公司2017-06-20要开发布会,但是在06-19的时候还没有审核通过,只能 加班了
- 第一次:06.19 十一点看到iTunes上提示驳回理由如下
Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness
We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPhone running iOS 10.3.2 on Wi-Fi
connected to an IPv6 network.Specifically, the application did not display the IAP content. Please see
attached screenshots for details.**Next Steps**To resolve this issue, please run your app on a device
to identify any issues, then revise and resubmit your app for review.If we misunderstood the intended
behavior of your app, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to provide information on how
these features were intended to work.For **new** apps, uninstall all previous versions of your app
from a device, then install and follow the steps to reproduce the issue. For **updates**, install the new
version as an update to the previous version, then follow the steps to reproduce the
issue.**Resources**For information about testing your app and preparing it for review, please
see [Technical Note TN2431: App Testing Guide]
( For a networking overview,
please review [About Networking]
rkingOverview/Introduction/Introduction.html). For a more specific overview of App Review’s IPv6
requirements, please review the [IPv6 and App Review]
( on the Apple Developer Forum.
- 第二次:06.20凌晨1点46被驳回,审核时间很快,驳回理由如下
Guideline 2.2 - Performance - Beta Testing
Your app appears to be a pre-release, test, or trial version with a limited feature set. Apps that are
created for demonstration or trial purposes are not appropriate for the App Store.
Specifically, we found that the app contains empty sections, incomplete data, or features that are not
yet implemented, indicating that the app is not yet complete and not ready to be released. Please
see attached screenshots for details.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please complete, remove, or fully configure any partially implemented features.
Additionally, remove all references to "demo," "trial," "beta," or "test" in your app description, app
icon, screenshots, previews, release notes, and binary.
If you would like to conduct a beta trial for your app, you may wish to review the TestFlight Bet
a Testing Guide.
发现是附近界面中有一些测试时留下的话题,当苹果的审核人员点进去之后发现在这个话题中,什么都没有,然后说是没有测试数据,然后我们赶紧把测试的一些话题删除掉。同时新建了几个话题,同时在这几个话题中进行直播。重新提交到App Store的时间是:06.20 凌晨1点57分。在被拒理由的下面同时回复了苹果,希望他们能够一次性把问题都提出来,但是并没什么鸟用,该怎么着还怎么着。
- 第三次:06.20 凌晨2点22 心都凉了,又被拒了查看原因
Guideline 1.2 - Safety - User Generated Content
Your app enables the display of user-generated content but does not have the proper precautions in
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please revise your app to implement all of the following precautions:
- Require that users agree to terms (EULA) and these terms must make it clear that there is no
tolerance for objectionable content or abusive users
- A method for filtering objectionable content
- A mechanism for users to flag objectionable content(举报
- A mechanism for users to block abusive users
- The developer must act on objectionable content reports within 24 hours by removing the content
and ejecting the user who provided the offending content
Request a phone call from App Review
At your request, we can arrange for an Apple Representative to call you within the next three
business days to discuss your App Review issue.
To request a call and ensure we have accurate contact information, reply directly to this message
with a contact name and direct phone number to reach you.
看到原因之后,真的是被气炸了,因为在06.17的时候已经因为这个理由拒了一次了,然后根据要求修改之后,提交审核没事,现在可能是换了一个审核的人员,然后又以同样的理由拒绝了。我按之前的方式,截了几张图,包括app的截图、后台直播监控的截图。在06.20 凌晨2点46重新提交审核。
- 第四次:06.20凌晨3点40 一如既往的驳回 理由如下
We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPhone running iOS 10.3.2 on Wi-Fi
connected to an IPv6 network.Specifically, we have completed the In-App Purchase process,
however, the In-App currency balance did not reflect.Below are the steps to reproduce the issue: 1.
Launch the application 2. Navigate to Purchase/Recharge tab 3. Proceed to purchase one of the IAP
products 4. IAP confirmation window appears 5. Confirm Purchase 6. User is prompted with
Purchase Successful message 7. Balance does not reflect purchased content at the time of review
The review was conducted under sandbox environment.Please see attached screenshots for
details.**Next Steps**To resolve this issue, please run your app on a device to identify any issues,
then revise and resubmit your app for review.If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app,
please reply to this message in Resolution Center to provide information on how these features were
intended to work.For **new** apps, uninstall all previous versions of your app from a device, then
install and follow the steps to reproduce the issue. For **updates**, install the new version as an
update to the previous version, then follow the steps to reproduce the issue.**Resources**For
information about testing your app and preparing it for review, please see [Technical Note TN2431:
App Testing Guide]( For a
networking overview, please review [About Networking]
workingOverview/Introduction/Introduction.html). For a more specific overview of App Review’s IPv6
requirements, please review the [IPv6 and App Review]
( on the Apple Developer
经过翻译,发现原来是内购的原因,虽然在沙盒测试的情况下支付成功了,但是购买的钻石余额不增加,后台的问题。这个问题处理的时间特别长。直接就到了06.20早上8点42了。附带了几张图片提交审核了。大概在9点30的时候,刷新iTunes Connect发现沐沐直播 可供销售。
- 根据上面的时间点可以大概的推算一下苹果审核团队上班的时间点。第一次驳回是在2017年6月19日 下午9:36,这个时间是美国的五六点。提交审核成功美国的时间大概是晚上6点,但是有的驳回也有北京时间中午12点驳回的。现在苹果加快了审核速度。我估计是不是三班倒。
- APP内购买的项目正在等待审核,也不会妨碍进行沙盒测试,可供销售后,自然就变成已批准,内购项目参考链接//
- ipv6问题解决方法: 检查地址: