General information about SMP
Soluble microbial products are the major component of the residual organic fraction in biological wastewater treatment effluent. Their presence, therefore, has significant implications for the performance of wastewater treatment processes, the quality of the receiving waters and membrane fouling. Much attention, therefore, has recently been paid to the formation of SMP in biological systems, with the question of how to reduce the SMP concentration in secondary wastewater treatment effluent of particular interest.
It is essential to distinguish UAP and BAP as they are chemically distinct with UAP resulting from the processing of low MW compounds under substrate utilizing conditions and BAP from the conversion of high MW molecules in the endogenous process.
实验中除了常规的三氮指标,COD,MLSS, MLVSS的检测外,还用离子树脂交换的方法提取了EPS。另外检测了OUR.
1. EPS的监测方法来源于:Enzymatic activity in the activated-sludge floc matrix
2. OUR的监测方法是:
(1) 250 ml mixed liquor sample was taken from the reactors during aeration time;
(2) a DO electrode was used to monitor the changes in levels of DO;
and (3) the OUR values were calculated based on the DO depletion rate.
3. SMP的监测方法来源于:Soluble microbial products formation in anaerobic chemostats in the presence of toxic compounds
SMP[as COD]=[Soluble COD(SCOD) ]-1.07*[Acetate]
When DO concentration decreased and with the reactor under oxygen-limitation conditions, less SMP were produced by autotrophs. However, SMP production from autotrophs was a small fraction of the total SMP production and therefore had no effect on total SMP production.
Activated sludge model在对于污水处理过程模拟中并没有设计SMP这一部分,因此基于ASM的模型或者软件并没有考虑SMP。在查阅UAP,BAP模拟参数的时候,查看了Biowin的Manual,并没有找到相关的信息。因此在后期的资料查阅过程中一定要对ASM以及美国人做的模型进行仔细比对。
MacCarty教授在BT中基于Mass balcance做了建立了如下的关系式:
Rittmann 教授的一篇文章也对于这个过程建立了相关的数学模型,但这个是概念模型,没有列举具体的参数。
A unified theory for extracellular polymeric substances, soluble microbial products, and active and inert biomass