今天的阅读过程中,我会补充一些课外的小知识给大家:首先我在文中放了一个关于Red Rock Lakes的视频,其次,关于文章最后Sam提出的那个问题:How does a bird know how to get from where he is to where he wants to be?我找了两个视频给大家。一个儿童版,一个稍微专业的版本。找这两个视频的目的,第一是希望大家能够了解:鸟儿在迁徙飞行的过程中,到底是如何找到路的?第二就是希望大家能够带着一颗好奇的心来学习!这是一个非常重要的内在驱动力。有好奇心的同学,学什么都能学好,哈哈。
At the end of the summer, the cob gathered his family around him and made an announcement.
make an announcement- 发表一个声明,之前讲 give a speech,意思比较相近
Summer is drawing to a close.
The time has come for us to go.
All things come to an end. It is time for us to go.
draw to a close- 接近尾声
come to an end - 接近尾声
The time has come for us to go = It is time for us to go.
You children are old enough to learn the facts of life, and the principal fact of our life right now is this: we can’t stay in this marvelous location much longer.
principle fact of our life - 我们生活的一个原则(准则)
I know that you are all fond of this pretty pond, this marvelous marsh, these reedy shores and restful retreats.
retreat - hiden place 世外桃源般的地方/休闲度假区
You have found life pleasant and amusing here. You have learned to dive and swim underwater. You have enjoyed our daily recreational trips when we formed in line, myself in front swimming gracefully, like a locomotive, and your charming mother bringing up the rear, like a caboose.
pleasant/ amusing/ 愉快的,开心的
recreational - 休闲娱乐的/消磨时光的
locomotive - 火车头
caboose - 尾车(起守护作用的)
But these pleasures and pastimes, these adventures, these games and frolics, these beloved sights and sounds must come to an end.
pleasures/ pastimes/ adventures/ games/ frolics/ recreational trips 都指的类似的事儿
同样,在这里我们又讲到了 the Red Rock Lakes,我给大家找来了一个视频,大家可以稍微看看这个Red Rock Lakes到底是长个什么样儿
“Montana,” said their father, “is a state of the Union. And there, in a lovely valley surrounded by high mountains, are the Red Rock Lakes, which nature has designed
especially for swans.
地理位置:in a lovely valley surrounded by high mountains 坐落山谷,被高山环绕
In these lakes you will enjoy warm water, arising from hidden springs. Here, ice never forms, no matter how cold the nights.
水温适中,从不结冰 (ice never form)
In the Red Rock Lakes, you will find other Trumpeter Swans, as well as the lesser waterfowl—the geese and the ducks.
还有其他低等水禽 (lesser waterfowl)
There are few enemies. No gunners. Plenty of muskrat houses. Free grain. Games every day. What more can a swan ask, in the long, long cold of winter?
Louis listened to all this in amazement.
Louis listened to all this with great attention.
in amazement 一脸惊奇地(听着)/ 惊呆了
with great attention - 非常集中精力地(听着)
First, the takeoff, during which there is a lot of fuss and commotion, a lot of splashing and rapid beating of the wings.
fuss and commotion 这两个意思类似,连在跟一起就表示 “骚动,躁动”等意思
a lot of splashing and rapid beating of the wings 解释了fuss and commotion
Second, the ascent, or gaining of altitude—this requires hard work and fast wing action.
第二个步骤:升空!这里用了两个词 ascent or gaining of altitude(字面意思:获得高度),都是表示上升的意思。
Third, the leveling-off, the steady elevated flight, high in air, wings beating slower now, beating strongly and regularly, carrying us swiftly and surely from zone to zone as we cry ko-hoh, ko-hoh, with all the earth stretched out far below.
第三个步骤:平稳飞行! level-off, steady elevated flight, high in air, wings beating slower, beating strongly and regularly... 这一串的动作,大家可以想象一下,结合自己观察鸟类飞翔和自己坐飞机时候的状态
“What does ‘exalted’ mean?” asked the cygnet.
“It means you will feel strong, glad, firm, high, proud, successful, satisfied, powerful, and elevated—as though you had conquered life and had a high purpose.”
