A Note on Distributed Computing翻译(三)

5 The Myth of "Quality of Service"

One could take the position that the way an object deals with latency, memory access, partial failure, and concurrency control is really an aspect of the implementation of that object, and is best described as part of the “quality of service” provided by that implementation. Different implementations of an interface may provide different levels of reliability, scalability, or performance. If one wants to build a more reliable system, one merely needs to choose more reliable implementations of the interfaces making up the system.

On the surface, this seems quite reasonable. If I want a more robust system, I go to my catalog of component vendors. I quiz them about their test methods. I see if they have ISO9000 certification, and I buy my components from the one I trust the most. The components all comply with the defined interfaces, so I can plug them right in; my system is robust and reliable, and I’m happy.

Let us imagine that I build an application that uses the (mythical) queue interface to enqueue work for some component. My application dutifully enqueues records that represent work to be done. Another application dutifully dequeues them and performs the work. After a while, I notice that my application crashes due to time-outs. I find this extremely annoying, but realize that it’s my fault. My application just isn’t robust enough. It gives up too easily on a time-out. So I change my application to retry the operation until it succeeds. Now I’m happy. I almost never see a time-out. Unfortunately, I now have another problem. Some of the requests seem to get processed two, three, four, or more times. How can this be? The component I bought which implements the queue has allegedly been rigorously tested. It shouldn’t be doing this. I’m angry. I call the vendor and yell at him. After much finger-pointing and research, the culprit is found. The problem turns out to be the way I’m using the queue. Because of my handling of partial failures (which in my naiveté, I had thought to be total), I have been enqueuing work requests multiple times.

Well, I yell at the vendor that it is still their fault. Their queue should be detecting the duplicate entry and removing it. I’m not going to continue using this software unless this is fixed. But, since the entities being enqueued are just values, there is no way to do duplicate elimination. The only way to fix this is to change the protocol to add request IDs. But since this is a standardized interface, there is no way to do this.

The moral of this tale is that robustness is not simply a function of the implementations of the interfaces that make up the system. While robustness of the individual components has some effect on the robustness of the overall systems, it is not the sole factor determining system robustness. Many aspects of robustness can be reflected only at the protocol/interface level.

Similar situations can be found throughout the standard set of interfaces. Suppose I want to reliably remove a name from a context. I would be tempted to write code that looks like:

while (true) {
  try {
    context -> remove (name);
  catch (NotFoundInContext) {
  catch (NetworkServerFaliure) {

That is, I keep trying the operation until it succeeds (or until I crash). The problem is that my connection to the name server may have gone down, but another client’s may have stayed up. I may have, in fact, successfully removed the name but not discovered it because of a network disconnection. The other client then adds the same name, which I then remove. Unless the naming interface includes an operation to lock a naming context, there is no way that I can make this operation completely robust. Again, we see that robustness/reliability needs to be expressed at the interface level. In the design of any operation, the question has to be asked: what happens if the client chooses to repeat this operation with the exact same parameters as previously? What mechanisms are needed to ensure that they get the desired semantics? These are things that can be expressed only at the interface level. These are issues that can’t be answered by supplying a “more robust implementation” because the lack of robustness is inherent in the interface and not something that can be changed by altering the implementation.

Similar arguments can be made about performance. Suppose an interface describes an object which maintains sets of other objects. A defining property of sets is that there are no duplicates. Thus, the implementation of this object needs to do duplicate elimination. If the interfaces in the system do not provide a way of testing equality of reference, the objects in the set must be queried to determine equality. Thus, duplicate elimination can be done only by interacting with the objects in the set. It doesn’t matter how fast the objects in the set implement the equality operation. The overall performance of eliminating duplicates is going to be governed by the latency in communicating over the slowest communications link involved. There is no change in the set implementations that can overcome this. An interface design issue has put an upper bound on the performance of this operation.

6 Lessons from NFS

We do not need to look far to see the consequences of ignoring the distinction between local and distributed computing at the interface level. NFS®, Sun’s distributed computing file system [14], [15] is an example of a non-distributed application programer interface (API) (open, read, write, close, etc.) re-implemented in a distributed way.

Before NFS and other network file systems, an error status returned from one of these calls indicated something rare: a full disk, or a catastrophe such as a disk crash. Most failures simply crashed the application along with the file system. Further, these errors generally reflected a situation that was either catastrophic for the program receiving the error or one that the user running the program could do something about.

NFS opened the door to partial failure within a file system. It has essentially two modes for dealing with an inaccessible file server: soft mounting and hard mounting. But since the designers of NFS were unwilling (for easily understandable reasons) to change the interface to the file system to reflect the new, distributed nature of file access, neither option is particularly robust.

Soft mounts expose network or server failure to the client program. Read and write operations return a failure status much more often than in the single-system case, and programs written with no allowance for these failures can easily corrupt the files used by the program. In the early days of NFS, system administrators tried to tune various parameters (time-out length, number of retries) to avoid these problems. These efforts failed. Today, soft mounts are seldom used, and when they are used, their use is generally restricted to read-only file systems or special applications.

Hard mounts mean that the application hangs until the server comes back up. This generally prevents a client program from seeing partial failure, but it leads to a malady familiar to users of workstation networks: one server crashes, and many workstations—even those apparently having nothing to do with that server—freeze. Figuring out the chain of causality is very difficult, and even when the cause of the failure can be determined, the individual user can rarely do anything about it but wait. This kind of brittleness can be reduced only with strong policies and network administration aimed at reducing interdependencies. Nonetheless, hard mounts are now almost universal.

Note that because the NFS protocol is stateless, it assumes clients contain no state of interest with respect to the protocol; in other words, the server doesn’t care what happens to the client. NFS is also a “pure” client-server protocol, which means that failure can be limited to three parties: the client, the server, or the network. This combination of features means that failure modes are simpler than in the more general case of peer-to-peer distributed object-oriented applications where no such limitation on shared state can be made and where servers are themselves clients of other servers. Such peer-to-peer distributed applications can and will fail in far more intricate ways than are currently possible with NFS.

The limitations on the reliability and robustness of NFS have nothing to do with the implementation of the parts of that system. There is no “quality of service” that can be improved to eliminate the need for hard mounting NFS volumes. The problem can be traced to the interface upon which NFS is built, an interface that was designed for non-distributed computing where partial failure was not possible. The reliability of NFS cannot be changed without a change to that interface, a change that will reflect the distributed nature of the application.

This is not to say that NFS has not been successful. In fact, NFS is arguably the most successful distributed application that has been produced. But the limitations on the robustness have set a limitation on the scalability of NFS. Because of the intrinsic unreliability of the NFS protocol, use of NFS is limited to fairly small numbers of machines, geographically co-located and centrally administered. The way NFS has dealt with partial failure has been to informally require a centralized resource manager (a system administrator) who can detect system failure, initiate resource reclamation and insure system consistency. But by introducing this central resource manager, one could argue that NFS is no longer a genuinely distributed application.

7 Taking the Difference Seriously

Differences in latency, memory access, partial failure, and concurrency make merging of the computational models of local and distributed computing both unwise to attempt and unable to succeed. Merging the models by making local computing follow the model of distributed computing would require major changes in implementation languages (or in how those languages are used) and make local computing far more complex than is otherwise necessary. Merging the models by attempting to make distributed computing follow the model of local computing requires ignoring the different failure modes and basic indeterminacy inherent in distributed computing, leading to systems that are unreliable and incapable of scaling beyond small groups of machines that are geographically co-located and centrally administered.

A better approach is to accept that there are irreconcilable differences between local and distributed computing, and to be conscious of those differences at all stages of the design and implementation of distributed applications. Rather than trying to merge local and remote objects, engineers need to be constantly reminded of the differences between the two, and know when it is appropriate to use each kind of object.

Accepting the fundamental difference between local and remote objects does not mean that either sort of object will require its interface to be defined differently. An interface definition language such as IDL can still be used to specify the set of interfaces that define objects. However, an additional part of the definition of a class of objects will be the specification of whether those objects are meant to be used locally or remotely. This decision will need to consider what the anticipated message frequency is for the object, and whether clients of the object can accept the indeterminacy implied by remote access. The decision will be reflected in the interface to the object indirectly, in that the interface for objects that are meant to be accessed remotely will contain operations that allow reliability in the face of partial failure.

It is entirely possible that a given object will often need to be accessed by some objects in ways that cannot allow indeterminacy, and by other objects relatively rarely and in a way that does allow indeterminacy. Such cases should be split into two objects (which might share an implementation) with one having an interface that is best for local access and the other having an interface that is best for remote access.

A compiler for the interface definition language used to specify classes of objects will need to alter its output based on whether the class definition being compiled is for a class to be used locally or a class being used remotely. For interfaces meant for distributed objects, the code produced might be very much like that generated by RPC stub compilers today. Code for a local interface, however, could be much simpler, probably requiring little more than a class definition in the target language.

While writing code, engineers will have to know whether they are sending messages to local or remote objects, and access those objects differently. While this might seem to add to the programming difficulty, it will in fact aid the programmer by providing a framework under which he or she can learn what to expect from the different kinds of calls. To program completely in the local environment, according to this model, will not require any changes from the programmer’s point of view. The discipline of defining classes of objects using an interface definition language will insure the desired separation of interface from implementation, but the actual process of implementing an interface will be no different than what is done today in an object-oriented language.

Programming a distributed application will require the use of different techniques than those used for non-distributed applications. Programming a distributed application will require thinking about the problem in a different way than before it was thought about when the solution was a non-distributed application. But that is only to be expected. Distributed objects are different from local objects, and keeping that difference visible will keep the programmer from forgetting the difference and making mistakes. Knowing that an object is outside of the local address space, and perhaps on a different machine, will remind the programmer that he or she needs to program in a way that reflects the kinds of failures, indeterminacy, and concurrency constraints inherent in the use of such objects. Making the difference visible will aid in making the difference part of the design of the system.

Accepting that local and distributed computing are different in an irreconcilable way will also allow an organization to allocate its research and engineering resources more wisely. Rather than using those resources in attempts to paper over the differences between the two kinds of computing, resources can be directed at improving the performance and reliability of each.

One consequence of the view espoused here is that it is a mistake to attempt to construct a system that is “objects all the way down” if one understands the goal as a distributed system constructed of the same kind of objects all the way down. There will be a line where the object model changes; on one side of the line will be distributed objects, and on the other side of the line there will (perhaps) be local objects. On either side of the line, entities on the other side of the line will be opaque; thus one distributed object will not know (or care) if the implementation of another distributed object with which it communicates is made up of objects or is implemented in some other way. Objects on different sides of the line will differ in kind and not just in degree; in particular, the objects will differ in the kinds of failure modes with which they must deal.
这里支持的观点的一个结果是,如果一个人把目标理解为一个由相同类型的对象构造的分布式系统,那么试图构造一个“objects all the way down”是错误的。会有一条线表示对象模型发生变化;在这条线的一边是分布式对象,在这条线的另一边(可能)是本地对象。在这条线的任意一边,另一边的实体都是不透明的;因此,一个分布式对象不会知道(或关心)它与之通信的另一个分布式对象的实现是由对象组成的,还是以其他方式实现的。线两边的对象不仅在程度上不同,而且在类别上也不同;特别是,这些对象必须处理的故障模式的类型不同。

8 A Middle Ground

As noted in Section 2, the distinction between local and distributed objects as we are using the terms is not exhaustive. In particular, there is a third category of objects made up of those that are in different address spaces but are guaranteed to be on the same machine. These are the sorts of objects, for example, that appear to be the basis of systems such as Spring [16] or Clouds [4]. These objects have some of the characteristics of distributed objects, such as increased latency in comparison to local objects and the need for a different model of memory access. However, these objects also share characteristics of local objects, including sharing underlying resource management and failure modes that are more nearly deterministic.

It is possible to make the programming model for such “local-remote” objects more similar to the programming model for local objects than can be done for the general case of distributed objects. Even though the objects are in different address spaces, they are managed by a single resource manager. Because of this, partial failure and the indeterminacy that it brings can be avoided. The programming model for such objects will still differ from that used for objects in the same address space with respect to latency, but the added latency can be reduced to generally acceptable levels. The programming models will still necessarily differ on methods of memory access and concurrency, but these do not have as great an effect on the construction of interfaces as additional failure modes.

The other reason for treating this class of objects separately from either local objects or generally distributed objects is that a compiler for an interface definition language can be significantly optimized for such cases. Parameter and result passing can be done via shared memory if it is known that the objects communicating are on the same machine. At the very least, marshalling of parameters and the unmarshalling of results can be avoided.

The class of locally distributed objects also forms a group that can lead to significant gains in software modularity. Applications made up of collections of such objects would have the advantage of forced and guaranteed separation between the interface to an object and the implementation of that object, and would allow the replacement of one implementation with another without affecting other parts of the system. Because of this, it might be advantageous to investigate the uses of such a system. However, this activity should not be confused with the unification of local objects with the kinds of distributed objects we have been discussing.

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