谢家的短命鬼长命百岁了,这本书终于翻完了,是一本仁者见仁 智者见智,可以打发时间的书,网文当然也是经不起反复考究的!今天就说一说第一个心魔的主人公,晏行,说他聪明吧,确实惊才绝艳,少年成名,琴棋书画,学富五车!是300年才出一个的天才和尚认为挚友,来点醒他的人!但是说他不那么聪明吧,也是,这样的一个人,在古代,不孝有三 无后为大的古代,最后没有一滴血脉传承,为一对40年没把他放在心上的母子,最后死后执念成魔,总之,在我看来,特别矛盾!也许作者想表达聪明人内心的分裂纠结吗?最后老太太死的时候,跟女主说,晏行还给她在床边留着位置,难道老爷子对老太太是真爱?所以才有了执念?但明明文章里感觉是老爷子对谢道之才华的欣赏,才接他母子入的府!然后半推半就入了老太太布的局,大难临头时又未雨绸缪,用看起来残忍的方式,其实是对这对母子最后的保护!可能,每个人到死的时候,对自己人生经历的一切会有一个回放,也许晏行觉得对谢母子做到了付出一切,却没有得到任何回报,一片真心喂了狗,才会生出执念和不甘,我不明白,人生长河几十年,时隔40年,对这段仅仅维持两年的感情,会有那么多的不甘心吗?这是聪明和通透的人设能干出来的事情?所以我说这个人物很矛盾,自相矛盾,经不起深究
"The short-lived ghost of the Xie family has lived for a hundred years. Finally finished reading this book, it's a matter of personal interpretation, a book to pass the time. As for the protagonist, Yan Xing, some see him as incredibly intelligent, a young prodigy skilled in various arts, admired by his monk friend. Yet, viewed differently, he faces challenges in ancient times, where filial piety is paramount, leaving no descendants. In the end, he turns into a vengeful spirit due to neglect from the young mother and her son, creating a profound contradiction. The author might intend to convey the inner conflict of intelligent individuals. The old lady's death raises questions about Yan Xing's true feelings – was it love for her or admiration for Xie Dao's talent that led the old man to bring them into his household? The complex narrative unfolds with a mix of cruelty and protection, posing a dilemma. Perhaps, as people approach death, they replay life experiences, and Yan Xing's unresolved sacrifices lead to obsession and resentment. The character appears contradictory and intricate, revealing the complexities of human emotions."