“I think,” said the cob, “the best plan is for me to demonstrate flying to you. I will make a short exhibition flight while you watch. Observe everything I do! Watch me
pump my neck up and down before the takeoff!
demonstrate flying - 演示飞行(demonstrate,演示,展示,是个动词)
make a short exhibition 做个小演示(exhibition 演示,展示,是个名词)
Watch me test the wind by turning my head this way and that!
test the wind 探测风向
The takeoff must be into the wind—it’s much easier that way.
be into the wind = downwind 顺风
Listen to the noise I make trumpeting!
Watch how I raise my great wings! See how I beat them furiously as I rush through the water with my feet going like mad! This frenzy will last for a couple of hundred feet, at which point I will suddenly be airborne, my wings still chopping the air with terrific force but my feet no longer touching the water!
Then watch what I do! Watch how I stretch my long white elegant neck out ahead of me until it has reached its full length!
然后是脖子-strech my long white elegant neck out ahead of - 像前伸脖子
untile it has reached its full length - 直到脖子完全伸直(请看图中的脖子)
Watch how I retract my feet and allow them to stream out behind, full-length, until they extend beyond my tail!
Hear my cries as I gain the upper air and start trumpeting! See how strong and steady my wingbeat has become!
Then watch me bank and turn, set my wings, and glide down! And just as I reach the pond again, watch how I shoot my feet out in front of me and use them for the splashdown, as though they were a pair of water skis!
bank and turn 这里表示在空中盘旋,飞翔时候的动作:时不时转动身体,改变方向
Having watched all this, then you can join me, and your mother, too, and we will all make a practice flight together, until you get the hang of it.
practice flight = exhibition flight = demonstration flight
practice test -模拟测试(真题)
All but Louis. He had to express his approval simply by beating his wings and splashing water in his father’s face.
express his approval - 表示赞许
express - 表达,表示,比如:express my gratitude - 表示感激
“Extend yourselves to the utmost, do everything in the proper order, never forget for a minute that you are swans and therefore excellent fliers, and I’m sure all will be well.”
extend yourselves to the utmost - 竭尽全力,尽你所能
They pumped their necks up and down. Louis pumped his harder than any of the others.
his = his neck
在英语语法中,这个叫做名词性物主代词。英语中有一类叫做形容词性物主代词,比如:my, his, her, our, your等,这些词后面必须加上一个名词;而另一类,名词性物主代词,其相当于形容词性物主代词+一个名词,但这个名词必须可以在前文中找到。不懂再问我!
Suddenly the cob signaled for the start. There was a tremendous commotion—wings beating, feet racing, water churned to a froth.
signal 作为名词,表示信号;这里作动词,表示“发出信号”,想一想百米赛跑时候那个拿枪的教练员
And presently, wonder of wonders, there were seven swans in the air—two pure white ones and five dirty gray ones.
wonder of wonders - 极其壮观的场面
Louis was the first of the young cygnets to become airborne, ahead of all his brothers and sisters.
airborne - 空中平稳飞行的状态
It was a tremendous relief—as well as a splendid sensation.
a tremendous relief - relief有释放的意思,这里表示 如释重负
a splendid sensation - 超爽的感觉
“Boy!” he said to himself. “I never knew flying could be such fun. This is great. This is sensational. This is superb. I feel exalted, and I’m not dizzy.
such fun - 如此有趣
sensational - 好爽
superb - 超级棒
exalted - 欣喜若狂的
Next day they were up early. It was a beautiful fall morning, with mist rising from the pond and the trees shining in all colors.
Toward the end of the afternoon, as the sun sank low in the sky, the swans took off from the pond and began their journey to Montana.
the sun sank low in the sky - 太阳下山
sank 原型是sink 这个词我们前几天讲过,另外他又可以表示“下沉”
How does a bird know how to get from where he is to where he wants to be?
1. 鸟儿为什么要求迁徙呢?
2. 他们飞行这么长距离,会不会停下来吃东西呀?
3. 他们飞那么远,怎么每次都认得回来的路呀?
4. 等等...
打卡建议:1. 天鹅飞行状态总结;2. 鸟儿到底是怎么找到路的? 3. 当日读书总结;4. 当日生活学习小结;5. 其他感受;(任选)@打卡小助手!