"5. Closed-minded people block others from speaking. If it seems like someone isn’t leaving space for the other person in a conversation, it’s possible they are blocking. To get around blocking, enforce the “two- minute rule” I mentioned earlier.
Open-minded people are always more interested in listening than in speaking; they encourage others to voice their views.
6. Closed-minded people have trouble holding two thoughts simultaneously in their minds. They allow their own view to crowd out those of others.
Open-minded people can take in the thoughts of others without losing their ability to think well—they can hold two or more conflicting
concepts in their mind and go back and forth between them to assess their relative merits.
5.头脑封闭的人阻挠其他人发言。如果 在对话中一方看起来不给对方留说话空间的 话,他就可能是在阻挠对方说话。为了应对 这种阻挠,可以实行我之前提到的“两分钟 法则”。
头脑开放的人总是更喜欢倾听而不是发 言。他们鼓励其他人表达观点。
法。他们让自己的观点独大,挤掉别人的观 点。
头脑开放的人会在考虑其他人的观点的 同时保留自己深入思考的能力,他们可以同 时思考两个或者更多相互冲突的概念,反复 权衡其相对价值。"