly contain coiled-coil motifs, regions that typically contain alpha-helices that are coiled together in bundles of 2-7.
- Disordered Regions that are conserved, yet are either shown or predicted to contain bias sequence composition and/or are intrinsically disordered (non-globular).
对多个family进行相似性分析,将具有相似的三维结构或者相同motif的family归为一个clan, 可以看做是superfamily的概念,每个clan以CL编号标识,示意如下proteones
物种的蛋白质组信息,就是该物种内所有的蛋白质family 信息.